5 Tips to Re-Motivate Yourself on Your Debt Payoff Journey (2024)

3. Talk about your future to re-motivate your debt payoff.

The more you talk about something, the more it sits in the front of your mind. When something is your priority you become hyper-focused on it and every action you do will be a reflection of what you are focused on.

Talk about your debt payoff in a positive way to keep your motivation up and others will start to support you on your journey as well.

Focus your conversations on what life will be like when you are debt free. The excitement and anticipation of how awesome being debt free will be will take over and you will be motivated to keep on the path!

If you are married this can be something as simple as having a “financial dream date” with your husband. This is where you can go out to eat and spend the whole time dreaming about your future together. I find these to be some of the best dates we have.

These re-motivate us and remind us why we are making sacrifices. We have so much fun dreaming about all the possibilities for our future together. Money doesn’t make a life, but it sure is fun to talk about what you can do once you have zero debt.

4. Find an accountability partner to re-motivate your debt payoff.

One of the very best things you can do for yourself to be set up for success is having an accountability partner. They will help pick you up when you can’t find the motivation yourself.

Being held accountable for our actions can be one of the most important determining factors if we are successful at reaching our goals or not. This is too important to just do it halfway.

This is your life and you should have only the best people in your corner, cheering you on and making sure you are responsible for your choices. Once you enter grown-up land, you will find it to be very easy to let yourself down, but you won’t want to disappoint someone close to you.

This person may be a spouse, best friend, co-worker or family member. You are looking for someone who will be honest with you and who you will listen to if they tell you something needs to be changed.

Find the person who you don’t want to let down. They need to be your accountability partner to help keep you on track and keep you motivated to continue on your debt payoff journey.

5. Saturate your mind with debt payoff encouragement to re-motivate your debt payoff.

A huge part of staying motivated during debt payoff will come from what you surround yourself with and what you are putting into your mind. Reading can be a huge way to refocus your mind and provide positive thoughts along your financial journey.

There are tons of books out there focused on finances that can help influence the way you are approaching your journey to becoming debt free.

Some of my favorites are theTotal Money Makeover, The Millionaire Next Door, The Legacy Journey, Rhinoceros Success, Love Your Life Not Theirs, Smart Women Finish Rich.

There are motivating podcasts about money as well that can be a great way to spend your time in the car. Podcasts to start with could His & Her Money, Dave Ramsey, Millennial Money.

Instead of scrolling through Pinterest for random things, look for blogs focused on financial topics. It is always great to get other opinions and hear other people’s stories, especially if they have been through what you are going through.

Great blogs with stories include Money Saving Mom, Busy Budgeter, Dave Ramsey, Rachel Cruze, Ruth Soukup and, of course, Budget with Rachel.

Let’s be honest, debt payoff that takes years can be absolutely draining. You can find yourself lacking motivation at any time. Instead of letting this derail you and keep you from making continued progress, work on getting re-motivated. If you have a vision board, a debt countdown coloring sheet, keep a constant conversation about your future hopes and dreams, have a rockin’ accountability partner, and saturate your brain with positive influences, you are going to be re-energized.

Debt payoff is definitely a marathon and you will need a little pick me up from time to time.


5 Tips to Re-Motivate Yourself on Your Debt Payoff Journey (2024)
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