Factors That Influence Currency Exchange Rates (2024)

Factors that influence currency exchange rates are important for various reasons. For countries, these factors can affect how one country trades with another. For individuals, these factors affect how much money one can get when exchanging one currency for another. Although it is not always easy to understand, track, or even anticipate these factors, it pays to know them, especially if you are interested in foreign currency. It is worth noting that these factors affect currency exchange rates at a macroeconomic level, meaning they affect global currency exchange rates and not local exchange rates.

Factors That Influence Currency Exchange Rates (1)

In this article, we highlight Factors that affects currency exchange rates, starting with the most significant factor – inflation.

1. Inflation

Inflation is the relative purchasing power of a currency compared to other currencies. For example, it might cost one unit of currency to buy an apple in one country but cost a thousand units of a different currency to buy the same apple in a country with higher inflation. Such differentials in inflation are the foundation of why different currencies have different purchasing powers and hence different currency rates. As such, countries with low inflation typically have stronger currencies compared to those with higher inflation rates.

2. Interest Rates

Interest rates are tightly tied to inflation and exchange rates. Different country’s central banks use interest rates to modulate inflation within the country. For example, establishing higher interest rates attracts foreign capital, which bolsters the local currency rates. However, if these rates remain too high for too long, inflation can start to creep up, resulting in a devalued currency. As such, central bankers must consistently adjust interest rates to balance benefits and drawbacks.

3. Public Debt

Most countries finance their budgets using large-scale deficit financing. In other words, they borrow to finance economic growth. If this government debt outpaces economic growth, it can drive up inflation by deterring foreign investment from entering the country, two factors that can devalue a currency. In some cases, a government might print money to finance debt, which can also drive up inflation.

4. Political Stability

A politically stable country attracts more foreign investment, which helps prop up the currency rate. The opposite is also true – poor political stability devalues a country’s currency exchange rate. Political stability also affects local economic drivers and financial policies, two things that can have long term effects on a currency’s exchange rate. Invariably, countries with more robust political stability like Switzerland have stronger and higher valued currencies.

5. Economic Health

Economic health or performance is another way exchange rates are determined. For example, a country with low unemployment rates means its citizens have more money to spend, which helps establish a more robust economy. With a stronger economy, the country attracts more foreign investment, which in turn helps lower inflation and drive up the country’s currency exchange rate. It is worth noting here that economic health is more of a catch-all term that encompasses multiple other drivers like interest rates, inflation, and balance of trade.

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6. Balance of Trade

Balance of trade, or terms of trade, is the relative difference between a country’s imports and exports. For example, if a country has a positive balance of trade, it means that its exports exceed its imports. In such a case, the inflow of foreign currency is higher than the outflow. When this happens, a country’s foreign exchange reserves grow, helping it lower interest rates, which stimulates economic growth and bolsters the local currency exchange rate.

7. Current Account Deficit

The current account deficit is closely related to the balance of trade. In this scenario, a country’s balance of trade is compared to those of its trading partners. If a country’s current account deficit is higher than that of a trading partner, this can weaken its currency relative to that country’s currency. As such, countries that have positive or low current account deficits tend to have stronger currencies than those with high deficits.

8. Confidence/ Speculation

Sometimes, currencies are affected by the confidence (or lack thereof) traders have in a currency. Currency changes from speculation tend to be irrational, abrupt, and short-lived. For example, traders may devalue a currency based on an election outcome, especially if the result is perceived as unfavorable for trade or economic growth. In other cases, traders may be bullish on a currency because of economic news, which may buoy the currency, even if the economic news itself did not affect the currency fundamentals.

9. Government Intervention

Governments have a collection of tools at their disposal through which they can manipulate their local exchange rate. Primarily, central banks are known to adjust interest rates,buy foreign currency, influence local lending rates, print money, and use other tools to modulate currency exchange rates. The primary objective of manipulating these factors is to ensure favorable conditions for a stable currency exchange rate, cheaper credit, more jobs, and high economic growth.

Factors That Influence Currency Exchange Rates (2024)


What are the 3 main factors that affect currency exchange rates? ›

Here's a beginner's guide to the factors that influence changes in exchange rates.
  • Exchange rates are affected by supply and demand. ...
  • Exchange rates are affected by interest and inflation rates. ...
  • Exchange rates are affected by balance of trade deficits. ...
  • Exchange rates are affected by government debt.

What 10 factors affect the value of a country's currency? ›

10 Factors that influence currency exchange rates:
  • Inflation >
  • Interest rates >
  • Government Debt/Public >
  • Political Stability >
  • Economic Recession >
  • Terms of Trade >
  • Current account deficit >
  • Confidence and speculation >
Feb 16, 2023

What are the 3 factors affecting the demand for foreign currency? ›

The demand for foreign-currency denominated assets is in turn affected by the expected returns on those assets, the risks of those assets as well as the liquidity of those assets, all relative to domestic assets.

What are several factors affect the exchange rate of a currency with another currency? ›

Many things affect the supply and demand of a currency (and thus its value), including inflation, interest rates, stock market performance, and government debt.

What is the strongest currency now? ›

Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

The Kuwaiti dinar continues to remain the highest currency in the world, owing to Kuwait's economic stability.

What makes a currency strong or weak? ›

A currency's strength is determined by the interaction of a variety of local and international factors such as the demand and supply in the foreign exchange markets; the interest rates of the central bank; the inflation and growth in the domestic economy; and the country's balance of trade.

What drives currency exchange rates? ›

Factors that affect foreign exchange rates include the political climate of a country, inflation, public debt, GDP, confidence, central bank/government intervention, and the balance of trade.

What is the weakest currency in the world? ›

What Is the Weakest Currency in the World? The weakest currency in the world is the Iranian rial (IRR). The USD to IRR operational rate of exchange is 371,992, meaning that one U.S. dollar equals 371,922 Iranian rials.

How to improve exchange rate? ›

To strengthen the exchange rate, the central bank simply raises its policy interest rate. As investors in search of higher returns increase their demand for the currency, the exchange rate appreciates. By lowering interest rates, the central bank can weaken the exchange rate.

Why do currency rates change? ›

Most of the world's currencies are bought and sold based on flexible exchange rates, meaning their prices fluctuate based on the supply and demand in the foreign exchange market. A high demand for a currency or a shortage in its supply will cause an increase in price.

Why is the U.S. dollar so strong? ›

Currently, the dollar is strong due to the strength of the U.S. economy, the safety of the dollar due to the low risks of the U.S. economy and government, its function as the petrodollar, and its status as the world's reserve currency.

What backs the U.S. dollar? ›

Prior to 1971, the US dollar was backed by gold. Today, the dollar is backed by 2 things: the government's ability to generate revenues (via debt or taxes), and its authority to compel economic participants to transact in dollars.

What are the effects of currency exchange rate changes? ›

Changes in currency exchange rates affect international trade by increasing or decreasing exports and imports. A strong domestic currency will cause exports to decrease and imports to increase. As exchange rates decrease, exports rise and imports go down.

How to make your currency stronger? ›

To increase the value of their currency, countries could try several policies.
  1. Sell foreign exchange assets, purchase own currency.
  2. Raise interest rates (attract hot money flows.
  3. Reduce inflation (make exports more competitive.
  4. Supply-side policies to increase long-term competitiveness.
Mar 3, 2019

What drives currency prices? ›

The value of a currency, like any other asset, is determined by supply and demand. An increase in demand for a particular currency will increase the value of the currency, while an increase in supply will decrease the currency's value. The exchange rate is the value of one country's currency in relation to another.

What is the biggest factor in determining exchange rates? ›

Factors Affecting Currency Exchange Rate
  1. Inflation Rates. Changes in market inflation cause changes in currency exchange rates. ...
  2. Interest Rates. ...
  3. Country's Current Account/Balance of Payments. ...
  4. Government Debt. ...
  5. Terms of Trade. ...
  6. Political Stability & Performance. ...
  7. Recession. ...
  8. Speculation.
Apr 9, 2020

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