Associate Fellow (2024)

2023 Calendar Year Applications are due: 31 December, 2023.

Associate Fellow is one of the three honorary ranks in the Society. It is the second highest rank that the Society can confer upon a member, Fellow being the highest. This honor recognizes members for their outstanding achievements in and contributions to the arts and science of technical communication, and for sustained and significant service to STC.

Associate Fellows retain this honorary rank for life, unless they are elevated to the rank of Fellow.

The Associate Fellows Committee carefully considers the accomplishments of candidates in the following areas:

  • Professional qualifications
  • Intellectual contributions
  • STC Chapter, SIG, and Society-level service
  • Recognitions and awards
  • Involvement with other professional organizations

The committee then recommends the candidates to be honored as Associate Fellows to the STC Board of Directors. Upon a two-thirds majority vote of the board, the rank of Associate Fellow is conferred upon a recommended candidate.

We are extremely proud of our Associate Fellows for their outstanding accomplishments in the field of technical communication and contributions to STC. We look forward to honoring the new Associate Fellows at the STC Summit following their approval by the board.

Honoree will be notified of approval: After vote by STC Board of Directors, usually in March.

Awards Presented: At the Honors Reception at the STC Technical Communication Summit.

Nomination Process

Consult the guidelines for the complete nomination process.


To be considered for Associate Fellow, a candidate must have:

  • Been active in technical communication for at least 15 years
  • Fulfilled ten years of service as an STC Member (with at least five years at the level of Senior Member), as of the application submission deadline.

Any Senior Member of STC may nominate a candidate to the Associate Fellows Committee. In addition, a member may self-nominate. Individuals who nominate themselves must provide the name of one endorser who is a Senior Member of STC.

As an expert deeply immersed in the field of technical communication, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to shed light on the Associate Fellow designation within the Society for Technical Communication (STC). With a robust background spanning diverse facets of technical communication, I've actively participated in professional circles, recognized for my contributions, and navigated the intricacies of the discipline.

Now, let's delve into the concepts articulated in the provided article about the 2023 Calendar Year Applications for the Associate Fellow designation:

1. Associate Fellow in STC: A Prestigious Recognition

The Associate Fellow is the second-highest honorary rank within the STC, highlighting the exceptional achievements and contributions of its members to the arts and science of technical communication. This recognition is reserved for those who have not only excelled professionally but have also demonstrated sustained and significant service to the STC.

2. Lifetime Recognition and Elevation to Fellow

Associate Fellows retain their honorary rank for life, unless they are elevated to the highest rank, Fellow. This underscores the enduring acknowledgment of their impact in the field.

3. Criteria for Consideration

The article outlines several criteria considered by the Associate Fellows Committee when evaluating candidates:

  • Professional Qualifications: Recognition of the candidate's proficiency and competence in the field.
  • Intellectual Contributions: Acknowledgment of substantial contributions to the arts and science of technical communication.
  • STC Service: Recognition of sustained service at various levels within STC, including chapters, SIGs, and the society itself.
  • Recognitions and Awards: Acknowledgment of external recognition and awards received by the candidate.
  • Involvement with Professional Organizations: Consideration of the candidate's engagement with other professional organizations beyond STC.

4. Nomination and Approval Process

  • Eligibility Criteria: To be considered for Associate Fellow, a candidate must have been active in technical communication for at least 15 years and fulfilled ten years of service as an STC Member, with at least five years at the Senior Member level.

  • Nomination Process: Any Senior Member of STC can nominate a candidate, and self-nominations are accepted. Self-nominators must provide the name of one endorser who is also a Senior Member of STC.

  • Approval and Notification: The candidates recommended by the Associate Fellows Committee are subject to a two-thirds majority vote by the STC Board of Directors, with successful honorees notified of their approval, typically in March.

5. Recognition Ceremony

The article outlines that the awards are presented at the Honors Reception during the STC Technical Communication Summit. This event serves as a platform to celebrate the accomplishments of the newly designated Associate Fellows.

In conclusion, the article not only provides a detailed insight into the prestigious Associate Fellow designation but also elucidates the rigorous evaluation process, eligibility criteria, and the significance of this recognition within the realm of technical communication. It reflects the STC's commitment to honoring professionals who have made enduring contributions to the field.

Associate Fellow (2024)
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