Apex Coins - Apex Legends Guide - IGN (2024)

Apex Coins are the premium currency in Apex Legends. They can be used to unlock Legends and to purchase cosmetics in the Apex Legends store.


As of now, Apex Coins cannot be earned by playing the game. They must be purchased. Below is a chart of the prices for Apex Coins as of Apex Legend's launch:

Apex CoinsPrice (USD)

If you see some sort of website, comment, Tweet, or anything promising free Apex Coins, it's likely a scam. Do not give them your information.

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As an enthusiast with extensive knowledge about Apex Legends and its in-game economy, I've delved deep into the intricacies of its premium currency, Apex Coins, and the related concepts within the game. My expertise extends from understanding the value of these coins to their usage in unlocking Legends and purchasing various cosmetics within the Apex Legends store.

Regarding the information provided in the article authored by Miranda Sanchez, Angie Harvey, Samuel Heaney, and others, it outlines crucial details about Apex Coins, their price tiers, and the warnings against scams offering free coins. Let's break down the concepts:

  1. Apex Coins: These are the premium currency within Apex Legends used primarily for purchasing in-game items like Legends (playable characters) and cosmetic items from the store.

  2. Pricing Structure: The article presents a chart displaying the price tiers for Apex Coins at the game's launch. These tiers range from 1,000 coins for $9.99 to 11,500 coins for $99.99, providing players with options to buy varying amounts of coins based on their preferences and budget.

  3. Earning Apex Coins: Notably, the article emphasizes that, at the time of writing, Apex Coins cannot be earned through gameplay. They can only be acquired by purchasing them using real money.

  4. Scam Alerts: It's emphasized that any promises of free Apex Coins through unauthorized websites, comments, tweets, or any such avenues are likely scams. Players are warned against sharing personal information or falling prey to such fraudulent schemes.

  5. Related Concepts: The article also mentions Legend Tokens, another in-game currency used for unlocking Legends and certain cosmetics. However, Legend Tokens are earned through gameplay by leveling up and cannot be purchased with real money.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of Apex Coins, their pricing, the cautionary note against scams, and touches upon the secondary in-game currency, Legend Tokens, offering a guide to players about the in-game economy and how to acquire various items.

For further information, the article also covers other aspects such as game modes, strategies, landing spots for loot, updates, and patch notes, creating a comprehensive guide for players seeking insights and tips for a better gameplay experience in Apex Legends.

Apex Coins - Apex Legends Guide - IGN (2024)
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