12 Feng Shui Wallet Tips & Colours To Attract Wealth - BST Credit (2024)

Everyone knows that feng shui has a strong correlation to wealth.

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art that explains our relationship with the universe and our surroundings. According to feng shui, strong energy lines connect humans, the universe, and Earth. As such, every little change in the environment affects your life. With good feng shui, your business will prosper, your health will be good and your love life will blossom!

Each time you make a tiny change in your environment, you can attract a different sort of energy.

With the right items, you have the ability to attract positive energy that leads to better health, a better love life, and even more money.

If that last bit made your heart skip a beat, read along. This article will tell you everything about sprucing up your wallet to attract more wealth by using the invisible energy lines in the universe.

1. Feng Shui Colours/Elements Representation Chart

12 Feng Shui Wallet Tips & Colours To Attract Wealth - BST Credit (1)

Black– Black is the colour of prosperity and career advancement opportunities because it’s the colour of the most fertile soil. As such, black is the top choice for your wallet colour.

Blue – Much like the blue water that’s always flowing, so will your money flow out of your wallet if you choose blue as your wallet colour.

Red – Red is another no-no colour for your wallet because it’s the colour of fire that burns everything it touches.

Brown – Brown represents the colour of the soil during winter months when seeds grow. As such, brown is a good choice if you want to increase your savings.

Pink – Pink is the colour of love and it has an idealistic immature dimension to it. Because pink stands for the opposite of pragmatism demanded by wealth, it’s not a good colour for your wallet.

Green – Green, the colour of renewal and growth, is a good wallet colour because it attracts new income opportunities.

Yellow – Yellow signifies the transition between seasons. That means a yellow wallet takes your money away as easily as it brings them. If you like yellow, choose a mustard yellow wallet to increase your savings or a pastel yellow for more luck.

Purple – Purple has strong energy to it. Although a dash of purple in your wealth area at home is a good idea, completely enclosing your money in a purple wallet is not.

2. Avoid Irregularly-Shaped Wallets

Feng shui claims that different shapes attract different types of energy. The Wealth Area is defined by pragmatism and planning, which means it’s represented by rectangular shapes.

You know what that means.

Get a rectangular-shaped wallet.

3. Don’t Fold Your Notes

Say to the Universe: “Send your energy here, my notes have a comfortable home in this wallet.”

Conversely, folding your notes sends the opposite message. And yes, it’s not wise to choose a foldable wallet either, although you can easily stack it into your jeans’ back pocket.

That leads us to…

4. Find A Worthy Place For Your Wallet

12 Feng Shui Wallet Tips & Colours To Attract Wealth - BST Credit (2)

Wearing your wallet near your butt area doesn’t suggest respect for the wealth energy lines.

Imagine your wallet as the seed for wealth. Now you have to find the best soil for it.

And that soil is a nicely organized bag or a neatly decorated wealth area in your feng shui home. Again, it’s not the back pocket of your jeans.

5. Ensure That Your Wallet Is Neat

Clutter is another no-no in feng shui because it’s like a black hole for positive energy. A messy wallet sends this message into the Universe:

“My wallet is already jam-packed with stuff! Can’t you see I have no place for anything else?”

That means you have to declutter your wallet if you want the universe to send you more cash and opportunities. Here are some decluttering tips that might help you.

6. Never Place Your Wallet On The Floor

Some people who wear their wallets in their back pockets are in the habit of placing their wallets on the bathroom floor when they visit the loo while the universe gently face-palms itself.

Placing your wallet on the floor is like telling the universe that for your wealth is unimportant and you can easily sweep away.

Come on, it just takes seconds to put your wallet on a table while you’re in the bathroom.

7. Buy A New Wallet

Old wallets store the previous owner’s energy, and that sends confusing signals to the universe.

Get a new wallet for better luck. You want the wealth to go to you. It doesn’t have to be expensive as long as it’s never been used before.

8. Add Some Lucky Symbols

12 Feng Shui Wallet Tips & Colours To Attract Wealth - BST Credit (3)

Lucky symbols bring lucky energy to your wealth area, such as more opportunities and more savings.

The three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon are a classic example of a lucky wealth symbol. Plus, they’re easy to find in any thrift shop.

If you’re looking for keychains or small ornaments that may bring luck, consider visiting Chinatown in Singapore. Items are cheap and of a great variety there. Here’s how you can get there.

9. Keep Your Wallet Organised

We already explained why you should declutter your wallet. Now you also have to organise it.

Even if you don’t have a lot of stuff in your wallet, make sure that everything has its own compartment.

That way, the universe understands you can be trusted with planning and strategising your finances. Good financial planning is definitely an advantage. When you need money urgently, you can consider getting a customized personal loan to help.

10. Leave Some Credit Cards At Home

While most credit card designs look stylish and cool, they actually symbolize debt and financial loss. A lot of people get into trouble with credit card debt and take on credit card loans to help clear the debt.

According to feng shui, places with a lot of debt can’t reflect the energy lines that bring more wealth because debt sucks in that wealth.

Here’s how you show the Universe it can send more gains into your wallet:

Leave some credit cards at home and only take one or two you need.

11. Change Your Worn-Out Wallet

Wealth energy is attracted by clean, neat, and tidy objects. That’s why the universe won’t send prosperity and innovative business opportunities into your raggedy wallet.

Show the universe your status by upgrading your wallet, aka your status symbol.

Again, you don’t have to purchase an expensive, new wallet. It just has to look neat.

12. Use Wealth Crystals

Crystals are frequently used in feng shui because they attract different sorts of energies.

That’s why you need some wealth crystals in your wallet.

Don’t cram a lot in there, though. Use a few by rotation depending on your purposes. For instance, you can add a few citrine crystals if you need more income opportunities or Malachite if you want to increase your savings.

12 Feng Shui Wallet Tips & Colours To Attract Wealth - BST Credit (2024)


What color of wallet attracts money? ›

Orange: Orange is a vibrant and energetic color that is associated with enthusiasm, success, and positivity. It is believed to attract wealth and prosperity and is considered a lucky color for your wallet.

What should I put in my wallet to attract money? ›

It is also believed that keeping specific gems in a wallet can attract wealth. Emerald, Citrine, clear and rose quartz, red coral, amber, and green jade are among the most auspicious jewels.

What color brings money? ›

Attracting Money: Decorate in Red, Purple or Green

Purple and green are also key colors for attracting prosperity but there's a hitch. "If you really can't stand the color green, it won't work for you.

How to make your wallet a money magnet? ›

Keep the current notes in sequence in ascending order to attract abundance đź’µ 2. Always keep your cardsđź’ł and notes in separate compartments in order to stay organised. 3. Keep the coins in separate compartment in your wallet do not mix notes and coins together.

What colors evoke wealth? ›

Gold and Purple

As you would expect, these colors will work well for jewelry and fashion products as they represent wealth and luxury. Silver will also work well in this niche. It's also a good choice for financial organizations and educational businesses that want to give off a sense of status.

What is the color symbol for money? ›

And of course, green is, as the saying goes, 'the color of money' (US money, that is) and therefore associated with wealth and stability.

How do you attract big money? ›

How To Attract Money?
  1. Belief In Your Ability To Attract Money. ...
  2. Take Consistent Action. ...
  3. Create A Positive Mindset Around Money. ...
  4. Visualize Your Desired Outcomes. ...
  5. Give More Than You Receive. ...
  6. Be Grateful For What You Have. ...
  7. Take Risks. ...
  8. Network And Connect With Others.

Which charm is lucky for wallet? ›

The leaf charm card is a metallic charm that can be placed inside a purse or pocket to enhance good luck. There are many good luck charms which are marriage, longevity, wealth, and prosperity.

What happens when you put rice in your wallet? ›

In China, rice is a symbol of good life and abundance. It is believed that keeping 21 grains of rice in a wallet attracts positive energy but also prevents unnecessary spending of money. It would not be bad to change grains regularly to attract fresh energy. Never let your dresser be empty!

Which color attracts positive energy? ›

YELLOW: Optimism and Happiness

Yellow has been psychologically proven to boost energy, awareness, and even metabolism! It stimulates our creative process, which can help us get “unstuck” and make quick decisions. It's a seriously powerful color when it comes to colors that represent positive energy.

What to put in a money corner in feng shui? ›

What should I put in my money corner? Put items that activate wealth in your money corner, such as a money tree, crystals, and images of water. What are the feng shui colors for wealth corner? The feng shui colors for the wealth corner are purple, blue, and green.

What brings good luck for money? ›

For example, rubber plants and jade plants are particularly associated with attracting money and good fortune. The money tree (pachira aquatica) and lucky bamboo (dracaena sanderiana) are also thought to bring luck in numbers. The more stalks a lucky bamboo has, the greater the blessings it is believed to attract.

What kind of wallet attracts money? ›

Black Wallet Symbolises Wealth

Many cultures also associate the colour with darkness, death, evil, and mourning. But it also stands as a sign of strength and power. It is also linked with elegance and sophistication. If you want to see your money grow, you should get a black wallet.

How can I get money in my wallet? ›

Follow the easy steps below to get started:
  1. Click on "Add money" under the Ghanaian (GHS) wallet.
  2. Add money with mobile money.
  3. Enter the amount and enable access to your contact.
  4. Select the contact or Input an active phone number that will authorize the inflow payment.
Feb 14, 2024

What color should I get my wallet? ›

When choosing a color for your wallet, go for a color that complements your usual style. Consider the colors in your wardrobe, as well as what your outfit consists of. If you often wear neutrals such as brown and beige, a brown leather wallet for men is a great choice.

What is the universal color of money? ›

Green is often associated with nature, freshness and the environment, as well as everything around health and well-being. Although it's a highly visible color, it's not too 'out there', so it also conveys stability and moderation. In the US, green can also portray wealth, as it's associated with the color of money.

What color wallet do men prefer? ›

The most popular colors for men's wallets are black and brown.

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