FAQ (2024)

Table of Contents
General Refunds and Returns FAQs


What is a Moon Visa® Prepaid Card?

The Moon Visa® Prepaid Card is a virtual card that can be loaded with cryptocurrency.

Crypto is converted to USD the moment it's loaded to the card and funds are immediately available to spend everywhere Visa cards are accepted online in the US. Restrictions Apply: http://paywithmoon.com/terms-conditions

How do virtual cards work?

Virtual cards are just like regular cards, except there is no physical plastic. By entering virtual card details where you would normally input your credit or debit card details, you can complete purchases without giving out your personal card details.

Where can I shop/pay with Moon Visa® Prepaid Cards?

Moon enables you to shop/pay with your crypto everywhere Visa cards are accepted online in the US. Some restrictions apply, please see the terms and conditions for details.

How do I fund a Moon Visa® Prepaid Card?

You can fund a virtual card with your Coinbase account or a Lightning Network enabled wallet.

Do I have to use a Moon Visa® Prepaid Cards to pay with Moon?

If you want to spend your crypto through Moon, you must create a Moon Visa® Prepaid Card and fund it with crypto.

What billing name and address do I enter when paying with a Moon Visa Prepaid® card?

When paying with a Moon Visa® Prepaid Card, you should use the name associated with your Moon account. You can use any billing address you want.

How do I delete a virtual card?

If you made an error in setting the amount on a card or have decided to no longer use the card, you can click the "delete" button under the card after which you will receive a credit to your Moon account for any unspent amount.

How long is a Moon Visa® Prepaid Card valid?

Moon Visa® Prepaid Cards must be used within 60 days of creation.

Can I combine two cards or transfer a balance from one to another?

No; but you can delete the cards in order to receive credit to your Moon account for any unspent amounts. That credit can be used towards the purchase of another Moon card in the amount that you need.

Are there any fees?

Moon does not charge fees for purchasing cards, having an account or making purchases with cards. Moon reserves the right to charge fees for certain activities to mitigate abusive behavior.

Refunds and Returns

If you return an item to a merchant, the purchase balance will be refunded to the card originally used to make the purchase.

I made a mistake when creating a card. Can I receive a refund?

Yes. Click "Delete" under the card to delete the card and receive a credit to your Moon account. Credit can be used towards the purchase of another card.

What happens if I don't spend the full balance on a card?

Don't worry! Click "Delete" under the card to delete the card and receive a credit to your Moon account for any unspent amount. Credit can be used towards the purchase of another card.

What if I want a refund in crypto?

All off platform refunds are processed in Bitcoin. The amount refunded will be equal to the unspent value of the card converted to Bitcoin at the moment of refund minus network and processing fees. Refund requests will be processed within 5 business days of receipt.

How do I change my daily limit?

1. Open Moon by clicking the Moon icon in your browser’s toolbar where your active extensions appear.

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2. Enter the settings menu by clicking the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of Moon.

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3. Under "Settings" click "Connect to Coinbase".

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4. Select "Reconnect Coinbase". If you haven't connected Coinbase to Moon yet, select "Connect Coinbase".

FAQ (5)

5. When connecting your Coinbase account with Moon, Coinbase will ask you to authorize Moon to access your Coinbase account.

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6. Under "Debit money from your account" click "Change this amount".

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7. Set the daily limit that you would like to authorize. This is the maximum amount you’ll be able to spend in Moon each day.

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8. Click "Save" and continue to authorize Moon to access your Coinbase account.

How do I change my two-factor authentication settings?

1. Log in to Coinbase.
2. Go to "Settings".

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3. Click "Security".

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4. Select which method of 2-step security you prefer. We recommend selecting "Authenticator App".
Note: You will not be able to make purchases from your Coinbase account if you select "Security Key" as your 2-step verification method.

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5. At the bottom of the page, choose whether to enable 2-step verification on transactions. We recommend you enable 2-step verification for any amount of cryptocurrency for added security.

FAQ (12)

6. Be sure to click "Save" before you exit this screen..

How do I revoke Moon’s permissions to my Coinbase account?

NOTE: After revoking Moon’s permissions you will no longer be able to make purchases in Moon from your Coinbase wallets.

1. Log in to Coinbase.
2. Go to "Settings".

FAQ (13)

3. Click "Account Activity"..

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4. Under "Third-Party Applications", find Moon. Then click on the "x" to revoke Moon’s permissions from your Coinbase account. There may be multiple instances of Moon, in which case you will want to click "x" next to all of them to fully revoke Moon’s permissions.

FAQ (15)

Are there any restrictions when using a Moon Visa® Prepaid Card?

Some types of purchases are restricted. See the list of restricted merchant categories elsewhere in this FAQ. Moon Visa® Prepaid Cards can also not be used at non-US based merchants.

What types of purchases are restricted?

You cannot use Moon or the Moon Card for the following purchases: wires or money orders; direct marketing services; security brokers/dealers and associated activities; dating/escort services; massage services; betting, track, casino, or lotto; government-licensed online gambling, including casinos and online casinos (online gambling); horse/dog racing or other government licensed racing; non-sport internet gaming; internet gaming betting; cash disbursem*nt, manual or automated; financial institution cash, automated or manual; and outbound telemarketing merchants and services. Additionally, Moon may restrict certain purchase types to prevent misuse of the services as set out in our terms and conditions.

Are there any limits on purchases made with Moon Visa® Prepaid Cards?

Each virtual card can hold a maximum of $1000 at any time. Users may only spend $10,000 in any given 24 hour period across all of their virtual cards. Users may only spend $50,000 in any given calendar month across all of their virtual cards. Some merchants are restricted due to the types of business they conduct. Please see our list of restricted merchant categories elsewhere in this FAQ.

Why are there limits on Moon Visa® Prepaid Cards?

These limits exist to comply with federal regulations and to meet our compliance obligations to our financial partners.

Can I reload a card?

No, not at this time.

Can I transfer/withdraw a balance from my virtual card?

Once funds have been loaded to a card, those funds cannot be transferred or withdrawn; however, you can delete a card and receive credit to your Moon account for any unspent amount.

Can I use multiple cryptocurrencies to fund one card?


Can I use cryptocurrency from multiple sources to fund one card?


Can I use USD or other fiat currency to fund a card?


Can I fund a Paypal account with a card?

No; this is restricted as part of our restricted purchases list which can be found elsewhere in this FAQ.

Why did my purchase with a Moon Visa® Prepaid Card fail?

A failed purchase may be due to a few reasons: 1) You may not have enough balance on the virtual card to complete the purchase. 2) Some merchants are restricted due to the types of business they conduct. Please see our list of restricted merchant categories below in this FAQ. 3) Your purchase may cause you to exceed your daily or monthly spending limit. Please see details on spending limits below. 4) The merchant may not be based in the US. Moon does not support payments to non-US based merchants. If you believe your purchase should have been completed, please reach out to [emailprotected].

I made a mistake when creating a card, can I receive a refund?

Yes. Click "Delete" under the card to delete the card and receive a credit to your Moon account for the unspent amount. Credit can be used towards the purchase of additional cards

Why have I been directed to this FAQ?

Our banking partners require that all public statements regarding the Moon Visa® Prepaid Card be approved before release. This FAQ serves as a list of preapproved language that answers common questions. If we've directed you here, we hope it answers your question. If not, you can be sure we'll be updating this page with additional information shortly.

© 2024 Moon LLC All Rights Reserved

The Moon Visa® Prepaid Card is issued by our partner Financial Institutions, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc.

1Moon will automatically convert all cryptocurrency to U.S. dollars for use in purchases.

2Available at US based ecommerce merchants that accept Visa cards. Some restrictions apply. See Terms & Conditions for details.

FAQ (2024)


How long should FAQ answers be? ›

Answers should be CCF (clear, concise, and factual)

(I have just made up this abbreviation, but it does a good job getting my point across.) A good rule of thumb is to write short answers to each question — two to three paragraphs would make a good answer. If you go longer, the page will be too long and cluttered.

How do I respond to a FAQ? ›

How To Handle FAQs Effectively
  1. Keep the structure logical, clear, and simple.
  2. Make sure the answers are straightforward and concise.
  3. For detailed explanations, provide a link to a guide or article.
  4. Regularly update questions and answers with new information.
  5. Organize questions into categories.
  6. Provide a search bar.

What are typical FAQ questions? ›

Some FAQ pages will contain just a handful of questions because that's all that was needed. Others may have dozens of questions. It entirely depends on the brand and product. Typical areas of interest for FAQ pages are shipping and return policies, product materials, sustainability, payment methods, etc.

How many questions should a FAQ have? ›

That said, you want to find a nice middle ground. Fewer than five questions might indicate you haven't done your research… or that you didn't need an FAQ to begin with. Fielding dozens of questions isn't good either, but if they're all necessary, consider splitting your FAQ into multiple pages.

How do you answer Q&A effectively? ›

Keep your answer short. Respond specifically to the question and avoid tangents. Use facts to support your answer. Move on from the question quickly to redirect your attention.

How effective are FAQ pages? ›

FAQ pages aren't only beneficial for customers; they're a game-changer for your business. Take a look at the benefits they bring to the table: They serve as an indispensable resource for addressing common queries, significantly reducing the influx of repetitive customer inquiries. FAQ pages streamline communication.

How to create an effective FAQ? ›

How to create an FAQ page: 8 best practices
  1. Use data to pick the right questions. ...
  2. Answer questions in multiple formats. ...
  3. Decide how to structure the FAQ section. ...
  4. Settle on an FAQ page design. ...
  5. Make your FAQ page easy to find. ...
  6. Make it easy for users to contact support. ...
  7. Track progress and performance.
Dec 8, 2023

How to optimize FAQ? ›

How Do You Create SEO-Friendly FAQ Pages?
  1. Compile the most common questions users have.
  2. Provide complete, concise answers to those questions.
  3. Format your FAQ pages for user experience (UX)
  4. Optimize the title tag and meta descriptions for your FAQ pages.
  5. Markup your page with FAQ schema.
Sep 2, 2020

Should FAQs be written in first person? ›

More often than not, people use the first person for this, and that's how you should write your FAQ page as well. Writing in the first person makes it easier for visitors to relate, sounds less confusing, and is actually more often used for googling (driving traffic, remember?).

What can I say instead of FAQ? ›

What is another word for FAQ?
frequently asked questionscommon questions
help sectiononline guide
questions and answersdocs
documentationcommonly asked questions
answers to common questions

Why is FAQ important? ›

Frequently asked questions, or FAQs as they are known, are a great way to improve your customer's experience of your website. It allows you to answer the questions that are most commonly asked surrounding your product or service.

How to write FAQ answers? ›

Keep it Simple & Organized

So, keep your solutions brief and to the point. Ruthlessly chop down any overly wordy answers, and break-up longer answers into easy to consume paragraphs. Instead of stuffing as many answers as possible onto a single page, think about breaking up your FAQ section into skimmable sections.

Do FAQs have to be questions? ›

Your FAQ information doesn't necessarily have to appear in the traditional question-and-answer format. That format is useful when customers look up their problems on a page, but your goal is to address the problem before the customer ever experiences it.

Does FAQ mean facts and questions? ›

abbreviation for frequently asked question: a question in a list of questions and answers intended to help people understand a particular subject: If you have any problems, consult the FAQs on our website.

How do you layout a FAQ? ›

Here are some tips on how to design a FAQ page.
  1. Use service data to identify your most common questions. ...
  2. Include real frequently asked questions. ...
  3. Keep it simple & organized. ...
  4. Make it searchable. ...
  5. Include space for live support options. ...
  6. Design your FAQ page. ...
  7. Publish the FAQ page on your site.
Feb 27, 2024

How do you write a question answer format? ›

To format questions and answers in APA format:

Use the correct punctuation at the end -- a question mark if the prompt is a question; a period if it is a statement. Use double spacing and one inch margins. Separate the answer from the question by beginning the answer on a new line. Always answer in complete sentences.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.