10 Ways to Save Money on Road Trips - The Teacher's Wife (2024)

10 Ways to Save Money on Road Trips - The Teacher's Wife (1)

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Since we don’t have immediate family members in town, we have always known we’d be a road trip kind of family. Air travel is getting to be more and more expensive, so it’s just not an option for us these days. But, with the way gas prices are constantly on the rise, car travel can be pricey too. We are certainly not experts when it comes to road trips, but we have learned a few things to help keep costs down as much as possible.


1. Increase fuel efficiency as much as possible

It’s no secret that fuel prices are on the rise. Our SUV is not nearly as fuel efficient as our Toyota Corolla, but there are ways to optimize fuel efficiency. Here are some ideas.

Packing light
– Leave early in the morning to avoid traffic
– Check the fluids and air in your tires
– Drive the speed limit

2. Check gas prices when looking to fill up

I’ve heard great things about websites like Gasbuddyfor checking local gas prices while travelling. They also have an app available, which is so helpful when travelling. If you have to fill up anyway, you might as well find the best price in the local area.

3. Plan your route in advance

Knowing where you are going will help avoid getting lost, which wastes gas and time. Make sure you have a good GPS*or road atlas* {our family still loves paper}so you know your route.


4. Pack snacks & food for other meals

We have saved quite a bit of money by packing snacks and food/drinks when we are travelling on long road trips. We usually plan on eating out for some meals, but usually pack at least a small cooler for snacks and lunch. Every little bit of savings helps.

5. Use the internet to help find affordable restaurants

Yelpis really helpful for finding restaurants. You can read reviews and get an idea on prices before you decide where to stop.

10 Ways to Save Money on Road Trips - The Teacher's Wife (2)


6. Stay overnight with friends or family when possible

While stating in a hotel can be a nice treat, they can be expensive, especially when all you need is a place to lay your head for a few hours before getting back on the road. Why not consider asking a friend or family member if you can spend the night with them when you are passing through? It’s a great way to catch up with friends or family and to save some money, all at the same time.

7. Leave early enough to be able to make the trip in one day

We have started doing this when travelling to see The Teacher’s family in Mississippi. We leave as early as possible {sometimes as early as 3am} and try to make the trip in one day so we can avoid having to spend the night at a hotel.

8. Use travel websites to find good deals and honest reviews

If we do have to spend the night in a hotel, we search the internet for the best deal possible. We have had great luck with Hotels10 Ways to Save Money on Road Trips - The Teacher's Wife (3)*because we have found their reviews to be very accurate. It’s one thing to get a great deal on a room, but you also want to make sure you have an idea of what you are getting ahead of time.

Although you don’t have complete control over the hotel chain, we have also found some great deals by bidding on a room using Priceline*. You can start bidding low and sometimes get surprised when they will accept your bid.

Spending Money

9. Using cash to pay for your trip

We have become big proponents of using cash. We put money in our slush fund each month specifically for vacations, so that we can have money available when we are ready to take a vacation. Before our trips, we withdraw our spending money and it ensures we don’t go into debt for vacation.

10. Track your spending

I keep a log of the money as we spend it, so I know exactly where it’s going as the trip unfolds. Using cash usually helps us think before we spend, but tracking our spending also helps with planning or saving for future trips.

How do you save money on road trips?

P.S. For more frugal family inspiration delivered to your inbox, subscribe to my email list here.

10 Ways to Save Money on Road Trips - The Teacher's Wife (2024)
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