3 Smart Ways to Change Netflix Billing Date (2024)

Why do you like Netflix? Is it because ofvarious Netflix plansor the collection ofamazing TV series? For me, it’s the ease of access to some exclusive features that no other OTT platform serves. One such setting is to change the billing date for a Netflix subscription. So, if your monthly salary date changes and you want to restructure your finances, Netflix understands you. In this article, we will discuss direct and indirect ways to change your billing date on Netflix. So, without any further ado, let’s begin.

How to Change Netflix Billing Date

Changing the billing date on Netflix is a straightforward task you can do from the account settings on Netflix. However, the feature is not available for every country. Therefore, you have to rely on some tricks that will change the Netflix billing date in unique ways. Let’s see how we can change the date for paying your Netflix bills.

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How to Change the Billing Date on Netflix?

Netflix has kept its user experience pretty straightforward. Therefore, you can do any task in less than a few clicks. Here’s how to change your billing date on Netflix.

  • Sign in to your Netflix account on a browser and go to your Account Settings.
3 Smart Ways to Change Netflix Billing Date (1)
  • Look for “Change Billing Day” on the right side.
  • Change the date and click “Review and Confirm.”

Changing the billing date on Netflix will require you to pay for the gap immediately. Let’s say you are changing the date from 1st of November to 10th of November; you will have to pay for those ten days before continuing with the process. You can also choose to select the last day of the month option if it helps youkeep your finances sorted.

Things to Remember while Changing the Billing Date

There are a few points to consider while changing your billing date. These are some rules and limitations to this process. Let’s have a look at what things you should remember while changing the billing date on Netflix.

  • This method is only applicable if you use adebit/credit card or PayPalfor payments.
  • This feature isnot available in all countries.
  • You can’t change the billing date on the billing date. It can be before or after the date.
  • Changing the billing date is not possible if your account is on hold.
  • You can’t change the billing date during a free period.
  • Your billing date can be a day before due to time-zone differences.
  • If your billing day comes on a non-repetitive date, like the 31st, it will be charged on the last day of the month.

If you are reading this article from a country like India or that do not present the “change billing date” option

What if The “Change billing day” Option is Unavailable

3 Smart Ways to Change Netflix Billing Date (2)

It is common among users not to have the “Change billing day” option on their accounts. It is because this function is not available for all the countries. Don’t worry though, here are a few secondary options that will ultimately change the billing date for you.

Cancel and Resubscribe on The Preferred Date

Yes, you read that right. It’s a smart way to get a new billing date. You will still be able to enjoy your subscription for the remaining days of the current plan even after cancellation. After that, wait for the preferred date to come and restart your membership. If you are having second thoughts to lose your recommendations, don’t worry. Netflix won’t delete your information and choices for ten months. Therefore, you can come back anytime in the period and restart your membership flawlessly. Here’s how to cancel your membership on Netflix.

  • Go to your Account Settings on Netflix.
3 Smart Ways to Change Netflix Billing Date (3)
  • Then, click on “Cancel membership” in the Membership & Billing section.
3 Smart Ways to Change Netflix Billing Date (4)
  • Lastly, confirm your cancellation on the next page.

If you aren’t using an automatic payment method, you can forget about the membership for a while. Netflix will put your account on hold unless you pay the amount for the coming month. This way, you only have to pay when you want to watch something. Given that, the subscription will be active for the next 30 days from the day of payment. But, you won’t get charged unnecessarily even if you are not using Netflix.

Change Plan to Change Billing Date

Imagine Netflix as a salaried employee. Your prepaid payment is distributed equally for every day of the month. What that means is if you change your current plan, your billing cycle will shift slightly. Let’s say your billing day is the 9th of every month, and you are using the Standard plan. Now, you decide to upgrade your plan to Premium, which costs almost double the Standard plan. Since Netflix wants you to enjoy premium benefits without any setback, it upgrades your plan immediately. In exchange, it pulls back your next billing date.

3 Smart Ways to Change Netflix Billing Date (5)

If your subscription value doubles, you can expect the next billing day to occur in half time from your current date. So, changing the plan ten days before the due date will bring the next billing day on the 4th or 5th day. This calculation can be tricky; therefore, you must check it manually by accessing the “Change plan” page (visit).

Another noteworthy point is this trick is only applicable if you are upgrading the plan. There won’t be any difference in the billing date if you are downgrading the plan. So, if you decide to downgrade your plan, it will take effect in the next subscription period. You will still have all the benefits of the current plan for the running month.

You can quickly change your Netflix billing date from account settings, requiring you to pay the amount for the gap instantly. However, this method is only available in limited countries. In such cases, I recommend you cancel your subscription and take a break for a while before restarting it on your preferred date. Meanwhile, if you are also looking to upgrade your plan, the Netflix billing date changes automatically.

Changing Netflix’s Billing Date: FAQs

What happens if I cancel Netflix before my billing date?

You will be able to use Netflix until your current plan ends, even if you cancel your subscription. The changes will take effect after the last day of the current cycle.

Does Netflix charge automatically?

Yes, the recurring payments are billed and debited monthly. However, you can quickly stop auto payments from your bank to avoid unnecessary billings.

How many days does Netflix give you to pay?

If your current plan is exhausted and you haven’t paid the next fee, Netflix will hold your account for ten months. You can restart your membership at any time in that period without paying for the lost months.

Perks of Changing Netflix Billing Date

So that’s how you can change your Netflix payment date easily. While we wish the feature was available in all countries, there are workarounds you can use if it’s not available in your country or region. What’s more, you can even change your Netflix region if you want to and get better prices, additional features, and exclusive content if you so desire. So, are you planning on changing your Netflix billing date? Let us know in the comments.

As a tech enthusiast deeply immersed in the realm of online streaming platforms, particularly Netflix, I can confidently share expertise and insights on various aspects related to its functionalities and features.

Netflix, being a prominent over-the-top (OTT) platform, has continually evolved, offering diverse plans and an extensive library of TV series and movies. The focal point of your inquiry revolves around a specific aspect of Netflix's functionality—changing the billing date. This feature, while available in select regions, offers users the flexibility to align their payment schedules with their financial cycles, a convenience appreciated by many subscribers.

The article extensively discusses the procedure to alter the billing date on Netflix, highlighting both direct and indirect methods. It emphasizes accessing account settings, finding the "Change Billing Day" option, and adjusting the date, elucidating that immediate payment for the gap period may be required. Additionally, it delves into nuances and limitations associated with this process, such as payment methods (debit/credit card or PayPal) required for this change, restrictions during free trial periods or account holds, and variations due to time-zone differences or non-repetitive billing dates.

The article further elaborates on alternate strategies for users residing in regions where the direct "Change billing day" option is unavailable. It suggests canceling and resubscribing on the preferred date, ensuring uninterrupted access and retention of user data for a specified duration. Additionally, it proposes an intriguing method—changing the subscription plan—to subtly shift the billing cycle, highlighting how upgrading the plan alters the billing date while downgrading does not.

Moreover, the piece addresses frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding Netflix billing, clarifying queries related to cancellations, automatic payments, grace periods for payment, and the impact of plan changes on billing cycles.

The holistic approach in the article not only provides step-by-step guidance on changing the billing date but also caters to diverse scenarios and user concerns, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of Netflix's subscription management intricacies.

If you have any specific queries or need further elucidation on Netflix's functionalities or any other tech-related topic, feel free to ask!

3 Smart Ways to Change Netflix Billing Date (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.