Emporium Arcade Bar (2024)

67% of American adults play some sort of video game at least once in a while. Arcade bars combine two popular American pastimes: drinking and gaming. Arcade bars in 2022 are much different than their predecessors.

While many still have a retro element, the best arcade bars also have some modern games patrons can enjoy. Arcade bars are making a huge comeback. The benefits of arcade bars are immense when compared to traditional bars.

If you are curious about the revitalized barcade industry, check out this nifty guide. Here, we discuss five great reasons why arcade bars are making a comeback. Read on so you can find your best option for a good time out!

1. More People Game Than Ever

Video games exploded in popularity after the confining situation created by the pandemic. Now, in its aftermath, hordes of newly-minted gamers and veteran button mashers alike are looking for places to show their skills.

Enter the barcade, the perfect social environment for the once antisocial experience of gaming. Whether you are a veteran gamer practicing for an MLG tournament or a noob looking to play pinball, arcade bars got you covered.

2. The Retro Craze Is in Full Swing

Fashion, music, and vinyl aren’t the only things enjoying the benefits of the current retro craze. Retro gaming has become more popular as the years have gone on. Video game nostalgia is a psychologically recognized concept.

One of the many businesses to feel the benefits of the retro craze are bar arcades. Arcade parties let gamers enjoy their favorite classic games in a social setting with libations. This has made arcade bar parties even more popular.

3. Arcade Bars Are Versatile

Barcades are more versatile than conventional watering holes. In addition to providing endless entertainment in the form of gaming, they also provide a couple of other options for partying.

The following are some other uses for barcades. The fact that barcades can be enjoyed in so many ways has led to their increased popularity.

Music Venues

The best barcades are expansive enough to serve as music venues. Imagine dancing along to your favorite DJ or musician while playing vintage arcade machines. In a barcade, this can become a reality.

Part of learning how to throw an arcade bar party is finding the best music to set the ambiance. If you plan on hosting a party, contact your local barcade to find out what house DJ options they offer.

Gaming Tournaments

Pinball tournaments are a retro way to enjoy a classic game at your local barcade. Find out who is the ultimate pinball wizard by renting out a barcade and setting up a tournament bracket.

Some barcades also have modern video game systems such as Xbox One or Playstation 4. You can host private gaming tournaments with you and your friends to see who is the best at some new games.

Group Outings

Getting some of your best friends together and heading out for a night at the barcade can be an excellent way to reaffirm your social bonds. Not everyone enjoys having to socialize, so playing video games can be a viable alternative.

Even if some of your friends don’t drink, they will still have entertainment options at a barcade. Instead of having to standby at a bar while everyone else drinks, they can enjoy their favorite video game without feeling awkward.

Solo Outings

Heading out to the bar by yourself can be depressing or scary if you are an introvert. You may find yourself awkwardly staring at your phone if you have a hard time meeting people. Barcades offer a much less abrasive experience.

The beauty of a barcade is that you can head there by yourself and still have a great time without feeling awkward. All you need to do is cozy up to your favorite video game machine and let the good times roll.

Private Parties

You can rent out an entire barcade for your next private party or function. Having an arcade party is a much more unique option for your next get-together than renting a run-of-the-mill bar.

Your guests will remember the unique environment for your big night if you host it in a place with numerous entertainment options. With a full array of bar and gaming options, a bar arcade can make your private party epic.

4. Affordability

Not everyone can afford to own a gaming console or retro arcade machine. However, almost anyone can afford to go to a barcade. Some may offer a small cover fee or charge in quarters, but this is a nominal cost.

When compared with purchasing new video game equipment, or buying a retro arcade machine, going to a barcade is much more affordable. For the price of a few drinks, you can spend your night out gaming and having a good time.

5. Arcade Bars Are Fun

Traditional bars only have so many options for entertainment. Beyond conventional games such as pool and darts, most have limited services. Conversely, barcades have so much more to offer to patrons besides drinking.

Many have entire game rooms with crowd-pleasers such as air hockey and ski ball. Almost all of them have vintage pinball machines and other retro gaming options. People realize that a night out at an arcade bar is the best!

Expect to See More Arcade Bars

As arcade bars continue to get more popular, more and more of them will open up across the United States. This is good news for all of you gamers and drinkers out there who like to have a good time.

If you want to visit the best arcade bars, contact us today. We have locations across the United States and would be happy to host your next event. Drop us a line or stop by for a drink and some fun today at any of our locations!

Emporium Arcade Bar (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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