How to Get PokeCoins Fast in Pokemon GO - Ultimate Guide (2024)

If you’re looking to earn PokeCoins fast in Pokemon GO, here’s everything you need to know:

PokeCoins are necessary for a variety of features in Pokemon GO. While the game is primarily a free-to-play title, those who pay have always had an advantage over those who don’t.

Thankfully, players can obtain PokeCoins without spending a penny, letting them utilize the game’s Shop after saving up for quite some time.

What Are PokeCoins Used For in Pokemon GO?

Although you won’t need any PokeCoins to catch, transfer, trade, or battle Pokemon, they certainly come in handy.

This premium currency is used in the Pokemon GO Shop to purchase:

  • Item Bag Expansion
  • Pokemon Storage Expansion
  • Team Medallion
  • Raid Passes (& Remote Raid Passes)
  • Egg Incubators
  • Poffins
  • Incense
  • Rocket Radars
  • Star Pieces
  • Lure Modules
  • More easy to find resources like Poke Balls or Potions.

Without coins, you’ll have a very tough time in Pokemon GO. Here’s how you get your hands on Pokemon GO’s PokeCoins as fast as possible.

Read More: Pokemon GO: How to Search For Pokemon Using IV Filter

How to Get PokeCoins Fast in Pokemon GO - Ultimate Guide (1)

How to Get PokeCoins in Pokemon GO

PokeCoins can be obtained by either purchasing them with real money or by placing your Pokemon in Gyms.

Spending Real Money

  • Head to the Pokemon GO Shop.
  • Scroll down to the bottom where you’ll find a PokeCoins section.
  • Select the coin bundle you’re willing to pay real money for and purchase it.
How to Get PokeCoins Fast in Pokemon GO - Ultimate Guide (2)

Placing Pokemon in Gyms

To earn PokeCoins for free in Pokemon GO, players can use Gyms.

  • Find a suitable Gym.
  • If it’s not your team’s color, battle the enemy Pokemon until it’s empty.
  • Then, if there’s, place one of your Pokemon in the Gym. Up to 6 Pokemon from different players can be in a Gym at one time.
  • You’ll earn PokeCoins when your Pokemon gets knocked out of a Gym, based on how long it was there.

Read More: Pokemon GO Update Makes Remote Raid Passes Much Harder to Get

How to Get PokeCoins Fast in Pokemon GO - Ultimate Guide (3)

For every 10 minutes that your Pokemon was in control of a Gym, you can early 1 PokeCoin. As such, you’ll earn 6 coins per hour, up to a maximum of 50 per day.

Therefore, a Pokemon must sit in a Gym for 8 hours and 20 mins to earn the maximum amount of coins.

However, your payout of up to 50 PokeCoins will only arrive when your Pokemon leaves the Gym. There’s no way to manually remove the Pokemon from its location, and you’ll have to rely on other players to kick it out.

Fastest Method to Get Free PokeCoins in Pokemon GO

  • Spread your Pokemon out in as many Gyms as possible. You can have up to 20 Pokemon in Gyms at one time, as long as they’re different locations. Even if multiple ‘mons leave a Gym in a single day, you won’t earn more than 50 coins though.
  • If you’ve already earned 50 PokeCoins today, try feeding berries to your other active Gyms to keep them alive until tomorrow.
  • Use some of Pokemon GO’s best Gym defender Pokemon in popular Gyms, to ensure you give enemy trainers a tough fight. However, in rural or inactive Gyms, definitely don’t leave a Pokemon behind that you’ll miss as it might be gone for a long time!
  • You should also pay attention to typings when placing your Pokemon in each Gym. If the Gym already has a strong Fire-type in there, consider placing a different type, one that can cover that Pokemon’s weakness.

While you’re at it, check out our ultimate guide to getting XL Candy fast in Pokemon GO!

Good luck earning as many PokeCoins as you can. If you want to catch all of the Legendary Pokemon and Ultra Beasts in Pokemon GO, you’ll need

How to Get PokeCoins Fast in Pokemon GO - Ultimate Guide (2024)


What is the fastest way to get coins in Pokemon GO? ›

Defending and attacking gyms. Because of this hard limit, there's no trick to getting coins other than consistently going out, visiting gyms, and leaving a defender. That means that which Pokémon you leave as a defender can make a difference in how many coins you get.

How many coins do you get for defending a gym for 10 days? ›

However, you can only earn a maximum of 50 PokéCoins per day, even if all Pokémon are removed from all the Gyms you are defending at once. Additionally, if your Pokémon has been in a Gym for several days, they will only provide 50 coins in total when they come back to you.

How do you maximize PokeCoins in Pokemon GO? ›

Currently, you can earn a maximum of 50 PokeCoins per day. You earn these coins by placing your Pokemon in Gyms, and for every 10 minutes your Pokemon defends the Gym, you earn one PokeCoin.

Can you actually get free PokeCoins? ›

The Defender Bonus refers to free PokéCoins that are earned by leaving your Pokémon at a Gym to defend against challengers from other Teams.

Is there a free coins code for Pokemon GO? ›

Are There Free Poke Coins Codes For Pokemon GO? No, Pokemon GO has never offered promo codes for free Poke Coins or premium currency. This doesn't mean they won't in the future, but as of writing, there are no Free Coins Codes in Pokemon GO.

What is the 50 coin limit in Pokemon GO? ›

Once you've reached the daily Defender bonus limit of 50 PokéCoins, you won't be able to earn any more PokéCoins by defending Gyms until the next day. If you have more than one Pokémon return from defending Gyms in a single day, the maximum bonus for the day is still limited to 50 PokéCoins.

How to get Mewtwo in Pokemon GO? ›

The Detailed Guide on How to Get Mewtwo in Pokemon GO

The primary way to obtain Mewtwo is by defeating it in 5-star Raid battles when it is featured as the Raid Boss. As a Psychic-type, Mewtwo is vulnerable to Bug, Ghost and Dark attacks, so bringing top counters from those types is recommended.

Can I pull a Pokémon from a gym? ›

They will stay until someone battles them and takes over the gym. They can't be removed by the player once they are assigned there.

Can I take my Pokémon out of a gym? ›

Your Pokémon won't be returned to your collection until it's knocked off the Gym, so choose carefully!

What are promo codes in Pokemon GO? ›

Pokémon Go promo codes are rewards given away by Niantic, often to celebrate specific events in-game. These could be free Poké balls, free potions, or anything really.

How to get unlimited pokeballs in Pokemon GO? ›

How to Get Free Poke Balls
  1. Spinning Photodisks. ...
  2. Purchasing from the Store. ...
  3. Open Gifts. ...
  4. Daily Free Box. ...
  5. Field/Special Research Tasks. ...
  6. Daily Adventure Incense.
Jan 13, 2023

How to get more than 50 PokeCoins a day? ›

Short Answer: No, But… Unfortunately, the daily limit for earning PokeCoins through gym defense is capped at 50. This means you can't earn more than 50 PokeCoins each day just by having your Pokemon garrisoned at a gym. However, this limit is in place for a fair play balance and to keep the game enjoyable for everyone.

How to spoof Pokemon GO? ›

How to spoof your Pokémon Go location on Android
  1. Step 1: Get a GPS spoofing app. ...
  2. Step 2: Enable mock locations. ...
  3. Step 3: Root your Android device. ...
  4. Step 4: Download a mock location module. ...
  5. Step 5: Choose a VPN server location. ...
  6. Step 6: Turn on GPS spoofing app. ...
  7. Step 7: Play Pokémon Go.

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