Are LinkedIn articles dead? (2024)

I originally posted this article 2 years ago.

Last week, I got asked the very same question, “Why would someone bother with LinkedIn articles?”, so I thought it would be a great time to revamp this article and share it with you today ….

Are LinkedIn articles dead?

There once was a time where LinkedIn articles reigned supreme in the world of LinkedIn, but is it still the case?

The rise of short videos, vibrant images and text posts are catching our attention, and the traditional LinkedIn article that was previously the cornerstone of the professional networking platform doesn’t get the visibility it had in its early, glory days.

And yet, there still seems to be a role for this tried-and-true content type if we can make it work for our intended purposes.

Are LinkedIn articles dead?

The short answer?

No, LinkedIn articles are not dead.

They absolutely have an impact when it comes to branding and marketing, and therefore are worth creating as a part of a content schedule.

Are they less valuable than they once were?

While the format of LinkedIn once originally revolved around articles, the evolution of the platform has meant long-form pieces no longer get the organic visibility they once did, particularly pre the introduction of LinkedIn newsletters.

Does this mean LinkedIn articles are a waste of time?

Not at all.

It just means we have to rework our strategies.

How can we make LinkedIn articles work for us in the current digital environment?

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LinkedIn Newsletters

When I originally wrote this article, LinkedIn newsletters were on the horizon. Two years on, they are an embedded feature of LinkedIn, hence my articles are now also my LinkedIn newsletter.

Your LinkedIn Newsletter gets sent directly to the inboxes of your subscribers. This direct line of communication helps in maintaining a consistent level of engagement with the audience, ensuring that the content doesn't get lost in the increasingly crowded social media feeds.

In addition, you attract an engaged audience - people interested in your content are more likely to subscribe to your newsletter.

Content Longevity

While LinkedIn articles may not be getting the same levels of initial visibility they did previously, they can still boost your brand in a different way.

Think of LinkedIn articles as your very own library, housing your knowledge and demonstrating to your audience that you know your stuff.

The items that you share in your newsfeed will disappear quickly, replaced by an onslaught of never-ending posts, but a collection of articles will last forever. Retaining them on LinkedIn makes them easily accessible and you can share them with people to establish credibility.

Broaden Reach

A considered distribution strategy is key to promoting your brand and its key messages and LinkedIn can play an important role in this.

Make it one of your distribution channels, sharing articles as a way to promote your company, share ideas and connect with your audience.

Insightful Conversations

Having a content library of articles I can share helps me have conversations. For example, if someone asks me about LinkedIn articles, I can send them this very article. If I am doing a proposal for a corporate team, I can include a link to an article I wrote on the topic.

So, in answer to our initial question, LinkedIn articles are not dead, but they are different.

To maximise the benefits of this format, it’s important to incorporate them into a structured plan. Think about the way LinkedIn supports your digital marketing and make articles work as part of your broader strategy.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel - articles can be shared more than once or simply given a freshen up to engage a new audience and they can be used to compliment conversations.

LinkedIn articles might not be the easy win they were before, and once we see the opportunities past initial visibility reach, for me (and many others out there), they’re certainly still worth the effort.

If you are interested in harnessing the power of LinkedIn for your business, let’s have a chat! You can visit our website, book a time to chat, or email

Are LinkedIn articles dead? (2024)


Are LinkedIn articles dead? ›

No, LinkedIn articles are not dead. They absolutely have an impact when it comes to branding and marketing, and therefore are worth creating as a part of a content schedule.

Are LinkedIn articles worth it in 2024? ›

Deepening Engagement with Your Ideas

LinkedIn Articles significantly enhance the depth of engagement on your profile. Studies indicate that thought leaders who publish articles on LinkedIn see up to a 40% increase in time spent on their profiles by visitors.

Is LinkedIn still relevant in 2024? ›

With over a billion registered users worldwide, LinkedIn boasts a diverse user base spanning industries, job roles, and geographical locations. In 2024, the platform continues to attract professionals, job seekers, recruiters, and businesses seeking to establish their presence in the digital realm.

Is LinkedIn a good place to write articles? ›

LinkedIn can be a good platform to blog if your goal is to reach a professional audience or establish yourself as an authority in your industry. However, if your goal is to gain a wider readership and potentially earn money from your writing, Medium may be a better choice.

Are LinkedIn articles credible? ›

They are considered to be the most credible sources of information because they are based on evidence and rigorous research.

Does anyone read LinkedIn articles? ›

People love to read content. So when you create a valuable LinkedIn article and you wonder, “How do I get more views to my LinkedIn Article?” Realize that no one will find your article if you just let it sit hidden in your profile. You have to PROMOTE YOUR LINKEDIN ARTICLE with your network.

Are LinkedIn articles better than posts? ›

The choice between LinkedIn Posts and LinkedIn Articles depends on your business goals, target audience, and content strategy: Short Updates and Immediate Engagement: If you want to share quick updates, company news, event highlights, or engage with your network frequently, posts are more suitable.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.