5 Ways to Shake Off Your Job Interview Anxiety (2024)

Nerves—they affect the best of us.

Even politicians, big-shot business professionals, and other world leaders have experienced some form of anxiety and stress in their lifetime; so don’t beat yourself up too much if you feel extremely nervous before or during a job interview. It’s completely normal. But that doesn’t mean that you have to let your nerves be all-consuming—after all, you could jeopardize your chances of employment if you’re “too” jittery.

That said there are several (and simple) things you can do to shake off any pre-interview anxiety and land your dream job. To learn the top 5, continue reading below.

1) Planahead:

This cannot be stressed enough. All too often job applicants get knots in the pits of their stomachs because they don’t know what to expect. Not knowing what kind of curveballs employers can throw at you can be pretty nerve-wracking. But an easy way to walk into your scheduled interview with confidence is to plan ahead and think through all of the worst-case scenarios. This includes not only formulating answers to common interview questions such as “why do you want to work here?” and “why should we hire you instead of the other applicants?” but also jotting down answers to the questions you fear the most. For example, is there a particular question that you are just dreading that the interviewer will ask? If so, face your greatest fear and try coming up with an answer that is both honest and will reflect you in a positive light.

This is not to say that you should memorize all of your answers, however; after all, some variant of these questions may be asked and you don’t want to appear robotic in your responses. But having some idea of what you could say is a sure-fire way to get rid of some nerves. You also want to make sure that you do some thorough research on the company—make sure to know a tad bit about the company’s history, some of its latest projects and recognize the top honchos. Not only will it demonstrate that you’re serious about working there but it can also give your answers some substance.

2) Have adress rehearsal:

Another way to plan ahead and feel more at ease is to have a full-on “mock” dress rehearsal of the interview. Pick out your outfit, get all of your documents in order, and have a friend or relative interview you. Here, your “interviewer” will be able to help point out your strengths and weakness as well as address any mannerisms you may need to correct; for example, you may use too many informal words like “totally and awesome” or speak way too quickly which can hinder your chances of getting hired.

As part of the dress rehearsal, it may also be a good idea to actually take a quick drive-by to where your interview will take place. This can ensure that you don’t get lost on the day of (Google Maps is not always reliable) and can give you an opportunity to check out the parking situation. Even if you know where you’re going, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get there on the day of and ask for the interviewer’s direct phone number—accidents do happen and if you get into a car collision or there is far more traffic than you anticipate, you need to call immediately and let the interviewer know you will be running late or need to reschedule.

3) Have agood laugh:

They don’t say laughter is the best medicine for nothing. Not only have studies proven that laughing can help cure the body of certain diseases and illnesses, but it can also reduce the levels of stress hormones and anxiety. This is because when one laughs, the body releases “feel-good” chemicals called endorphins. These are the same chemicals that are released when we exercise and the same chemicals that naturally help fight off depression.

So to replace any negative, jittery feelings with positive, confident ones simply fill the hours leading up to the interview with laughter. Go visit your funniest friend or watch that one movie no matter how many times you see it always leaves you in stitches. Or you can even download your favorite comedian’s stand-up onto your phone and listen to it on your way to the interview. If all fails, you can even make yourself laugh by making a few funny faces in the review mirror or bathroom.

4) Listen to music:

Another way to get rid of nerves is to listen to music that will put you either in a tranquil non-stress state or listen to some music that will pump you up—you know, some confidence-boosting music that assures you that you are in fact the best. It can help you feel inspired which can, in turn, help you dominate in the interview. Make a tracklist and listen to some motivational (or simply relaxing music) on the drive to the interview and or/while you wait.

5) Be open about nervousness:

Lastly, if you start feeling nervous during the interview remember that it’s ok to admit it. During the beginning of the interview or if you start to stumble on a question, it’s ok to say something like, “I apologize, I’m extremely nervous. This is my first interview” or “It’s been quite some time that I’ve been in this position.” This will only make you appear more human and the interviewer may just be able to relate to you more. Who knows, the interviewer may even just be as nervous as you are.

Author: This guest contribution was submitted by Lenore Holditch, who specializes in writing about top online colleges.

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5 Ways to Shake Off Your Job Interview Anxiety (2024)


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How to reduce anxiety at the interview
  1. Relax and boost your confidence just before the interview. ...
  2. Enter the room confidently. ...
  3. Pay close attention. ...
  4. Think about your responses carefully. ...
  5. Ask questions. ...
  6. Take a healthy perspective on rejection.
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5 Things You Should Do Instead of Overanalyzing Your Interview
  1. Quit Practicing (at Least for Now) ...
  2. Focus on the Big Picture. ...
  3. Think Through (and Write) Your Thank You Note. ...
  4. Find the One Thing You Want to Do Differently Next Time. ...
  5. Keep Pursuing Other Possibilities.

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Here are five tips you can use to help relieve nerves before a job interview:
  1. Prepare yourself. ...
  2. Plan your day around the interview. ...
  3. Eat breakfast. ...
  4. Talk to a family member or friend. ...
  5. Take a break.
Oct 14, 2023

Should I tell my interviewer I have anxiety? ›

If you have struggled with a mental health issue and have learned how to manage it, it shows your strength and ability to overcome difficult challenges. Talk about it in your interview, just as you would any other case of learning and growth you have experienced in your professional life.

Why do I get such bad interview anxiety? ›

Interviews can mean meeting new people, having to talk about yourself, and feeling like an impostor who isn't qualified for the job. Pressure to improve or change your employment situation, whether because of dissatisfaction or for financial reasons, can add another layer of anxiety and stress.

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How to Calm Down Fast
  1. Just breathe. Breathing seems like the most natural thing in the world. ...
  2. Close your eyes and count to 10 slowly. It really works! ...
  3. Chew a piece of gum. ...
  4. Phone a friend – preferably a funny one. ...
  5. Smell lavender. ...
  6. Curl up with your cat or dog. ...
  7. Listen to calming music. ...
  8. Exercise your body.
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If you have a stressful situation, event or performance that you're worried and anxious about — such as a presentation at work, an interview or an exam — then you usually need to take Propranolol about 30 to 60 minutes before.

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You might think it's one of the weaknesses that interviewers try to avoid when hiring, but it's a lot more normal for a person to be nervous at interviews than you might think. Saying it out loud can actually help. Share with the employer that you are extremely interested in the position and the company.

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Overthinking can lead to indecisiveness and missed opportunities. Explain that you recognize the importance of timely decision-making and have implemented strategies to help you weigh the pros and cons of a situation effectively without getting stuck in indecision.

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Pressure to Perform: The pressure to perform well and compete with other candidates can be overwhelming. The fear of not measuring up to other applicants can heighten anxiety. Fear of Rejection: The fear of being rejected or not getting the job can be a significant source of anxiety.

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Here's 15 ideas for you to try:
  1. Try deep breathing. ...
  2. Channel your nervous energy into positivity. ...
  3. Practice the task you are nervous about. ...
  4. Listen to music - especially any tunes that remind you of positive moments or induce happy feelings. ...
  5. Speak to someone you trust about how you feel.
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Why should we hire you? ›

A: When answering, focus on your relevant skills, experience, and achievements that make you the best fit for the role.You should hire me because I am a hard worker who wants to help your company succeed. I have the skills and experience needed for the job, and I am eager to learn and grow with your team .

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The Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) protects employees from discrimination based on a disability—including mental health conditions like depression or anxiety.

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Rather than making it about how you "feel", focus on the impact your mental health is having on your work and productivity - and how you can work together to improve the situation. Remember, your employer will want to help you not least because it makes good business sense.

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For people with social anxiety, preparation is important. You may feel less nervous about an interview when you know the questions you are going to be asked ahead of time. You can find questions a company has asked in previous interviews for a position you are applying for by doing a quick Google search.

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Pressure to Perform: The pressure to perform well and compete with other candidates can be overwhelming. The fear of not measuring up to other applicants can heighten anxiety. Fear of Rejection: The fear of being rejected or not getting the job can be a significant source of anxiety.

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The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

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Mind blanking in an interview is almost always a result of nerves – our bodies can do strange things when we're feeling the pressure of being put on the spot. Before your interview, allow yourself some breathing space – some time to calm yourself before facing the 'lions'.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.