How do I download trade history from FTX? (2024)

How do I download trade history from FTX?

1. Log on to FTX and choose "Trade History" from the menu. 2. At "Trade History" section, click the calendar icon, choose the full period of your trade, hit "search", and download the CSV file by hitting the cloud icon.

(Video) FTX Tax Reporting: How to Get CSV Files from FTX
How do I find my transaction history on FTX?

Go to the Trade History page by clicking 'Orders' in the top header and then 'Trade History'. In the first window (Trades), click the 'Filter time window' icon (top-right corner) and select a time period that includes all your transactions on FTX, and then click 'Search'.

(Video) Trading Journal with FTX Crypto Trade History Importer (by Minerva)
(Minerva Trading)
How do I download a FTX statement?

How to import FTX data into CryptoTaxCalculator
  1. In the top right click on your username.
  2. In the dropdown menu select trade history.
  3. Click the 'Download CSV' button and upload to CryptoTaxCalculator.
  4. If you traded future products you will need to import your PnL statement.
  5. Click on your username and select 'PnL'

(Video) FTX US Tax Reporting: How to Get CSV Files from FTX US
How do I download trade history?

How to Download Spot Trading Transaction History Statement
  1. Log in to your Binance account and go to [Orders] - [Spot Order].
  2. Click [Trade History] - [Export].
  3. Select [Beyond 6 months - Custom] and click on the calendar bar to adjust the dates. ...
  4. Click [Generate].
Apr 26, 2022

(Video) FTX API Python Tutorial (Crypto Exchange)
(Analyzing Alpha)
Can you connect FTX to TradingView?

You're welcome to try in the TradingView trading panel: all you need to do is hover over the icon, click the “Connect” button and type in your exchange account credentials.

(Video) FTX App Tutorial: Easily Invest and manage your crypto
(Full Value Dan)
How do I get the CSV from the FTX app?

FTX Tax Reporting: How to Get CSV Files from FTX - YouTube

(Video) FTX Tutorial For Beginners 2022 (FULL STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE)
(Collection Crypto)
Do you have to pay taxes on FTX?

Just like these other forms of property, cryptocurrencies are subject to capital gains and losses rules, and you need to report your gains, losses, and income generated from your crypto investments on your taxes.

(Video) FTX MOVE Contracts Statistical Arbitrage
(Crypto Wizards)
How do I view PNL on FTX?

To calculate your pnl, all you have to do is:
  1. PNL: position size * (sell price - buy price)
  2. PNL for open position: position size * (mark price - entry price) if you bought; position size * (entry price - mark price) if you sold. ...
  3. Unrealized PNL: position size * (mark price - mark price 30 seconds ago).
Jan 19, 2022

(Video) Bybit Order History - PNL full tutorial
(Heavy Crypto)
What's the difference between FTX and FTX pro?

Trading fees

The FTX App does not charge any fees when you are buying or selling cryptocurrencies on its platform. However, due to a possibly larger currency spread, you may still incur high trading costs. Meanwhile, FTX Pro charges up to 0.07% whenever you make a trade on their platform.

(Video) How To Find Transaction History on Binance (Download Transactions For Taxes)
Does FTX us provide 1099?

If you sell a capital asset through a broker, you should expect to receive a Form 1099-B.

(Video) What is Ftx |Fttcoin price 2022 | This Project 10x,50x,100x💰
(Vijay Crypto India)

How do I find my trade history?

Trade history

Click on the [Trade History] tab to view all your trade history. Trade History records the transaction details of all your executed orders, trading fees, and realized profits.

(Video) Don't Miss Out on Crypto: Larry David FTX Commercial
(FTX Official)
How do I export transaction history from Crypto? App: Export Your Transaction History Feature
  1. Click transaction history icon (top right) on the Crypto Wallet page.
  2. Click export icon (top right) on the Transaction History page.
  3. Select date range for export and click export to CSV.
  4. The CSV file is generated and you can now export it.
Nov 6, 2019

How do I download trade history from FTX? (2024)
How do I download a CSV file from Crypto?

How to export my App transaction records? On the Accounts page, tap the history icon (top right). Tap on the 'Export' button (top right). Select the Start and End Date (inclusive) then tap "Export to CSV'.

Does FTX have copy trading?

WunderTrading is proud to announce the integration of a cryptocurrency exchange – FTX US. New features available for FTX.US crypto traders: Copy-trading.

Is FTX exchange safe?

Is FTX a safe exchange? Yes, FTX is a safe cryptocurrency exchange, with all the usual security features you expect.

Does FTX have desktop app?

FTX has just released a new-and-improved app for iPhone and Android!

Is FTX us the same as FTX app?

BERKELEY, Calif., July 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- West Realm Shires Services Inc., FTX Trading Limited, and Blockfolio Inc., the companies behind FTX.US, FTX.COM and FTX: Blockfolio respectively, today announced that the FTX: Blockfolio mobile app has rebranded as FTX (the "FTX mobile app" or the "FTX app").

Is Blockfolio the same as FTX?

Blockfolio is now FTX! Your success as a crypto trader depends on knowledge and agility. The best crypto trackers aim to deliver both. Cryptocurrency traders use a crypto tracker like FTX to check the price, quantities and trends of the cryptocurrency they own or that they might want to buy.

Does FTX report to CRA?

Does FTX report to the CRA? Yes — as a Money Services Business registered with FINTRAC, FTX is required to report to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Can US citizens use FTX?

Stock tokens (and any related products or derivatives) cannot be traded by many jurisdictions, including residents of the United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, FTX prohibited jurisdictions, and potentially others. Spot margin and fiat onboarding/offboarding are not available to residents of India.

Where can I file taxes with crypto for free?

Download Form 8949 for free

If your cryptocurrency platforms are part of the TaxBit Network, you're able to download your completed tax forms for FREE. TaxBit integrates with 500+ cryptocurrency sources.

Can you transfer crypto from FTX to Coinbase?

Users have the ability to automatically synchronize your Coinbase wallet(s) with their FTX App Portfolio(s). After enabling this feature, you'll never need to manually enter your Coinbase transactions to your FTX App Portfolio(s) again.

Does FTX show profit and loss?

FTX has a PnL page! You can view your profit and loss on each day and break it down by product.

How does FTX PnL work?

How FTX calculates PnL. FTX treats a deposit of an asset as a purchase at the market price at the time of deposit. So if you deposit 1 ETH when ETH/USD is trading at $195, that is treated as buying 1 ETH for $195. So there is no PnL associated with a deposit because you are "buying" at the current price.

How do I use FTX portfolio tracker?

FTX Tutorial (formerly Blockfolio) - Track Crypto portfolio Automatically ...

Does FTX report to the IRS?

When you sell or trade cryptocurrency, you're required by the IRS to report the transactional details, including the capital gain or loss, on Form 8949. Form 8949 requires you to track and report the following for each of your cryptocurrency's taxable events: Details of the cryptocurrency.

Does FTX report to CRA?

Does FTX report to the CRA? Yes — as a Money Services Business registered with FINTRAC, FTX is required to report to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

What is a pending order FTX?

A limit order (also known as resting order or pending order) allows you to set a price you would like to execute in the future and not immediately. The trade will only execute once it reached the price entered. The order will not be filled if the price does not reach this level.

Can you transfer crypto from FTX to Coinbase?

Users have the ability to automatically synchronize your Coinbase wallet(s) with their FTX App Portfolio(s). After enabling this feature, you'll never need to manually enter your Coinbase transactions to your FTX App Portfolio(s) again.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Last Updated: 04/02/2024

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.