Here Is How to Maximize Your eBay Bids by Timing Your Seller Listings (2024)

Sellers spend a great deal of time perfecting their auction listings. They labor over their titles until they find the perfect combination of keywords and perfect the layout and item descriptions to encourage bidders. Timing, however, is at least as important as the content of an auction listing when it comes to selling effectively on eBay.

Like nearly all websites, eBay doesn't experience traffic in smooth, continuous flows. Instead, there are peaks and valleys that can be measured by day, week, and season. Listing so that your auction spans or closes on a visitor traffic valley can mean that you don't earn as much as you could have. To take advantage of this, do your research and learn the best time to list your item on eBay.

Matching Listing to End to Peak Traffic

There are two simple principles you should keep in mind whenever you prepare to list an item. Once you've settled on a title and description, you’ll need to decide how long your auction should last. The longer you list, the more bids you’ll get. Many of eBay's visitors check the site once per week or less, so a listing of at least seven days is preferable, and ten days is ideal. The vast majority of eBay bids are placed within the last few minutes of an auction listing's lifespan. Though it takes days to accumulate watchers, most of these people won't actually bid until the auction is nearly closed. Once your auction is down to its last half-hour or so, it will also begin to appear in "closing soon" results, which can draw in still more bidders. But that's only if there are bidders around to see it.

The Best Days and Times to List on eBay

Peak traffic on eBay's main site runs in daily and weekly cycles, following the same pattern seen around most of the Internet. Usually, daily peak traffic is between 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. Eastern Time, and weekly peak traffic is usually on Sunday evenings during that same timeframe. To maximize bidding for daily peak time, set your auction to be completed during these times so that it will gain the largest possible daily audience. Listing seven-day auctions every Sunday evening is also a convenient way to time your auctions well without having to think about it too much while also avoiding the surcharge on ten-day listings. If you are going to list your item for ten days, however, the best time to list is on Thursday evenings, which allows you to gain exposure for two full weekends. The difference can be quite significant, especially compared, for example, to endings on weekday mornings, when even people who were watching your listing closely are unlikely to remember to bid.

Other Ways to Maximize Your eBay Bids

Another key way to maximize your bids is to set your minimum bid amount low. Starting the auction off with a low threshold makes your auction seem more approachable to buyers and gives them an incentive to get in on the action. To ensure that you’re getting at least the desired amount, however, be sure to set your reserve price—the amount that must be met in order for the item to be purchased.

There are other things you can do to boost your profile. If you commit to donating part of your proceeds to charity, oftentimes, your items will generate more bids and garner a higher sales price because buyers are more apt to make a purchase that will help a charity. Your listing will get greater prominence in searches, as eBay adds a unique charity logo in the search view and includes a full description of the charity donation in the listing.

Sellers can choose to donate any amount of their profit from 10% to 100%. Another beneficial aspect of donating part of your proceeds to charity is that eBay discounts the final value fees by the same percentage that’s earmarked for donation, and any donation is tax-deductible.

Participating charities include Digital Citizen Fund, Feeding America, United Way Worldwide, The Humane Society of the United States, The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights, Kiva, Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, Heart for Ethiopia, American Cancer Society, ThreadED, March of Dimes, Americares, ASPCA, Blind Center of Nevada, Care, Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity, Save the Children, Team Rubicon, Unicef, World Vision, WWF, and American Red Cross.

Here Is How to Maximize Your eBay Bids by Timing Your Seller Listings (2024)


Here Is How to Maximize Your eBay Bids by Timing Your Seller Listings? ›

Once you've settled on a title and description, you'll need to decide how long your auction should last. The longer you list, the more bids you'll get. Many of eBay's visitors check the site once per week or less, so a listing of at least seven days is preferable, and ten days is ideal.

What is the most effective way to bid on eBay? ›

eBay bidding tips

By placing your highest bid in the closing seconds, you stand a greater chance of getting the item. If an auction-style listing has a reserve price, bid up to that amount as early as possible, so other bidders aren't attracted by the low starting price.

How do I increase my maximum bid on eBay? ›

Increasing Your Bid Amount

Just return to the item listing page and place a new bid, making sure that your new maximum bid is higher than your old maximum bid. (You can't decrease your maximum bid!) When you enter this new bid, it replaces your previous bid.

What is the best time to run auctions on eBay? ›

Sunday. Sunday is widely considered to be the best day to end an auction, as Jane eBay and Joe Bidder are more likely to be sitting in front of their computers at home with time to shop. Many people also use Sunday-and to a lesser extent, Saturday—as “get things done” days, including searching and bidding on eBay.

Is it better to do a 7 day or 10-day auction on eBay? ›

List Your Goods for 10 Days. When you list a new item for sale on eBay, you can set the length of time that bidding will be open – from one day to 10 days. The Journal of Industrial Economics shows that 10-day auctions yield 42% more than three- and five-day auctions, and 18% more than seven-day auctions.

What is the best bidding strategy? ›

Use portfolio bidding

A portfolio bid strategy is when you create one bid strategy and apply it to multiple campaigns. It's a great way to manage the bids of multiple campaigns at once. With a portfolio strategy, you can allocate certain daily budgets and prioritize certain groups of campaigns all at once.

Does eBay automatically go to your highest bid? ›

Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an eBay auction. Simply enter the highest price you're willing to pay for an item, and we'll do the rest.

Do eBay sellers see your maximum bid? ›

The seller can see no more about the amounts of the bids than anyone else can (s/he can see your actual user ID but not your hidden maximum; everyone can see your maximum bid if it is outbid or it is less than a full bid increment over the underbidder's maximum bid).

What happens if I bid too much on eBay? ›

According to eBay, you're allowed to retract your bid if the seller changed the item description significantly or if you accidentally bid the wrong amount. If more than 12 hours remain in an auction, you can retract all your bids, according to eBay.

What day is best to sell on eBay? ›

Pick the right time

According to eBay, the most popular time on the site is Sunday evening, so make sure your listing finishes then. Avoid times when most people will be busy, such as weekday mornings, or during big events like football matches or TV finales.

What time of day is best to end auction? ›

As mentioned above, the most popular times for sellers to end their eBay auctions is between 6PM to 10PM EST. The reason that this is such a popular time is that it covers your end-of-workday shopping spike from coast to coast, and takes advantage of the time of day when buyers are most active.

Do watchers on eBay usually bid? ›

Watchers can be very encouraging, but they do not always translate into buyers. People watch items for a number of reasons, and may not always intent to purchase.

How many seconds left should you bid on eBay? ›

You have to be ready to click confirm bid within seconds of the auction close. 2 seconds is cutting it a little close. Try within the last 6-10 seconds. Bid the most you are willing to pay, and even if you get outbid, you know you weren't willing to pay more.

Should you start eBay auction at 99 cents? ›

Are you okay with selling that item for $0.99? If you are, then yes, if not, then be sure the starting price is a price that you are okay with actually selling the item for. Watchers don't always equal bidders, and bidders are not a guarantee in any category.

When should I place a last minute bid on eBay? ›

I suggest you start with ten seconds left, or even twelve or thirteen, and with practice refine it down as near the end as you've determined that you can reasonably rely on. Always remember, though, that it isn't necessarily the last bid that wins: it's the highest bid that wins, regardless of when it was placed.

Why do people bid at the last minute on eBay? ›

So by placing your bid during the final seconds of the auction, you remove the chance that other bidders will bid against you again after seeing that they have been outbid.

Does the highest bidder win on eBay? ›

In an auction-style listing, sellers name a starting price and you bid against other buyers. You can keep track of your bidding from the Bids/Offers - opens in new window or tab section of My eBay. When the listing ends, the highest bidder wins the auction and pays for the item.

What is sniping on eBay? ›

Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.