Radiation and Airport Security Scanning | US EPA (2024)

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

The TSA uses x-ray machines to screen carry-on items and checked luggage. TSA x-ray equipment must meet the FDA requirements (see below) to limit passenger and worker exposure to radiation. TSA's occupational safety and health professionals adhere to specifications that meet the FDA requirements for screening equipment. They test the equipment when it is set up and may bring in outside specialists to test it as needed. In addition, TSA maintains the equipment and keeps it in good working order. At least once a year, the equipment is tested to make sure it meets federal, state and sometimes local safety standards.

Travel Tips: Advanced imaging technology
This video provides an overview of airport security scanners and their safety.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) makes sure that all x-ray systems and other radiation-emitting screening equipment are built to use radiation safely. The FDA requires that all machines be correctly calibrated and maintained. Their rules apply to all x-ray equipment at airports as well as medical equipment and other uses of radiation-emitting equipment.

Cabinet X-Ray Systems (Closed X-Ray Systems)
This webpage provides information about cabinet x-ray systems including risks and benefits of their use.

The Health Physics Society (HPS)

The HPS is a group of scientists that research and make recommendations about ionizing and non-ionizing radiation topics. They also produce informational reports, fact sheets, and websites to help people better understand radiation. The Society is established in the United States as an independent nonprofit scientific organization, and is not affiliated with any government, industrial organization or private entity.

Pregnancy and Security Screenings
This webpage addresses concerns regarding the use of airport security scanners while pregnant.

Safety for Security Screening Using Devices That Expose Individuals to Ionizing Radiation
This webpage addressed frequently asked questions about backscatter x-ray systems.

Radiation and Airport Security Scanning | US EPA (2024)


How much radiation does an airport scanner give off? ›

The Health Physics Society estimates that airport X-ray scanners deliver 0.1 microsieverts of radiation per scan. In comparison, a typical chest X-ray delivers 100 microsieverts of radiation, according to a 2008 study published in the journal Radiology.

What do airport security scanners see? ›

What Airport Scanners Detect. Airport scanners are an essential part of modern airport security. They can detect a wide range of items, including weapons, explosives, liquids, sharp objects, pills, as well as any other objects that may be hidden on a person's body.

Why does my groin get flagged at TSA? ›

Metal Objects: If you have metal objects in your crotch area, such as zippers, buttons, or belt buckles, they can trigger the scanner to highlight that specific area for further inspection [1].

Can TSA see my tampon? ›

Can you see a tampon during an airport body scan? This is a frequently asked question on Google, and if it's something you're worried about, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Airport body scanners can't see inside the body and therefore can't detect a tampon on a TSA female body scan image.

How much radiation is in a 12 hour flight? ›

We are exposed to low levels of radiation when we fly. You would be exposed to about 0.035 mSv (3.5 mrem) of cosmic radiation if you were to fly within the United States from the east coast to the west coast. This amount of radiation is less than the amount of radiation we receive from one chest x-ray.

Why opt out of airport scanner? ›

Objections to TSA Body Scanners

Primary concerns include: Health Risks. Full body scanners emit some radiation.

Can TSA see through pill bottles? ›

Can airport scanners see pills? Even if the pills are contained in plastic, non metallic or metallic bottles, the answer is yes. The airport scanners have no problems finding the pills that you are travelling with, liquid form or not.

What does TSA see when they scan your ID? ›

An agent will review your name, photo, address and date of birth, then cross-check to see that the information on your travel documents matches your ID. Keep in mind that the Real ID Act is now in effect, and it aims to deter terrorists' ability to use fake or fraudulently obtained IDs.

What triggers a TSA pat down? ›

Pat-Down Screening

You may be required to undergo a pat-down procedure if the screening technology alarms, as part of unpredictable security measures, for enhanced screening, or as an alternative to other types of screening, such as advanced imaging technology screening.

Can TSA see my private parts? ›

The scanners use "backscatter" or "millimeter wave" radiation to see through your clothes. A TSA agent in another room will see an image of your body that could include a revealing look at your entire body, including breasts, genitals, buttocks, and external medical devices.

Why does TSA always pat down my ankle? ›

As one of many security measures, pat-down procedures are used to determine if prohibited items or other threats to transportation security are concealed on the person.

How do I not get flagged by TSA? ›

How not to be “That Guy” at the airport checkpoint
  1. Get there early. ...
  2. Consider checking your bag. ...
  3. If you must carry-on, make sure your bag is well-organized. ...
  4. Get the 411 on 3-1-1. ...
  5. If you must travel with it, know how to safely pack your gun. ...
  6. Be ready when you get in line. ...
  7. Get through the line faster with TSA PreCheck™.

Can TSA see my breast implants? ›

The body scanner has the ability to not only see breast implants but many other types of implants as well. From facial implants, chemotherapy ports, shunts for water on the brain, any artificial orthopedic joint replacements and even testicular implants.

Can TSA see my bra? ›

The answer is a resounding “yes,” but there are some things you might want to know ahead of time. Newer airport security body scanners detect all objects between the scanner and the skin, and while they are able to recognize clothing, they are unable to identify silicone breast forms.

Can TSA see my IUD? ›

Intrauterine device (coil)

As the coil is small and deep inside your body, the airport detectors will not pick it up and you're fine to pass through any airport with an IUD.

Is it safe to go through a body scanner every day? ›

Do body scanners emit harmful levels of radiation? No, body scanners using non-ionizing radiation technology do not emit a harmful amount of radiation. They are safe for daily use in schools or workplaces, but if you have concerns, consult a physician.

Is an airport scanner safe for pregnancy? ›

Yes, it's perfectly safe. The kind of whole-body scanner you step through uses technology called millimetrewave imaging. It's designed to pick up potentially dangerous objects that may be concealed under clothing.

Can airport body scanners detect health issues? ›

Airport body scanners that use millimeter-wave technology, like those in the US and Canada, do not reveal what's inside a person's body. Unlike x-ray technology, millimeter-wave technology only checks the contour of the body; therefore, it cannot detect health issues such as tumors or inflammation.

Are airport scanners film safe? ›

In the past, older models of X-ray scanners were even more damaging to film, particularly high ISO films. However, most current machines used for carry-on luggage scanning use a very mild dose of X-rays that is unlikely to cause any damage to your film if it's under 800 ISO.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.