How to get customer feedback on eBay: what sellers need to know (2024)

On eBay, there’s one factor that will increase your sales more than anything else—positive feedback.

It’s the first thing potential buyers look for, and if you don’t have it, they’ll go find someone who does.

Surveys show that up to 97 percent of customers incorporate feedback into their decision when buying online, while 85 percent trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation.

With over 160 million buyers on eBay, that’s a lot of business to lose out on. Let’s take a look at what you can do to maximize your feedback and increase sales on eBay.

#1. Provide feedback for your buyers

Feedback is something that many people overlook—and it goes both ways.

If you leave feedback for someone who just purchased your product, you’re opening a dialogue with your customers and paving the way for them to return the favor. It’s a good idea to take the initiative and leave feedback before the buyer does. This will show professionalism and earn the goodwill of the buyer.

Sellers are advised to leave feedback when the payment clears, as the only real obligation that the buyer has is to make the transaction. The rest is up to you, so don’t forget to thank your buyer and leave them some positive feedback.

#2. Respond to negative feedback

It’s difficult to please everyone. If you’re selling on eBay, the reality is that someone will eventually be disappointed.

Leaving positive feedback is important, but it’s essential to respond to negative feedback politely and professionally. Don’t get defensive, even if you feel that a buyer has been unreasonable.

Think of how other customers will judge your reaction and do everything you can to represent yourself well. This will encourage future customers to trust and buy from you. Accept responsibility and never blame the buyer for their response.

#3. Offer quality customer service

A customer has just purchased from you, the payment has processed, you’re all set to ship their product and make a profit. Case closed. Is that all there is to it? It shouldn’t be.

If you’re not getting in touch with your buyers as soon as they make a purchase, you’re not doing much to retain business. A personalized message, even a short one, to thank them for their purchase and let them know the status of their order can work wonders for customer loyalty and satisfaction—and your ratings.

The last thing you want is for a customer to get in touch to ask about their order. Let them know and keep them happy. It’s not just the product quality that needs to be top-notch to stand out on eBay. You won’t maximize your potential without providing excellent e-commerce customer service, too.

Treat every customer like they are your only customer and they’ll keep coming back for more. That means:

  • On-time shipping
  • Tracking numbers for your products
  • Respond to any complaints politely and without keeping them waiting.

#4. Open a dialogue

If you’re happy with the quality of your goods and services, the best way you can get feedback is to ask for it. The best way to do this is with an indirect request that doesn’t put pressure on your customers.

Let them know how valuable it would be to know how you did so you can continue to improve your customer service. Timing and taking a personalized approach to the request can be the difference between success and failure here.

It is possible to take this on by yourself: compiling a list of buyers, creating a personalized message for each one and sending the message after the goods have been delivered.

Alternatively, automated software such as xSellco Feedback can speed up the process and generate positive reviews while you focus on other aspects of your business. The more positive feedback you have, the more attractive your product listings become to buyers trying to figure out which seller looks the best.

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Read more eBay tips from xSellco:

How to get customer feedback on eBay: what sellers need to know (2024)


Why don t eBay sellers answer questions? ›

There is nothing you can or should do. The seller either didn't receive the messages for whatever reason, or did and chose not to answer. Sellers have no obligation to answer questions, and you need to move on to another seller if that doesn't work for you.

How do I get feedback from customers on eBay? ›

  1. Be prompt in your payment. ...
  2. Write about your purchase right away. ...
  3. Send off items that are well-packed. ...
  4. List and sell quality items. ...
  5. Don't try to make extra money by shipping a different way. ...
  6. Indirectly ask for more eBay feedback. ...
  7. Include a note with the purchase.
Jan 16, 2023

How do I get more feedback on eBay as a seller? ›

How To Increase eBay Seller Ratings
  1. Provide Accurate Item Descriptions. ...
  2. Request Feedback. ...
  3. Communicate. ...
  4. Ship Items Immediately. ...
  5. Follow up on Negative Feedback. ...
  6. Use Multi-Channel Listing Software. ...
  7. Integrations. ...
  8. Features.

Why does nobody leave feedback on eBay anymore? ›

Some eBay members choose not to leave feedback or forget to leave Feedback, even when the transaction has been hassle-free. The seller may well leave feedback in bulk once a week or once a month. It's important to remember that Feedback is optional and not something members are currently required to leave on the site.

How to answer a question you don t know the answer to sales? ›

Be Prepared for Every Prospect with AdMall®
  1. Compliment the person asking the question. ...
  2. Be human. ...
  3. Don't fake an answer. ...
  4. Be funny. ...
  5. Listen to everything associated with the question. ...
  6. Write down answers and facts. ...
  7. Look for the opportunity. ...
  8. Find out when the information is needed.

How do you deal with difficult sellers on eBay? ›

If you're having an issue with an eBay seller, try contacting them directly to resolve your problem. If you can't work things out, we're always here to step in and help. To improve your help experience, please sign in to your account.

Do most buyers leave feedback on eBay? ›

We've seen above that a typical feedback rate is only 20-30%, so pushing that higher will have an impact on your feedback score and percentage. One way to ask is with a message to each buyer, after you have allowed enough time for them to receive the item and decide if they are happy with it.

Which eBay seller has the most feedback? ›

Top 100 eBay Sellers
RankSellerLifetime Feedback
1SecondSalecom (,956,378
2musicMagpie Shop (musicmagpie)17,437,390
3World of Books Ltd (worldofbooks08)11,910,327
4medimops_shop (medimops)11,161,089
96 more rows

Do buyers still get feedback on eBay? ›

A seller can only rate an order as positive or neutral or leave no feedback (they cannot give a buyer a negative rating). The user can add a comment explaining the score or expanding on it. If multiple items were sold, the seller can leave feedback for each buyer and each buyer can leave feedback about the seller.

How do I stop buyers with 0 feedback on eBay? ›

You cannot prevent someone from initially bidding because of a low, or zero, feedback score; unless, of course, you have already blocked them.

Can you get unfair feedback removed eBay? ›

If a member has violated one of our feedback policies, you can ask us to have it removed. Once we review it, we may remove the entire feedback, or just the comment or the rating.

Can a seller leave bad feedback on eBay? ›

You cannot it's a policy violation to do so. The leaving of negative feedback was banned many years ago, because some sellers were abusing the feedback system. For example, some were holding back items until a buyer left good feedback for them.

Why does eBay never side with seller? ›

Ebay doesn't know what the seller shipped or what the buyer received and they don't know what the buyer sent back or what the seller received, so they almost always take the buyers side. Have a great day.

How long do eBay sellers have to respond? ›

Unfortunately, there's no rule about how quickly a seller has to respond to your offer. However, most sellers will extend the common courtesy to a buyer and respond in writing within 24 to 72 hours (or three business days) from the receipt of the offer.

Does an eBay seller have to respond to an offer? ›

What happens after you make your offer. The seller has until your offer expires to decide whether to accept or reject your offer. They can also suggest another price. If they don't respond to you in that time, or if the listing ends before they respond, then your offer expires.

Do I have to answer eBay questions? ›

Not answering questions could quickly cost you what otherwise would have been a sale. Plus, answering buyer questions increases the likelihood for future sales from repeat buyers, since responding to buyer questions gives them confidence and sets positive expectations about dealing with you and your business.

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