Why bid in last seconds rather than use automatic bidding? (2024)


"Why is this better than putting in my maximum bid a few days before the end and relying on automatic bidding?"

The top Tips from all of previous replies condensed are:

1) Because many bidders are reactive bidders. If they see that they are outbid, they will bid again, sometimes again and again and again, until they are in the lead or until they reach a point where the are not willing to go any higher, thus driving up the winning bid price.

2) If you bid in the last seconds of the auction, it's much less likely that other bidders will be able to bid after you.

See Also

3) It is also the single best defense against dishonest sellers "shilling" their auctions with other accounts.

4) My suggestions:

A) If you cannot be near your device when the auction is going to end, then place an automatic bid as late as you can in the auction.

B) Search on line for Bidding / Sniping services. There are several articles and lists of the best services to use if you want a service to place a bid for you in the last seconds.

As for picking one of the tips as the Solution there is not just one. You do not have to accept a solution for the topic.


Why bid in last seconds rather than use automatic bidding? (2024)


Why do people bid last minute? ›

This might be because their first bid did not reflect what they were actually willing to pay. Or maybe they have no idea what the item is worth, but when they are outbid, they figure it must be worth more so they bid more. Or it might be because they just can't stand the idea of being outbid.

Why am I always outbid at the last second on eBay? ›

If you are outbid immediately after placing a bid, it's likely that another bidder is using automatic bidding and has a maximum limit higher than yours. You'll need to increase your maximum limit in order to be the highest bidder.

Is it best to bid last minute on eBay? ›

eBay bidding tips

You stand a greater chance of getting the item by placing your highest bid in the closing seconds. If an auction listing has a reserve price, bid up to that amount as early as possible, so other bidders aren't attracted by the low starting price.

Should you use automatic bidding on eBay? ›

The thing is that you biding early against automatic bids, is actually driving up the price, which is why most experienced bidders prefer to place bids as late in the auction as they can or are willing to which is called Sniping.

Is it okay to bid at the last second on eBay? ›

Lots of people experience that. Perfectly normal as ebay accepts bids up until the last second. The way to get around it is to bid the absolute most you would pay for the item and then add a few cents as a tie breaker.

What is it called when you bid at the last minute? ›

Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.

What is the 15 minute rule on eBay? ›

Why does eBay still allow sniping? Most auction sites now employ a 15-minute rule, where any last minute bid extends the auction another 15 minutes. This would benefit the sellers, buyers and eBay itself.

How many seconds left should you bid on eBay? ›

I suggest you start with ten seconds left, or even twelve or thirteen, and with practice refine it down as near the end as you've determined that you can reasonably rely on. Always remember, though, that it isn't necessarily the last bid that wins: it's the highest bid that wins, regardless of when it was placed.

Is bid sniping legal on eBay? ›

eBay explicitly permits sniping. Qualified bids received by eBay before the end of the auction are accepted, whether the bid is made by a person hitting a button on a phone or computer, or by someone who has scheduled a bid with a third-party service.

Why do people wait until the last minute to bid on eBay? ›

By placing your highest bid in the closing seconds, you stand a greater chance of getting the item. If an auction-style listing has a reserve price, bid up to that amount as early as possible, so other bidders aren't attracted by the low starting price.

When I bid on eBay, I automatically get outbid.? ›

If your bid is immediately outbid, that just means that your bid was not higher than the previous high bidder's hidden maximum bid amount. The high bid always appears in the bid history whether it is an automatic bid or not. The way to tell it was an automatic bid is to notice the time it was placed.

Can eBay seller see my max bid? ›

All bidding is essentially automatic. When you bid, just enter the absolute most you are willing to pay. eBay will use only enough of it to keep you in the lead (until and unless someone bids more than your max). No one can see your max bid.

What is the bidding 5 minute rule? ›

The Five-Minute Rule

If a bid is placed in the final five minutes of an auction, the auction clock will reset to five minutes and begin counting down again. There is no limit to the number of times the auction clock can be reset, so we recommend that you check back often as an auction nears closing time.

Can people bid last minute? ›

Here's how it works: whenever a bid is cast in the last ten minutes of an auction, the auction is automatically extended for an additional ten minutes from the time of the latest bid. This ensures that an auction can't close until ten 'bidless' minutes have passed.

Should I bid last minute? ›

If you bid early in the auction, other bidders may see your bid and respond with higher bids, driving up the price of the item. By waiting until the last few seconds to bid, you may be able to avoid this situation and win the auction at a lower price.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.