Fallout 4: Inside Job walkthrough (2024)

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Fallout 4: Inside Job walkthrough (1)

You can access this quest if you ask Sturges to help build the teleporter in The Molecular Level story quest. He will give you a Network Scanner holotape that he wants you to use in The Institute.

Fallout 4: Inside Job walkthrough (2)

As you begin the final story quest, Institutionalized, look for any terminal in The Institute. Insert the holotape and then remove the data.

Fallout 4: Inside Job walkthrough (3)

After you complete Institutionalized, return to Sanctuary Hills and give Sturges the data.

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Fallout 4: Inside Job walkthrough (4)

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Fallout 4: Inside Job walkthrough (2024)


What happens if I give Sturges the holotape? ›

It is possible to give both Sturges and Proctor Ingram the holotape. After giving the tape to one of them, they create their own personal copy. To complete the other questline, they will give the original back through a dialogue option.

How to not kill Desdemona? ›

Siding with the Railroad - Warn Desdemona

To preserve allegiance with the Railroad, the player must inform Desdemona about the Institute's orders for the Railroad's execution. She will tell the player to stall for time and continue working with Patriot.

Who should I give the Institute holotape to? ›

The holotape basically is what chooses your faction. You chose to work with the minutemen since you gave it back to Sturges. This game locks you out of the other factions half-way through the game, though you can cheat and technically be with two if you give the holotape to either the RailRoad or the BoS.

Can I side with the Minutemen and the Railroad? ›

However, if you choose to side with the Minutemen after completing Act II, you will become allied with the Railroad faction, forcing you to take up arms against both the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel. Siding with the Minutemen means taking up arms against the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel.

Does Sturges know he's a synth? ›

His status as a synth is never alluded to or mentioned in dialogue. Sturges also has the Synth trait in Fallout Shelter Online and his biography claims he is a third generation synth created by the Institute who does not know his origins.

What should I assign Sturges to? ›

To answer the Sturges question, I just assigned him to a scavenging station seeing as he's a handyman of sorts. You can assign any settler to any settlement and tell them to do whatever (trade, farm, guard, scavenge, provitionate or do nothing). Be careful with Sturges however...

Who can reprogram Pam? ›

After all of the personnel on the list are dead, there are two options for proceeding: the player character may reprogram P.A.M., which is the desire of the Brotherhood, or destroy P.A.M. To reprogram P.A.M., find the P.A.M. mainframe terminal, located near the main area of the Railroad HQ.

Should I lie to Desdemona Fallout 4? ›

There is the option to tell Desdemona the truth or pass an easy persuasion check to go along with the lie. Either way, Desdemona is impressed with the Sole Survivor's resourcefulness and extends an invitation for them to join the Railroad.

Who killed Desdemona and why? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Othello kills Desdemona because he believes she has been unfaithful. Othello is an honorable man, but he has one fatal weakness: he is a jealous husband who fears that his wife will one day leave him.

Is Father actually Shaun? ›

Shaun, also known as Father, is the son of the Sole Survivor and their spouse (either Nate or Nora).

What happens if you tell the Institute about the synth refuge in Far Harbor? ›

Upon the discovery of Acadia and while allied with the Institute, the Sole Survivor has the option to inform the Institute of the existence of the escaped synths in this location. The Institute will then send a team to Acadia to subdue and capture the escaped synths.

Can you betray the Institute after joining? ›

If you choose to join the institute, can you betray the institute by being the "man on the inside" for the minutemen or the railroad? yes, i did it for the railroad, it's called Underground Undercover. Keep in mind that this quest takes a long time to complete though.

Should I take Tinker Tom's shot? ›

If deciding to take Tinker Tom's serum, the Sole Survivor's health will significantly drop. If one accepts the shot, Deacon will like it while Piper, MacCready, Cait, Curie and Strong will dislike it. If one refuses the shot, Deacon, MacCready, Strong, Curie and Cait will like it.

What is the most peaceful ending in Fallout 4? ›

and the Minutemen ending has several versions. One version that is my favorite for the most peaceful ending allows you to stay friends with the Railroad and Brotherhood of Steel while only destroying the evil Institute. FO4, "Side Quests, Side Quests never changes."

What happens if you join the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4? ›

At the very end, you will get promoted to the rank Sentinel in the Brotherhood of Steel. You also gain a jetpack for your Power Armor. Everyone that is part of the Brotherhood of Steel will also have a great deal of respect for you in their dialogue, as well as appear in various locations like Diamond City!

Can you send Sturges to another settlement? ›

You can move Sturges, but not Jun, Marcy, or Mama Murphy. Companions can be moved freely. 3. You have to move items between settlements manually.

What happens if I give Proctor Ingram the holotape? ›

If you give Proctor Ingram the holotape before speaking to Maxson she might not start Liberty Reprimed and will instead just have non-quest dialogue.

Can you keep X6 88 if you destroy the Institute? ›

Even after the player character has destroyed the Institute, X6-88 still can be found near the Nordhagen Beach settlement and still can be recruited as a companion. Moreover, dismissing him will simply make him teleport back to the Institute SRB as if it is not destroyed.

What happens if you tell Avery she's a synth? ›

If one presents this evidence to the synth Avery, she will come to realize the truth that her own mind has been altered to sell the deception. She remains determined to keep the peace on the island and pleads for the Sole Survivor to not tell Allen the truth.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.