Difference between Open Source Software and Closed Source Software - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

Last Updated : 24 Mar, 2023


1. Open Source Software

Open source software refers to the computer software which source is open means the general public can access and use. In short it is referred as OSS. The source code of open source software is public. It uses the code freely available on the Internet. This code can be modified by other users and organizations means that the source code is available for anyone to look at. The price of open source software is very less and there is no so much restrictions on users based on usability and modification of software. Some examples of open source software are Firefox, OpenOffice, Gimp, Alfresco, Android, Zimbra, Thunderbird, MySQL, Mailman, Moodle, TeX, Samba, Perl, PHP, KDE etc.

Advantages of Open Source Software:

  • Cost: Open source software is generally free, which means organizations can use it without any licensing fees.
  • Customization: Since the source code is available, developers can modify and customize the software to meet specific requirements.
  • Community Support: Open source software has a large community of users who contribute to documentation, bug fixes, and improvements.
  • Security: With open source software, security vulnerabilities can be detected and fixed quickly by the community.
  • Transparency: Since the source code is open, users can see how the software works and what data it collects.

Disadvantages of Open Source Software:

  • Limited Technical Support: While there is a large community of users who can help troubleshoot issues, there is no guarantee of professional technical support.
  • Complexity: Open source software can be more difficult to set up and configure than closed source software, especially for users who are not experienced in software development.
  • Lack of Features: Open source software may not have all the features that are available in closed source software, especially for niche or specialized industries.

2.Closed Source Software :

Closed source software refers to the computer software which source code is closes means public is not given access to the source code. In short it is referred as CSS. In closed source software the source code is protected. The only individual or organization who has created the software can only change it. The price of closed source software is high and users need to have valid and authenticated license to use the software. As is issues an authenticated license so it also put a lot restrictions on users based on usability and modification of software. Some examples of closed source software are Skype, Google earth, Java, Adobe Flash, Virtual Box, Adobe Reader, Microsoft office, Microsoft Windows, WinRAR, mac OS, Adobe Flash Player etc.

Advantages of Closed Source Software:

  • Technical Support: Closed source software usually comes with professional technical support, which can be helpful for organizations that need assistance with setup, configuration, or troubleshooting.
  • Features: Closed source software typically has more features than open source software, including advanced analytics, reporting, and data visualization tools.
  • Security: Closed source software often has built-in security features and can provide better protection against cyber threats.
  • Integration: Closed source software is often designed to work seamlessly with other enterprise software, making integration with existing systems easier.

Disadvantages of Closed Source Software:

  • Cost: Closed source software can be expensive, with licensing fees and maintenance costs that can add up over time.
  • Vendor Lock-In: Organizations that use closed source software may become dependent on the vendor and find it difficult to switch to another software.
  • Limited Customization: Closed source software may not be as customizable as open source software, which can be a disadvantage for organizations with specific requirements.
  • Lack of Transparency: Since the source code is not available, users cannot see how the software works or what data it collects, which may raise privacy concerns.

Similarities between Open Source Software and Closed Source Software :

  • Both can be used to perform a wide range of tasks and support a variety of applications.
  • Both can be designed to work on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Both can be used to support mission-critical applications and services.
  • Both can be optimized for performance, scalability, and security.
  • Both can be accessed and managed remotely using a variety of tools and interfaces.
  • Both can be updated and maintained regularly to fix bugs, add new features, and improve performance.

Difference between Open Source Software and Closed Source Software :

01.Open source software refers to the computer software which source is open means the general public can access and use.Closed source software refers to the computer software which source code is closes means public is not given access to the source code.
02.Open Source Software in short also referred as OSS.Closed Source Software in short also referred as CSS.
03.The source code of open source software is public.In closed source software the source code is protected.
04.This code can be modified by other users and organizations means that the source code is available for anyone to look at.The only individual or organization who has created the software can only modify the code.
05.The price of open source software is very less.The price of closed source software is high.
06.There is no so much restrictions on users based on usability and modification of software.There is so much restrictions on users based on usability and modification of software.
07.Programmers compete with each other for recognition.Programmers do not compete with each other for recognition.
08.Programmers freely provide improvement for recognition if their improvement is accepted.Programmers are hired by the software firm/organization to improve the software.
09.If the program is popular then very large number of programmers may work on the project.There is a limitation on the number of programmers/team who will work on the project.
10.It is purchased with its source code.It is not purchased with its source code.
11.Open software can be installed into any computer.Closed software needs have a valid license before installation into any computer.
12.Open source software fails fast and fix faster.Closed source software has no room for failure.
13.In open source software no one is responsible for the software.In closed source software the vendor is responsible if anything happened to software.
14.Examples are Firefox, OpenOffice, Gimp, Alfresco, Android, Zimbra, Thunderbird, MySQL, Mailman, Moodle, TeX, Samba, Perl, PHP, KDE etc.Examples are Skype, Google earth, Java, Adobe Flash, Virtual Box, Adobe Reader, Microsoft office, Microsoft Windows, WinRAR, mac OS, Adobe Flash Player etc.


Choice between open-source software and closed-source software depends on the needs of the organization. Open-source software is a good choice for smaller organizations with limited budgets, while closed-source software is better suited for larger organizations that require enterprise-level features and support. Ultimately, both types of software have their advantages and disadvantages, and organizations should carefully consider their options before making a decision.

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Difference between Open Source Software and Closed Source Software - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


Difference between Open Source Software and Closed Source Software - GeeksforGeeks? ›

Open source software refers to the computer software which source is open means the general public can access and use. Closed source software refers to the computer software which source code is closes means public is not given access to the source code.

What is the difference between open source software and closed source software? ›

With closed source software (also known as proprietary software), the public is not given access to the source code, so they can't see or modify it in any way. But with open source software, the source code is publicly available to anyone who wants it, and programmers can read or change that code if they desire.

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Freeware vs. Open-Source Software: What's the Difference? While freeware is free software, it nevertheless maintains its copyright. Alternatively, open-source software is both free and publicly available to use, modify, repackage and redistribute with no limitations.

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Open-source software is distributed with its source code, and lets users freely inspect, modify, and enhance it per its licensing agreement, while proprietary software is the copyrighted property of an individual or company that limits its use, distribution, and modification by way of a proprietary license.

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The main difference between proprietary vs. open source is ownership. Proprietary refers to software that is owned by the individual or comapny who published it. Open source refers to software that is available for anyone to access or change the code.

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Dissecting the Differences Between Open Source and Closed Source Software
ParametersOpen Source SoftwareClosed Source Software
ExamplesLinux, Apache, WordPress, Drupal, Audacity, LibreOffice, etc.Windows OS, Adobe Photoshop, iTunes, Microsoft Office Suite, AutoCAD, etc.
12 more rows
Jul 31, 2023

What are examples of closed source software? ›

The following are some of the most popular closed source software examples available today.
  • Microsoft Windows. Microsoft's famous operating system, Windows is closed source software. ...
  • Apple iOS. It may come as a surprise that Apple's iOS operating system is closed source. ...
  • Zoom. ...
  • Adobe Creative Suite.
Jun 17, 2022

What is the difference between free software and open source software Quora? ›

The term "free" in this context refers to freedom, not price, although many free software programs are indeed available at no cost. Open source software: Open source software is software that is distributed with its source code available for anyone to inspect, modify, or distribute.

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Nearly all open source software is free software; the two terms describe almost the same category of software. But they stand for views based on fundamentally different values. Open source is a development methodology; free software is a social movement.

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What is the difference between free software and open-source software?
AspectFree SoftwareOpen-Source Software
ExamplesGNU/Linux, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)Apache HTTP Server, Mozilla Firefox, Chromium
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Jan 25, 2024

What are at least three-three differences between open-source software and proprietary software? ›

Source codes of open-source software are openly available, whereas the source codes of proprietary software are not publicly available. Open-source software is free to use and can be distributed, while proprietary software is licensed and has some restrictions to use.

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Disadvantages of Open-Source Software
  • Vulnerabilities Exposure. The source code is available for everyone, cybercriminals can also easily find vulnerabilities in the code. ...
  • Security. ...
  • Warranty. ...
  • Security Audit Process. ...
  • Copyright. ...
  • Operational Insufficiencies. ...
  • Poor Developer Practices.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using open-source software? ›

The Pros and Cons of Open-source Tools
  • The Pros of Open-source Software.
  • Open-source software is cost-effective. ...
  • Constant improvements are a hallmark of open-source software. ...
  • The Cons of Open-source Software.
  • Open-source software might not stick around. ...
  • Support isn't always reliable. ...
  • Security becomes a major issue.
Feb 18, 2019

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In systems theory, an open system is a system that interacts with other systems by having inputs or outputs. A closed system is one that is totally self-contained and does not input or output anything. As an example of an open system, consider the human body.

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Some open source software is available for a fee, but much of it is available at no cost. To read more about free and open source software click here. Open access is a kind of access or availability. This kind of access could apply to any digital content, such as software, music, movies, or news.

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Practical Differences between Free Software and Open Source

Nearly all open source software is free software, but there are exceptions. First, some open source licenses are too restrictive, so they do not qualify as free licenses.

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Closed-source software (proprietary software) is software whose author owns all rights to use, modify, and copy it. Software products that do not meet the requirements for open-source software are generally categorized as closed-source software.

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Definition. Open source software (OSS) is software that is distributed with its source code, making it available for use, modification, and distribution with its original rights.

Is Google an open source software? ›

At Google, we use open source to innovate and we release open source to share our innovations. We encourage you to browse through our featured projects to find work to use, share, and build on!

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