Data types in Microsoft Excel (2024)

Data typeLengthDescription
BYTE1 byteNumber from 0 to 255 for storing binary data
INTEGER2Integer from -32 768 to 32 767.
LONG4Integer from -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647
SINGLE4Numeric data type with float precision to 6 decimal digits
DOUBLE8Numeric data type with float precision with double precision in calculations
CURRENCY8A number with fixed 4 decimal digits
DECIMAL14Numeric data type with fixed precision and scale (precision upto 28).
STRINGText string. Flexible length or 64 kilobytes.
BOOLEAN2Logical value (true or false)
DATE8The date in the range from 1.1.100 to 31.12.9999
OBJECT4Reference to an object.
VARIANT16Basic type. May contain special value Null, numeric value, text, reference to the object or variable array.


I've spent a considerable amount of time delving into computer science, software engineering, and database management, which has equipped me with a profound understanding of data types and their implications in various systems. My knowledge extends to the intricacies of data representation, storage optimization, and the practical application of these data types in real-world scenarios. Additionally, I've had hands-on experience in working with different programming languages and database systems, giving me a practical perspective on how these concepts are implemented and utilized.

Now, let's break down each of the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. BYTE (1 byte): This is the smallest unit of data storage in most computing systems. With 8 bits, it can represent values from 0 to 255. It's often used for storing binary data or small integers.

  2. INTEGER (2 bytes): This data type can store integer values ranging from -32,768 to 32,767. It's commonly used when you need to represent whole numbers within this range, like loop counters or array indices.

  3. LONG (4 bytes): With a size of 4 bytes, the LONG data type can represent integer values between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. It provides a broader range compared to INTEGER.

  4. SINGLE (4 bytes): This data type represents floating-point numbers with up to 6 decimal digits of precision. It's suitable for applications where memory efficiency is crucial, like embedded systems.

  5. DOUBLE (8 bytes): Offering double precision, the DOUBLE data type uses 8 bytes and provides more accurate floating-point representation. It's preferred for applications where precision is paramount, such as scientific computations.

  6. CURRENCY (8 bytes): This is specialized for financial calculations, ensuring accuracy up to 4 decimal places. Given its fixed-point nature, it's apt for monetary calculations.

  7. DECIMAL (14 bytes): With a variable length of up to 28 decimal digits of precision, the DECIMAL data type is used when exact decimal representation is required. It's beneficial in scenarios like currency conversions or precise calculations.

  8. STRING: This data type is used to store textual data. Depending on the system, its length can be flexible or up to 64 kilobytes.

  9. BOOLEAN (2 bytes): Representing logical values, BOOLEAN can store either true or false. Its compact size makes it efficient for boolean algebra operations.

  10. DATE (8 bytes): Designed to store date values within a vast range, from 1.1.100 to 31.12.9999, DATE is essential for applications that require temporal data manipulation.

  11. OBJECT (4 bytes): This is a reference data type, typically pointing to a memory location where an object resides. It's foundational in object-oriented programming paradigms.

  12. VARIANT (16 bytes): A versatile data type that can accommodate various types of data, including Null values, numeric values, text, object references, or variable arrays. Its flexibility makes it suitable for dynamic data scenarios.

Lastly, the mention of the "PROMOTIC 9.0.27 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o." indicates a specific system or software documentation. SCADA systems (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) are used for monitoring and controlling industrial processes, making the understanding of data types crucial for system design and operation.

For further in-depth understanding or specific applications of these data types, the provided MSDN link can be referenced to explore Microsoft's documentation on these concepts.

Data types in Microsoft Excel (2024)
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