How long is 7 miles driving? (2024)

I want to volunteer this summer and I found a community center 7 miles away. Since I’m already donating my time, I don’t want the commute to be lengthy. Approximately how long is 7 miles if I’m driving?

How long is 7 miles driving? (1)

Eric Schad · Updated on

Reviewed by Shannon Martin, Licensed Insurance Agent.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your local community and feel good about yourself! The good news is that you won’t spend too much time in the car driving that far.

However, several factors are at play that will change how long your drive takes:

  • Your speed

  • Traffic and construction zones

  • Whether you’re driving in the city, on the highway, or a mix of both

If you want a basic idea of how long your drive will take, here are some average speeds and their corresponding timeframes to go 7 miles:

  • 25 mph: 16 minutes, 48 seconds

  • 35 mph: 12 minutes

  • 45 mph: 9 minutes, 20 seconds

  • 55 mph: 7 minutes, 38 seconds

  • 65 mph: 6 minutes, 28 seconds

  • 70 mph: 6 minutes

A great way to ensure you get to your volunteer job on time is to leave early or use a

traffic app

to get to your destination as fast as possible.

Since you’re giving something back to the community, why not give back to yourself by shopping around for better-priced car insurance with the



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How long is 7 miles driving? (2)

How long is 7 miles driving? (3)How long is 7 miles driving? (4)

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How long is 7 miles driving? (2024)


How many minutes are in 7 miles? ›

If you are driving 60 MPH, which is a mile a minute, in 7 minutes you would go 7 miles.

How many miles is 7 hours of driving? ›

420 miles. If you take 60 (mph) times 7 (hours) it comes out to 420 miles.

How many miles is 10 minutes driving? ›

Formula is simple, Distance Travelled is = Speed * Time. Time of travel is 10 Minutes which is equal to 10/60 Hours = 1/6 Hour. D = 30 * (1/6) = 5 Miles. That means, with a speed of 30 MPH, if moving object travels for 10 minutes, the moving object moves a distance of 5 Miles.

How long does it take to go 7 miles at 35 mph? ›

It will take 0.2hr to cover 7 miles distance. If you can do 35 miles in one hour and you want to make 7 miles that will take 1/5 of an hour. In 60 minutes you do 35 miles. If you divide both by five that is 12 mins and 7 miles.

How many mph is 7 minutes? ›

2. Convert pace to speed, and speed to pace both mile and km.
7 min8.54 m 20 s
8 min7.54 m 58 s
9 min6.65 m 35 s
10 min66 m 12 s

How long is a drive of 6 miles? ›

Generally speaking, it would take about 10-15 minutes to travel 6 miles in a car if there is no traffic or other delays.

How many miles is 1 hour drive? ›

- If the car is traveling at a speed of 60 miles per hour (mph), it can travel 60 miles in one hour. - If the car is traveling at a speed of 70 mph, it can travel 70 miles in one hour. - If the car is traveling at a speed of 80 mph, it can travel 80 miles in one hour.

How to drive for 7 hours? ›

Taking Breaks Is Non-Negotiable

Drowsy driving is dangerous. To combat it, take a quick break every few hours. Eat or drink something, stretch your legs, and check in with yourself: do you feel drowsy or alert?

How many miles is 2 hours driving? ›

How many miles are in 2 hours? - Quora. At sixty miles per hour, two hours would amount to 2 x 60 = 120 miles. But consider a jet traveling at the speed of sound. Sound travels at about 767.269 miles per hour.

How long is 5 miles in minutes driving? ›

If the road is fine and there is normal traffical conditions, the distance of 5 miles should be covered in 10 minutes time by ordinary good car and good driver.

How many miles is 3 minute drive? ›

A typical car in the city might cruise at about 30 mph, covering around 1.5 miles in 3 minutes. Switch to walking shoes, and at an average pace of 3 mph, you'll take about 30 minutes to cover that same 1.5-mile stretch.

How long is 10 miles in hour? ›

10 miles in 1 hour is a 6 minute per mile pace. Any runner capable of running 10 miles in an hour is a gifted runner. 10 miles in one hour is 10 mph.

How long is a 7 mile walk? ›

Pace: The time it takes to walk 7 miles will depend on your walking speed. The average walking pace for a person is around 3 to 4 miles per hour. So, if you maintain a pace of 3 miles per hour, it would take you about 2 hours and 20 minutes to walk 7 miles.

How many minutes is 5 miles? ›

Average walking pace is reckoned to be 3mph, or one mile every 20 minutes, so on that basis 5 miles would take 100 minutes (1 hr 40). I tend to walk at nearer 4mph, so 75 minutes would be nearer the mark for me.

How far do I travel at 70 mph? ›

70 miles per hour means that each hour, the car will travel 70 miles. It should come as no shock, then, that it will take 1 hour to go 70 miles.

How long is 7 miles in walking? ›

Pace: The time it takes to walk 7 miles will depend on your walking speed. The average walking pace for a person is around 3 to 4 miles per hour. So, if you maintain a pace of 3 miles per hour, it would take you about 2 hours and 20 minutes to walk 7 miles.

How many miles is 1 hour? ›

If a car is doing a constant 60 mph, it will travel 60 miles. In an hour.

How long is 1 miles in time? ›

According to data gathered in a 2019 scientific study, it takes the average person 15-22 minutes to walk one mile. Remember that the weather, your age, the terrain you're walking on, and how fast you're walking are all factors that can impact your mile time.

How many miles is 60 minutes? ›

Without factoring acceleration and deceleration, in other words constant velocity, the answer is simple, at 60 miles per hour you drive 60 miles in 60 minutes.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.