How to create a folder in Notion? (2024)

Notion blocks are often compared to lego pieces because of the similarity in how they both function. The underlying concept for both is to put the smallest units together to form a larger structure that serves a bigger purpose and makes a better visual impression.

In Notion, blocks combine into a page and pages combine to form a folder. In other words, you can organize your content in a parent-child relationship that helps you establish hierarchy and find your content faster in future. This is a super-useful feature for Notion users because managing content on the platform can become difficult quickly because there is so much of it.

How to create a folder in Notion? (1)

Additionally, by creating folders, you can also control access at the folder level. This means you can share that specific folder and subfolders with a selected audience. The use-cases for creating folders in Notion are many, now let's explore how you can do that efficiently.

Here are the seven steps to creating a folder in Notion:

1. Create a New Page that will function as a Notion folder

Every Notion page is a folder. You can add more pages under it and view them as subfolders in your Notion left pane. To get started, create a new page in Notion or start with an existing page.

Let’s create a folder for a content marketing team. We will create a list of topics that would build authority for an important keyword - say “Social Media Marketing”. Here is what it looks like:

How to create a folder in Notion? (2)

2. Write content in the new folder

The new folder can contain a summary of what the folder and subfolders are about.

Alternatively, if you have a Notion blog, you can turn the folder into a pillar page that includes a mention of all the cluster pages. We will take that approach for our example of the “social media marketing” folder.

As you can see in the below image, we have created a whole blog for the folder titled - “Social Media Marketing”.

How to create a folder in Notion? (3)

All subfolders will come under this parent folder.

3. Add other pages to the folder

We have the parent folder ready now. Let's organize some subfolders under it. To do that, paste all the subfolder names as plain text inside the primary folder first, and turn them into pages.

How to create a folder in Notion? (4)

The above image shows how to do that. We have put together some subfolders for the “Social Media Marketing” folder and turned them into pages.

How to create a folder in Notion? (5)

Notice that the pages are available not just within the folder but also in the left pane. The design of the left pane also suggests a hierarchical structure.

4. Publish the folders to your website (Optional)

You already know that you can make your content on Notion public but did you know that you can make a website with it?

By using Super, you can create aesthetic websites that are optimized for SEO. You can set up navbars and footers, all without having to code!

Super takes your content in Notion and turns it into a website seamlessly. You can organize your folders the same way you do in Notion and establish a hierarchy for your website as well.

Here’s what that looks like in Super:

How to create a folder in Notion? (6)

5. Assign icons to the pages in the folder

Icons do not just make your Notion page look aesthetic but also give identity to your page. They help you establish the general theme of the pages without having to open them.

For example, the below image shows a page from a sample Notion weekly planner

How to create a folder in Notion? (7)

The icon makes it obvious that the page is about fitness. This icon shows up in the left pane of Notion as well.

6. Access folders by creating a dashboard

By now, we have already created a folder and a bunch of subfolders. But what if there are too many folders? For example, we created a folder for “Social Media Marketing” in this article. Now, what if we need more for newsletter marketing, SEO, affiliate marketing, etc.? There would be too many folders. And your Notion will become too cluttered and difficult to navigate.

You can move them all under another parent folder named “Marketing” but that folder would be too long and it would be tough to find the right content in it.

A best alternative, in that scenario, would be to create a Notion dashboard for all marketing efforts. This dashboard can give you and your team a birds eye view of all the top level folders. The users can then click on one of them and find the pages they look for.

For example, this dashboard for an agency captures all the folders that the team might need to access.

How to create a folder in Notion? (8)

7. Share your Notion folder

Alright, now that your dashboard, folders, and sub-folders are all ready, it’s time to share your content with your audience. You can grant access to specific team members or to anyone on the internet.

To do that, click on the “Share” button at the top right corner of your screen.

How to create a folder in Notion? (9)

In this view, you will find options to share content with individuals or teamspaces, or even make your folder public. Anyone who can access a folder can also access the subfolders in it, so you need to be careful while changing the access settings at the folder level.

In this article, we covered seven steps to creating a folder in Notion. We also showed you how you can publish it and generate leads using Super. Now you know how to organize your content into folders and make Notion easier to use.


How to group pages in notion?

The easiest way to thematically group Notion pages is by placing them in a folder. In fact, Notion does this automatically - every time you add a subpage inside any main page, Notion creates a folder with the same name as the main page. You can also drag and drop subpages located in different places within the same Notion workspace into a common folder, which is accessible from the left pane of your Notion screen.

How do you organize Notion pages?

The first step in organizing pages is to identify a theme and then group them into a common Notion folder. This way, when you want to find a page that matches the theme, you'll know which folder to check.

How to link a folder in Notion?

If you want to link to a Notion folder in your page, first copy the folder's link from the left pane of your Notion screen. You can do that by hovering over the folder name and then clicking on the “…” icon that appears. Next, click on the “Copy link” option. Finally, paste the link into the relevant page.


How to create a folder in Notion? (10)

Generate leads by turning your webpages into a website

Try Super for Free

How to create a folder in Notion? (11)

How to create a folder in Notion? (2024)


How to create a folder in Notion? ›

Every page in Notion also acts as a folder and can contain sub-pages as sub-folders, here is how to make them: Since every page acts as a folder. To create a new folder, select New page. Name your page / folder.

How to organize files in Notion? ›

Keep your files in Notion to easily store and share them. At any place on your page, create a file block that will prompt you to Upload a file from your computer or use an Embed link to embed a file on your page like a PDF. Click the + that appears to the left when you hover over a new line.

How do you group pages in Notion? ›

TL;DR. Yes, you can group pages in Notion by creating subpages within a parent page, simulating a folder-like structure for better organization. To create a subpage, type /page in the parent page, name your subpage, and add content. Subpages can also be created from the sidebar, enhancing workflow and organization.

How do you create a new page in Notion? ›

There are a few ways to add a new page in Notion. Click New page at the top of your left sidebar. If you're on the desktop app, use the shortcut cmd/ctrl + N .

Can I store files in Notion? ›

Use Notion as your online file management system to: Create, manage, and store documents in one workspace.

Can you make files in Notion? ›

In Notion, you can create a file management system that's customized to your needs —categorize and manage files in a way that fits your needs. And it's connected to your team's existing dashboards, project roadmaps, process docs, and more so it's easy to use.

What is grouping in Notion? ›

Notion's grouping feature is a powerful tool that allows you to organize and classify your database entries into different groups or categories.

How do I group rows in Notion? ›

You can group your rows by different properties on your table to visualize them in different ways.
  1. Click the ••• menu and find the Group section. ...
  2. The table will now group by values of that property. ...
  3. Empty groups can also be hidden from view with the "Hide empty groups" toggle.

How many pages can I have in Notion? ›

Notion allows you to create an unlimited number of pages, even with the free plan. Unlike most project management tools, Notion does not limit the number of blocks or pages you can create.

How many pages can I create with free Notion? ›

Notion free plan

With the free plan, you can create unlimited pages and store as much data as you want. This means you can organize your notes, create to-do lists, and manage projects without worrying about running out of space.

What is the best way to organize files? ›

Organize Files into a Hierarchy of Folders

An easy way to think about this is like a filing cabinet with drawers, folders, and sub-folders. Files can live at any point within the hierarchy, but the more detailed you can be, the easier it will be to find documents later on.

How do I rearrange my gallery in Notion? ›

Click Sort at the top right of your gallery. Choose the property you want to sort by and then choose Ascending or Descending . You'll see your gallery rearrange in real-time. You can add multiple sorts to your gallery, with sorting criteria taking precedence based on their order in the Sort menu.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.