How much does it cost to run a Discord server? (2024)

How much does it cost to run a Discord server?

It's completely free to use with complete access to your messages, history, communities, etc. And, furthermore, it's free to start your own server too. However, there are paid subscriptions for bonuses and perks. For $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year, users can sign up for Discord Nitro(opens in a new tab).

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(Ritesh Verma)
How much does it cost to keep discord running?

Discord's premium subscription package, Nitro, is available at $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year. With Nitro, users get various perks, including: custom and animated emojis.

(Video) How to Make Money on Discord, Monetize Your Discord Server!
(NoIntro Tutorials)
Is discord turning a profit?

Meanwhile, Discord does not appear to be wildly profitable. That's partly by design. The company relies mostly on optional premium subscriptions (the majority of features are available free) and has eschewed potentially more lucrative opportunities to sell ads or user data.

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How old is the CEO of Discord?

Jason Citron is a 37-year-old world-famous brain behind the widely used social platform for gamers. He was born on the 21st of September 1987 and started his entrepreneurial journey from a young age. According to Discord's company page, he is the company's co-founder.

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(Glider Guy)
Is Discord a dating app?

Though it's not explicitly a dating app, Discord has increasingly become a platform for people to make romantic connections.

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Who was the first Discord user?

One user, who goes by Vind on Discord, was among Discord's earliest cohort of users. He and his Battlefield 4-playing friends ditched TeamSpeak for the app, right as they were also starting to do more than just talk about Battlefield.

(Video) How to Make MONEY From Your DISCORD SERVER!
Is Discord still losing money?

Discord increased its revenue by 188% in 2020, and is expected to generate more than $200 million in 2021.

(Video) Discord Nitro Boosting Explained
Who is Discord owned by?

In January 2016, Discord raised an additional $20 million in funding including an investment from WarnerMedia (then TimeWarner). In 2019, WarnerMedia Investment Group was shutdown and acquired by AT&T, selling its equity.

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Is Discord owned by China?

Tencent owns, has stakes in, or partners with Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard, Epic Games, Riot Games, Paradox, PUBG, League of Legends, Clash Royale, Discord, Fortnite, Path of Exile, Rocket League, and many - many more. It is literally the largest game company in the world.

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(Jung To Live By)
Is being a Discord mod hard?

Moderators are at the forefront of creating spaces where people feel safe and can find belonging. Moderators are a key part of making communities great and a place where people want to gather. Moderation takes hard work, and a commitment to learning more about how to make communities better.

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(Epic Homesteading)

Is Discord a safe app?

Is Discord safe? With the right privacy settings and monitoring, it's easy to use Discord safely. However, there's always a risk when it comes to sites and apps with open chat. The safest way to use Discord is to only accept friend requests and participate in private servers with people you already know.

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(Marcus House)
Is Discord dating illegal?

Dating on Discord is perfectly legal, and anyone who is 18 or above can join one of the many dating servers to meet new people.

How much does it cost to run a Discord server? (2024)
Can 12 year olds use Discord?

The minimum age to access Discord is 13, unless local legislation mandates an older age. To ensure that users satisfy that minimum age requirement, we are in the process of rolling out a gate that asks them to confirm their date of birth upon creating an account.

Can I meet girls on Discord?

Whether you are looking for love or you just want to practice talking to others, Discord dating servers are a great place to meet like-minded individuals. Remember to treat others with respect or you might find yourself booted from one of these highly-moderated servers.

Is Discord a virus?

Yes, Discord is a safe app if you use it to communicate with the people you know. However, if you join chat rooms with dozens of unfamiliar people, you can fall victim to a malware attack. Hackers often exploit messaging platforms like Discord to distribute viruses via malicious links or infected files.

Who is the Discord CEO?

CEO/Co-Founder, Discord Inc.

What is the biggest Discord server?


How old is the average Discord user?

The average age of Discord users is between 16 and 20 years old. Discord is not intended for children under the age of 13. Discord, however, does not promote its services to people aged 13 to 17.

Who uses Discord the most?

The app is primarily targeting adults and gamers, which would put the expected average age around 30-33 as it is the average age of gamers. Discord does not advertise services for the 13-17 audience. Based on users' experiences, in the beginning, the average age was around 20 years old.

What is Discord worth?

Once a niche platform for gamers, Discord is now worth $15 billion and looking to go public. Discord started as a tool to help gamers communicate but has since rebranded to appeal to a broader audience.

Why is Discord shut down?

Secondly, the reason for the so-called “Discord shutting down” is that Discord is so populated and its server is overloaded. Discord users are suffering from slow services and Discord has to remove some inactive user accounts to keep going on.

Is Discord really private?

It does use standard encryption, but does not provide end-to-end encryption of its video chats. So while Discord does use basic encryption while data is in transit, it does not use the more secure end-to-end encryption service that other apps, like Signal or Telegram, use.

How much does Discord app cost?

Discord is free to use, but if you want to get even more out of it, you can sign up for Discord Nitro. This premium subscription tier ($9.99 per month, or $99.99 per year) gets you benefits such as bigger upload size limits, HD video for streaming and screen-sharing, animated avatars and custom emojis.

How much does Discord company cost?

Nitro. Nitro is a premium subscription package offered by Discord. Discord Nitro comes in at $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year. The cheaper version, named Nitro Classic, costs $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year, respectively.

How much money does Discord make?

Discord increased its revenue by 188% in 2020, and is expected to generate more than $200 million in 2021.
Discord annual revenue 2016 to 2020 ($mm)
YearRevenue ($mm)
1 more row

Does it cost money to host a Discord bot?

You do not need to install anything on your computer, and you do not need to pay anything to host your bot. We are going to use a number of tools, including the Discord API, Python libraries, and a cloud computing platform called

Is Discord ok for 12 year olds?

How old should you be to use Discord? Discord requires that users be at least 13 years old, although they do not verify users' age upon sign-up. Common Sense Media also recommends Discord users be at least 13 due to its open chat.

What age is Discord for?

Discord's Terms of Service states that only users who are 13 years or older may use its service in the U.S. That said, there are children under 13 who use Discord. The company has said it is developing a “gate” that asks users to self-report their date of birth upon creating an account.

Who created Discord?

Discord was started to solve a big problem: how to communicate with friends around the world while playing games online. Since childhood, founders Jason Citron and Stan Vishnevskiy both shared a love of video games, cherishing the friendships and connections that formed while playing them.

Who was the first Discord user?

One user, who goes by Vind on Discord, was among Discord's earliest cohort of users. He and his Battlefield 4-playing friends ditched TeamSpeak for the app, right as they were also starting to do more than just talk about Battlefield.

Who is the CEO of Discord?

CEO/Co-Founder, Discord Inc.

Who is Discord owned by?

In January 2016, Discord raised an additional $20 million in funding including an investment from WarnerMedia (then TimeWarner). In 2019, WarnerMedia Investment Group was shutdown and acquired by AT&T, selling its equity.

Who uses Discord the most?

The app is primarily targeting adults and gamers, which would put the expected average age around 30-33 as it is the average age of gamers. Discord does not advertise services for the 13-17 audience. Based on users' experiences, in the beginning, the average age was around 20 years old.

How big is Discord in GB?

Improve your team communication with Chanty
Screen sharingYes (in paid plans)Yes
Interface color options20+ theme optionsEither light or dark theme
Storage limit5GB in Free plan, 10GB-20GB in Paid plansUnlimited
File upload limit1GB8MB/file in Free plan 100MB/file in Nitro plan
10 more rows

How do you make a bot run 24 7?

How to Host a Discord Bot 24/7 for FREE [Part 2] - YouTube

How do I host my Discord bot 24/7 for free?


How do I host a Discord bot free 24 7?

Host a Discord Bot online 24/7 for FREE!
  1. uploading your project on • ...
  2. Adding a bg task and keeping the bot alive. (1) Keeping the bot alive & Adding BG tasks in a discord js (v11) bot : ...
  3. Keeping the bot alive & Adding BG tasks in a discord.Py bot : • ...
  4. Setup the Uptime Robot : •
Mar 4, 2021

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Last Updated: 11/06/2024

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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