Hot (1150 ideas) – Mattermost Feature Proposal Forum (2024)

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1150 results found

  1. Allow screen-sharing without starting a call

    Enable a user to begin sharing their screen without needing to create a call. Useful in environments where calls must be disabled but screen-sharing is critical.

    9 votes

  2. mmctl command to clean-up orphaned files

    As it is now, we will probably have to write a custom lambda funtion that scans the entire S3 bucket, tries to match the files with the associated channels, and removes them if not found. Not even sure if this is possible, there are alot of id's in the pathname of the files, so my guess is one of them is the channel id, however, this we still need to confirm.

    5 votes

  3. Custom user groups with rights management

    I would like to be able to define custom user groups and manage their rights (channels they can access, ...) through these groups.
    That way when a new member joins, I can assign them to the group(s) and their rights will be automatically set correctly.
    TLDR : Custom groups management like how discord handles roles

    6 votes

  4. Add Preview Functionality to Boards

    If you open a document in a channel, you are able to preview it. It would be great to add that functionality to documents posted in Boards!

    11 votes

  5. Boards on mobile

    It would be great to have access to MM boards on the mobile app, integrated with my existing boards on the desktop and web app. This would allow users to view and update their board tasks from their Boeing Phone, when not logged into our laptop.

    248 votes

  6. Support for syntax highlighting in Mattermost Boards

    Mattermost Boards should support, in Cards text content, code blocks with language specification. For example:

    // Your First Programclass HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, World!"); }}

    Refer also to the following issue:

  7. Discard "New Messages" annotation by pressing Esc

    The "New Messages" annotation stays on even when the chat continues/the message is answered. I would prefer if it disappears when I answer, or if that is on purpose to at least have the possibility to discard the annotation by pressing the Esc button.

    3 votes

  8. Please, add custom notification sounds.

    Now we have 6 built-in notification sounds, I and my team like none of them.

    One has to disable notifications sounds instantly, because of the annoying bing and there is no option to change it to something more unobtrusive.

    2 votes

  9. Feature : Dark Mode toggle switch

    I want to add dark mode toggling button to your site to make it more readable and build a great user experience

    1 vote

  10. data retention/purge in open source edition

    I occasionally check in, to see, if mattermost is usable, now.

    Instead, you made it worse.

    You deleted the original thread from years ago:

    This is still wide open:

    It would be nice to propose switching to mattermost, but as it stands, it is still unusable.

    There's clearly a need:

    Even though few people are aware this 'uservoice'.exists, many people have asked repeatedly over years.

    I voted for the first time (couldn't bother signing up so far). But reading this post, this is at least from 2016. Seems you do not care for new users.

    6 votes

  11. DoNotDisturb

    Allow users to setup "on duty" time frames so they aren't constantly buzzed by the app when they are off duty. Unless a user is specifically cited.

    5 votes

    See Also
    Blog - Relai
  12. @group request function for boards

    In boards, there is a function to put an @username in the comments section which will notify the user their action is required on that board. However the board does not allow you to @usergroup or a specific channel. I am requesting 2 possible functions. 1. enable the ability to @usergroup so we don't need to @ specific users which may change out often. or 2. enable @ for a specific channel in the comments section of a board to send notifications to a channel that a new/existing board is requesting their attention. This will cut down the inundating task…

    1 vote

  13. Auto SSO/SAML login

    In a SSO environment, it would make sense when only one authentication provider is available, to auto redirect the user to the sso provider page, so that you dont have to click on the login button.

    In my case, i use keycloak with an active directory and kerberos, so all windows users are automatically logged in with mattermost in autostart if they did not have to click on the button.

    3 votes

  14. Integration JIRA Subscribe for Subtasks

    Please add the function of the jira plugin to create subscriptions for Subtasks, and not just for standard issue types.

    11 votes

  15. Checkbox group as an element for interactive dialog


    We’re using the interactive dialog and it is wonderful.

    However, there’s one interface that would make it perfect: checkbox groups.

    Right now checkboxes are independent elements. It would be nice if we could have a checkbox group as an element where we could define the minimum and the maximium number of checkboxes that should be checked on that group.

    3 votes

  16. Add Category level notification preferences

    Ability to set notification preferences for a Category with multiple channels. Currently the only notification control available at Category level is to mute/un-mute categories.

    1 vote

  17. What is the purpose of the "if" statement in Python, and how is it used in conditional programming?

    Can you provide an example of how to use the "if" statement in Python to create a simple conditional statement?

    1 vote

  18. Block users

    I would like to block my scrum master

    1 vote

  19. Integration

    Similar to Boards, it would be advantageous to have the ability to draw charts collaboratively with the rest of the team within the MM app. is an open source software with permissive licensing so it wouldn't be too much work to implement this feature relatively quickly.

    11 votes

  20. When i share a photo to MM android client, the MM app should open

    By instance, when i share my photo to Signal, Signal opens directly, so that should MM client do. Don't you think ?

    thank you and regards


    3 votes

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  • Don't see your idea?

I'm an expert in collaborative communication and team collaboration tools, with a focus on platforms like Mattermost. My expertise includes a deep understanding of features, user experiences, and the technical aspects of such tools.

Now, regarding the concepts used in the ideas you've presented for Mattermost:

  1. Screen-sharing without starting a call:

    • This involves enabling users to share their screens without initiating a call, which can be crucial in environments where calls are disabled.
  2. mmctl command to clean up orphaned files:

    • This idea suggests the need for a command-line tool (mmctl) to clean up orphaned files in the S3 bucket, associated with channels.
  3. Custom user groups with rights management:

    • Users are seeking the ability to define custom user groups and manage their rights, similar to how roles are handled in platforms like Discord.
  4. Preview functionality for Boards:

    • Proposing the addition of preview functionality for documents posted in Boards, similar to the preview feature for documents in channels.
  5. Boards on mobile:

    • Users are requesting access to Mattermost Boards on the mobile app, integrated with existing boards on desktop and web apps.
  6. Syntax highlighting in Mattermost Boards:

    • The suggestion is to support syntax highlighting in Mattermost Boards, particularly in card text content.
  7. Discard "New Messages" annotation by pressing Esc:

    • Users want the "New Messages" annotation to disappear when they respond to a message or have the option to discard it by pressing the Esc button.
  8. Custom notification sounds:

    • Requesting the addition of custom notification sounds, as the existing ones may not be suitable for all users.
  9. Dark Mode toggle switch:

    • Proposal to add a dark mode toggle switch for better readability and user experience.
  10. Data retention/purge in open source edition:

    • Users are expressing concerns about data retention and pruning capabilities in the open source edition of Mattermost.

These are the key concepts and user suggestions found in the Mattermost ideas you provided. If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular idea you'd like more information on, feel free to ask.

Hot (1150 ideas) – Mattermost Feature Proposal Forum (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Views: 5569

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.