4 Signs Your Hard Drive is About to Fail - Synivate (2024)

4 Signs Your Hard Drive is About to Fail - Synivate (1)Whether you have a solid state or mechanical drive there is always a chance the device will fail. Regardless of the type of drive, your computer usually will show subtle signs of a pending disk failure. Paying attention to these signs can save you from unexpectedly losing the data stored on your drive.

1. Intermittent File Corruption or Missing Files

Hard drives store data in a specific place that is then later used to retrieve the data when you need it. If the drive is failing, your computer might display an icon for a file, but won’t be able to open it. Instead the computer randomly returns an error that the data is invalid or corrupt.

2. Your Drive Sometimes Isn’t Detected

One of the more common signs of a failing drive is for the computer to simply stop recognizing a drive. If the drive is your main boot drive, you won’t be able to boot the computer. If the drive is a secondary drive, you won’t see the drive letter listed when you search for your drive. When your drive is no longer detected it is most likely damaged.

3. Extended Amount of Time to Open Files or Folders

Your computer can take several minutes to open a file that normally opened quickly. In some instances, the file doesn’t open and a “Blue Screen of Death” is returned instead. Slow boot-up times are also signs that a drive is failing, as critical system files have become corrupt or gone missing.

4. Strange Loud Noises Coming from a Mechanical Drive

When the hard drive’s head touches the platter or the mechanical parts for the head are going bad, you sometimes hear a loud clicking sound from within the drive. These noises occur when you boot, reboot or just load a program. Such an occurrence is a clear sign that the drive is going to fail imminently.

If you think your drive is failing you should reach out to us as soon as possible.

4 Signs Your Hard Drive is About to Fail - Synivate (2024)


4 Signs Your Hard Drive is About to Fail - Synivate? ›

The most common signs of a failing hard drive are an overheating computer, strange noises (like clicking or whirring sounds), and data or file corruption.

What are the four symptoms of failing a hard disk drive? ›

If you encounter any of these, it's a major tell-tale sign your hard drive might be about to give up.
  • File or folder name has become scrambled.
  • Open, move, or save files and receive random error messages.
  • User can't open files.
  • Files contain corrupted data.
  • File or folder has disappeared.
Dec 3, 2021

Which of the following is a symptom of a failing hard drive? ›

The most common signs of a failing hard drive are an overheating computer, strange noises (like clicking or whirring sounds), and data or file corruption.

How do you know if your hard drive is ok? ›

Right-click on the disk and select "Properties". In the Properties window, go to the "Tools" tab. Under the "Error checking" section, click on the "Check" button. Windows will now check the disk for errors and report any issues it finds.

What to do when hard drive is about to fail? ›

Table of Content
  1. Use the Scan & Repair Drive Function.
  2. Use the CHKDSK Command.
  3. Clean Your Failing Hard Drive.
  4. Check/Replace CPU Fans.
  5. Replace Your Hard Drive.
  6. Contact the Official Repair Ship.

What is the most common cause of hard drive failure? ›

1. Physical Damage. Physical damage is one of the leading causes of hard drive failure and can include everything from dropping your computer to exposing it to extreme temperatures or humidity. To avoid errant physical damage, handle your computer with care, avoiding knocks and drops.

What causes a hard drive to fail? ›

Causes. There are a number of causes for hard drives to fail including: human error, hardware failure, firmware corruption, media damage, heat, water damage, power issues and mishaps.

How to tell if an SSD is failing? ›

Eight of the Most Common Failing SSD Symptoms
  1. You Encounter Crashes During Startup. ...
  2. Very Long Time to Save Files. ...
  3. You are Unable to Read or Access Specific Files. ...
  4. Frequent Restarts are Required. ...
  5. An Error Shows the File System Needs Repair. ...
  6. The System Shows You Errors Involving Bad Blocks. ...
  7. Your Disk Drive Overheats.

What is the mean time to failure of a hard drive? ›

It is common to see MTBF ratings between 300,000 to 1,200,000 hours for hard disk drive mechanisms, which might lead one to conclude that the specification promises between 30 and 120 years of continuous operation.

How do I know if my hard drive is physically damaged? ›

One of the most obvious signs of physical damage on your hard drive is when it makes unusual noises, such as clicking, grinding, beeping, or buzzing. These noises indicate that the read/write head, the motor, or the platters are malfunctioning or misaligned.

Do hard drives go bad with age? ›

Solid-state drives also have a longer lifespan—about 10 years or more. Hard disk drives have more moving parts and are less durable and more likely to fail than their solid-state counterparts. For this reason, hard disk drives tend to last between 3–5 years.

Is My hard drive too old? ›

Most IT equipment functions properly for anywhere from five to ten years. However, the typical lifespan of an external hard disk drive (HDD) is only about three to five years. More expensive solid state drives (SSDs) that use flash memory instead of spinning discs generally last ten years or more.

Can a bad hard drive cause no display? ›

Black screen is typically an indicator of one of several possibilities. It could be caused by a bad LCD, motherboard, memory, power connection (dc jack), or even a hard drive. Keep in mind, those can all be caused by age, wear and tear, surges, drops and spills.

How likely is a hard drive to fail? ›

The high initial failure rate can be chalked up to manufacturing defects. Every batch of hard drives will have a few lemons. After that, the failure rate levels out to 1% per year. This is explained by random drive failures.

What hard drive is least likely to fail? ›

Seagate's Exos 8TB (ST8000NM000A) was the report's star. According to the numbers, the hard drive presented zero failures in 2022.

Can you fix a failed hard drive? ›

The good news is that logical failure can be repaired, with the help of powerful analytical tools, data recovery specialists can still salvage the data from bad sectors on your drive. Corrupted boot sectors may be a symptom of a more severe underlying issue with the drive, such as a failing headstack.

Can a failing hard drive be fixed? ›

Only specially-trained expert engineers in a professional data recovery service can repair hard disks safely and effectively. And even then, a repaired hard disk drive will not perform well enough or last long enough for it to be used.

How to tell if a hard drive is corrupted? ›

Hard drive suddenly slows down or becomes extremely slow with huge free space: when a hard drive suddenly slows down or becomes extremely slow in writing new data or file transferring, the disk could be corrupted.

How to tell if an SSD hard drive is failing? ›

SSD Failure
  1. Files can't be read from or written to the drive.
  2. The computer runs excessively slow.
  3. The computer won't boot, you get a flashing question mark (on Mac) or “No boot device” error (on Windows).
  4. Frequent “blue screen of death/black screen of death” errors.
  5. Apps freeze or crash.
  6. Your drive becomes read-only.
Jan 26, 2017

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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