Connect Metamask to RIN Ethereum Testnet Rinkeby (2024)

Connect Metamask to RIN Ethereum Testnet Rinkeby (2024)


How do I add Rinkeby test network to MetaMask wallet? ›

The easiest way to add the Rinkeby Testnet to your MetaMask Wallet, or alternative Web3 wallet is with an application called ChainList. The ChainList app allows users to search for any Web3 network to easily connect at the click of a button.

How do I connect my Rinkeby to MetaMask? ›

Open up MetaMask window, click on the 3 dots and then click on “Copy Address to clipboard” to get the Account1 address. Let's Create the new public post with Rinkeby Test Network's Address. Paste the Account1 address in content area and click Post.

Why is Rinkeby Testnet not showing in MetaMask? ›

Though the Rinkeby Testnet is deprecated now, but Metamask automatically provides Rinkeby in its networks. You need to click on Show/Hide test networks in the networks section.

How do I connect MetaMask to Rinkeby Testnet? ›

To switch to using Rinkeby on MetaMask, follow these steps. At the top left corner of the MetaMask interface, select “Ethereum Mainnet” to drop down the menu, then click the “Add Network” button. The web will direct you to the Settings page, where you can add a blockchain network.

Is Rinkeby test network real Eth? ›

Rinkeby is an Ethereum testnet that is used to test the Ethereum protocol. It is a fork of the Ethereum mainnet. Rinkeby enables you to develop your DApps in a test environment before deploying to the real Ethereum mainnet.

How do I get an ETH Rinkeby test network? ›

Step 1: Select the Rinkeby network on Metamask

Click “Show/hide test networks” and then select “ON” in the “Show test networks” setting. You will now see the popular test networks in the dropdown menu. Select Rinkeby Test Network. You are now connected to the Rinkeby network.

How do you use a Rinkeby Testnet? ›

Rinkeby. The Rinkeby Faucet requires that you make a social media post including your address on either Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus. Once you do so, put the direct link to that post in the input box and select 18.75 Ethers / 3 days from the dropdown on the right.

What is the chain ID for Rinkeby? ›

In the case of Rinkeby, this chainId is 4 ( 4 in hexadecimal).

How do I add ethereum Testnet to Metamask? ›

The test networks are already there on Metamask, just that they are hidden by default. You just need to go to Settings -> Advanced and turn on the “Show test networks” switch. That's it!

How do I enable Testnet in Metamask? ›

Go to
Get testnet LINK from a faucet
  1. In Metmask, select the network where you want to receive testnet LINK.
  2. Click Connect wallet so the faucet app can detect the network and wallet address.
  3. If you want to receive testnet funds at a different address, paste it in the Wallet address section.

How do I get my Rinkeby test token? ›

Open a new tab and go to, enter the link to your post and select the amount of test Ethers you would like. Once the transaction has been broadcasted and confirmed on the network, the test Ethers will appear in your wallet.

Is Rinkeby down now? ›

It will be shut down in Q4 2022. Rinkeby, a geth-based proof-of-authority testnet, will not transition to proof-of-stake and will be shut down in Q2/Q3 2023.

What is the RPC URL for Rinkeby Testnet? ›

BlockchainNetworkRPC URL
EthereumRinkeby Testnet
EthereumGoerli Testnet
EthereumKovan Testnet
40 more rows

Is Rinkeby Testnet deprecated? ›

Though Cloudflare's Ethereum Gateway launched with support for the Rinkeby testnet, Rinkeby did not run through The Merge Open external link and - as a result - will no longer be a reliable staging environment for mainnet. Cloudflare will be deprecating support for Rinkeby on January 30, 2023.

Does Rinkeby ETH have value? ›

Because it's a testnet, the currency is worthless. You can't mine ETH within the Rinkeby testnet, only request it.

Can I sell my Rinkeby ETH? ›

You cannot. They are separate blockchains. On the various 'test nets' people give away Eth for the asking, there are “faucets” that will give you 5 Eth just for the asking etc.

Is Rinkeby Ethereum worth anything? ›

The test-nets (such as Rinkeby) can be thought of as an alternate dimension for all intents and purposes. They are a place to run experiments without modifying the real Ethereum network. The ether there isn't worth anything, but your mistakes there also don't have consequences.

Is Rinkeby Testnet free? ›

DeGate Testnet: Get Free Testnet Tokens on Rinkeby

Since DeGate testnet runs on the Ethereum Rinkeby test network, you can get free testnet tokens to experience DeGate before our main launch.

What is the chain ID in MetaMask? ›

Chain ID: The chain ID that MetaMask will use to sign transactions for the network. Currency Symbol: The currency symbol that MetaMask will use for the network's native currency.

How do I add a test network to MetaMask? ›

Second Stage − Setup Test Network to add Test Faucet

Step 3 − After clicking on the setting another section of the wallet will open, here click on Advanced. Step 4 − Scroll down in the Advanced section you will notice a slider here that enables the test network in the wallet. Click it to turn on the test network.

How do I enable Testnet in MetaMask? ›

Go to
Get testnet LINK from a faucet
  1. In Metmask, select the network where you want to receive testnet LINK.
  2. Click Connect wallet so the faucet app can detect the network and wallet address.
  3. If you want to receive testnet funds at a different address, paste it in the Wallet address section.

How do I add a custom test network to MetaMask? ›

Adding Custom Tokens to MetaMask Wallet from Etherscan
  1. Open your in-app browser.
  2. Go to Etherscan.
  3. Search for your custom token.
  4. Scroll down and retrieve the token's contract address.
  5. Go back to your wallet.
  6. Select “Add Token” MetaMask automatically updates the “token symbol” and “tokens of precision”
  7. Viola!

How do I get test network on MetaMask? ›

The test networks are already there on Metamask, just that they are hidden by default. You just need to go to Settings -> Advanced and turn on the “Show test networks” switch. That's it!

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