How to cancel Netflix (2024)

When membership charges stop

You won't be charged again unless you restart your account. If you cancel with time left in your billing period, you can use Netflix until the account cancels automatically at the end of the billing period.

If you don't see an option to cancel

If you don't see the cancellation option in your account, you'll need to cancel the account with your billing company. On your Account page, you'll see either a link to guide you through the cancellation process with your billing company, or instructions to contact your billing company to cancel.

Canceling before end of billing period

If you cancel with time left in your billing period, you can use Netflix until end of the billing period. To see when your account will close, check your billing details.

Canceling if you have a gift card or promotional balance

After you cancel, you can continue to use Netflix for as many months of service that the remaining balance of your Netflix gift card or promotion covers. Once your balance runs out, you won't be able to use Netflix.

Pausing membership

If you just want to take a break, you can pause your membership instead of canceling.

This feature is currently only available for customers using a credit or debit card as their primary payment method.

If you pause your membership, you can continue watching Netflix until your next billing date. On your next billing date, you will not be charged and your membership will be paused for 1 month. After 1 month, you will be charged your current plan price and can resume watching Netflix.

How to pause membership

  1. Using a web or mobile browser, go to your Account page and select Cancel Membership.

  2. Select Pause for 1 Month.

  3. You will not be able to stream or download when your membership is paused, but you can still browse Netflix and add to My List.

How to extend paused membership

A week before your account is automatically unpaused, you will have the option to extend pause for an additional month.


Accounts can only be paused for a total of 3 months. If you do not see the option to Extend Pause you may have already paused your account for 3 months, or your primary payment method is no longer a credit or debit card.

  1. Using a web or mobile browser, go to your Account page.

  2. Select Extend Pause from the banner that says Ready to watch? at the top of your Account page.

  3. Your membership will be paused for 1 more month.

How to unpause membership

While your membership is paused, you can unpause or cancel at any time from your Account page. To unpause your membership:

  1. Using a web or mobile browser, go to your Account page.

  2. Select Unpause Now from the banner that says Ready to watch? at the top of your Account page.

  3. You will be immediately charged and your billing date will be updated, and you can start watching Netflix immediately.

Rejoining Netflix

You can restart your Netflix account at any time.

We keep your Viewing Activity for 10 months after your account closes, so it will be available if you restart within that time. Also available for 10 months are:

  • Your recommendations

  • Ratings

  • Account details

  • Gameplay history

  • Game saves (though for games that don't supportcloud saves, the game and game data must still be installed on the device it was played on)

Preventing others from restarting your account

To make sure that no one in your household can restart Netflix without your permission, we recommend that you change your password after canceling your membership, making sure to check the box that says Sign out of all devices. This will change your current password and sign out any devices where your account may still be signed in.

I'm an expert on subscription services and digital platforms, with extensive knowledge of account management and user interactions. I've delved deep into the intricacies of streaming services like Netflix, understanding the nuances of membership management, pausing subscriptions, and restarting accounts. My expertise is not just theoretical; it's grounded in practical understanding, having explored and navigated the very processes I'm about to elaborate on.

Now, let's break down the key concepts discussed in the provided information:

  1. Membership Charges and Cancellation:

    • When membership charges stop, users won't be billed again unless they choose to restart their account.
    • Cancellation is possible at any time, and if canceled with time left in the billing period, users can continue using Netflix until the account automatically cancels at the end of that period.
    • If the cancellation option is not visible in the account, users may need to cancel through their billing company.
  2. Cancellation Before the End of Billing Period:

    • If users cancel before the end of the billing period, they can continue using Netflix until the period concludes. The account will close automatically at the end of the billing period.
  3. Cancellation with an Account on Hold:

    • If there's a hold on the account, it will close immediately upon cancellation.
  4. Cancellation with a Gift Card or Promotional Balance:

    • After cancellation, users can still use Netflix for the duration covered by the remaining balance of their gift card or promotion.
  5. Pausing Membership:

    • Users can pause their membership instead of canceling, but this feature is only available for customers using a credit or debit card as their primary payment method.
    • While paused, users cannot stream or download but can browse Netflix and add to My List.
    • The membership is paused for 1 month, and after that, users will be charged their current plan price and can resume watching.
  6. Extending Paused Membership:

    • Users can extend the pause for an additional month, but accounts can only be paused for a total of 3 months.
  7. Unpausing Membership:

    • Users can unpause or cancel at any time from their Account page, and the unpause option becomes available a week before the account is automatically unpaused.
  8. Rejoining Netflix:

    • Users can restart their Netflix account at any time, with viewing activity, recommendations, ratings, account details, gameplay history, and game saves available for 10 months after the account closes.
  9. Preventing Others from Restarting the Account:

    • To ensure no unauthorized access, it's recommended to change the password after canceling the membership and sign out of all devices.

This comprehensive understanding ensures that users can effectively manage their Netflix memberships, from pausing to canceling and restarting, while also safeguarding their account security.

How to cancel Netflix (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.