How can I transfer from Fantom to BSC? (2024)

Can I send FTM on the BSC network?

You can also send FTM via Ethereum or BSC networks depending upon your purpose of using FTM. But, if you have transferred via Ethereum or BSC networks, you or the recipient will receive not the native FTM but Ethereum or Binance-pegged FTM.

(Video) Bridge Fantom to Binance Smart Chain (Spookyswap)
How do I switch from Fantom to BNB?

To exchange Fantom to Binance coin, go to the exchange widget on the homepage. Indicate the coin you want to exchange and enter the amount. Choose the crypto to buy. Our platform will instantly find the most profitable FTM to BNB exchange rate offered by leading exchange platforms.

(Video) Does SpookySwap have the best bridge on Fantom? From Fantom to BSC and back in 6 minutes.
(FTM Alerts)
How can I transfer coins to BSC?

Let's jump right into BSC Blockchain!
  1. About BSC (BNB Smart Chain) ...
  2. Step 1: Prepare tokens. ...
  3. Step 2: Prepare your BEP-20 wallet to store tokens. ...
  4. Step 3: Transfer tokens from other Blockchains to BSC (BEP-20) ...
  5. Step 4: Add tokens to the Coin98 Super App. ...
  6. Step 5: Skin in the game with BNB Chain. ...
  7. Conclusion.
Apr 23, 2022

(Video) CHEAP way to Bridge BSC to FATNOM (FTM) - Bridge BSC to Fantom network
(Antiphon - Crypto Orator)
How do I send FTM to Binance?

To transfer FTM from MetaMask to Binance, select FTM in Binance. Then, copy the deposit address. Click Send. Paste the address that you have copied on Binance.
  1. Go to Fiat and Spot. ...
  2. Select FTM and Copy the Deposit Address. ...
  3. Launch MetaMask. ...
  4. Paste the Address and Enter the amount of FTM. ...
  5. Click Confirm. ...
  6. Check Activity & Binance.
Apr 23, 2022

(Video) How to Bridge from BSC to Fantom Network
(Charge Ventures)
How do I add FTM to BSC MetaMask?

4 Steps To Add FTM To Your Metamask Wallet On The Binance Smart Chain
  1. Go to Metamask and ensure that you are using the Binance Smart Chain.
  2. Select 'Import Tokens', and then 'Import Custom Token'
  3. Copy the Binance Smart Chain contract from CoinMarketCap.
  4. Double check that FTM is detected and select 'Add Custom Token'
Jan 30, 2022

(Video) How To Bridge From Binance Smart Chain (BSC) To Fantom Network
(Johnny Time)
Is Fantom an ERC20?

Fantom has an ERC20 token, but it can't be used directly on the Opera mainnet.

(Video) How to bridge from BSC to Fantom Network part 1
(Pro Trading📊📈)
How do I transfer money from Phantom to Binance?

A Step-By-Step Instruction on How to Withdraw/ Transfer SOL from Binance Mobile Application to Phantom Wallet
  1. Go to the Binance mobile application.
  2. Tap the wallet icon.
  3. Find Solana.
  4. Click Withdraw.
  5. Paste your Phantom wallet address.
  6. Enter the amount & click Withdrawal.
  7. Confirm order.
  8. Enter the verification code sent.
Dec 11, 2021

(Video) Ethereum, Polygon, Fantom, BSC: Faucets and Bridges (Transfering between those Networks)
How do you bridge Binance in Fantom?

How to Bridge BNB Crypto from Binance Smart Chain to Fantom

(Video) How To Transfer Funds To Fantom Network ✔️(Send Crypto From Ethereum Or Binance Smart Chain)
(Satoshi Scope)
Does Binance have Fantom Network?

You can trade Fantom for 300+ cryptocurrencies on Binance's industry-leading, fast, and secure trading platform. Binance offers many trading pairs for Fantom trading to meet your needs.

(Video) How to Bridge Funds From Binance Smart Chain (BSC) To Fantom (FTM)
Is BEP20 same as BSC?

BEP20 is a token standard for Binance coin (BNB) on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The BNB version BEP20 is the Default token in BSC which follows the Ethereum ERC-20 token standard so it is compatible with Ethereum's smart contract and its programming language, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

(Video) BSC to Fantom (FTM) Metamask Coin Bridge: Quick Guide
(Simplify Crypto)

What is BEP20 wallet?

The BEP20 Token Standard

BEP20 is a developer-friendly token standard that allows anyone to deploy fungible digital currencies or tokens on Binance Smart Chain. What's more, leading digital assets on other chains can be ported onto Binance Smart Chain in the form of pegged BEP20 tokens.

(Video) How to send BNB to Fantom Network
(Crypto Mischief)
What is BEP20 wallet address?

Steps to find BEP20 Address on Trust Wallet:

Open your smart chain wallet. Select “Receive.” You will find your BEP20 address as well as the QR code. Tap on “Copy” to copy the address for sharing or share the QR code.

How can I transfer from Fantom to BSC? (2024)
How do you bridge on Fantom?

To bridge onto Fantom, head over to the xPollinate website and connect your wallet using Metamask. Select the respective source and destination chain on the UI and the token to bridge. The xPollinate bridge supports USDC, USDT and DAI. Enter the receiver address and click Swap, then sign the transaction.

Does MetaMask support Fantom?

MetaMask is a crypto wallet app and browser extension that primarily interacts with the Ethereum mainnet. To download the extension, you can visit the official MetaMask website. Besides Ethereum, Metamask can also interact with other networks like Fantom.

Is FTM on MetaMask ERC20?

You can store ERC20 FTM in any mobile wallet that supports Ethereum and ERC20 tokens.

How do I withdraw from Fantom to Binance to MetaMask?

Option 2: Transfer Funds from Binance (or other Exchanges) to Metamask
  1. Step 1: Log in to your Binance Account. Buy FTM Tokens if you did not do that yet. ...
  2. Step 2: Transfer $FTM to your Metamask Ethereum Wallet. ...
  3. Step 3: Go to Multichain for the Cross-Chain Swap.

How do I send FTM from BSC to Fantom network?

How To Bridge From Binance Smart Chain (BSC) To Fantom Network

How do I transfer tokens between networks on MetaMask?

Once you're on the Swap tab, make sure your network in the upper bar is selected to Polygon. If you're on Mainnet, simply switch your network, and approve the transaction in MetaMask. You can then select which token you would like to swap and click “Approve Transaction”.

Is Fantom a bep20?

It has a market cap rank of 3596. Fantom (BEP-20) is traded on exchanges.

What chain is Fantom on?

Fantom is a Layer-1 blockchain that uses a scratch-built consensus mechanism and independent consensus layer, Lachesis, to facilitate DeFi and related services on the basis of smart contracts. Lachesis provides security for other layers as well, including Opera, Fantom's EVM-compatible smart contract chain.

Which network is FTM on?

What is FTM? FTM is the primary token on the Fantom network. FTM is used for securing the network through staking, for governance, for payments, and for fees.

How do I get money out of my phantom wallet?

The Process to Withdraw SOL from Phantom Wallet
  1. Open Phantom mobile app or browser extension.
  2. If required, provide login details to access the wallet account.
  3. Now, find and click the 'Solana Token Balance' option.
  4. Choose the 'Your Stake Now' option to proceed.
  5. Select the staking account from which you want to withdraw SOL.
Apr 23, 2022

How do I send from Phantom to Coinbase?

Open up your Phantom wallet and click the wallet address at the top. Paste the address into Coinbase, and choose how much you want to send (max will probably be fine). Once you're ready, click Continue.

How do I transfer from Phantom to Binance on USDC?

Here are 3 steps to transfer from Phantom Wallet to Binance:
  1. Obtain the Solana network deposit address from Binance.
  2. Select the cryptocurrency that you wish to withdraw from your Phantom Wallet.
  3. Confirm the transaction on your Phantom Wallet.
Jan 7, 2022

How do you bridge from Binance smart chain to Fantom?

How to Bridge BNB Crypto from Binance Smart Chain to Fantom

How do you bridge BNB to FTM?

Current BSC -FTM Bridge Supported Tokens: BNB, BIFI.
How to Bridge
  1. Select Networks and Token. First, select the networks you'd like to bridge to and from. ...
  2. Enter the Amount. After selecting the token, select the amount you would like to bridge. ...
  3. Click “Bridge Token”

How do I bridge Usdc from BSC to Fantom?

To bridge onto Fantom, head over to the xPollinate website and connect your wallet using Metamask. Select the respective source and destination chain on the UI and the token to bridge. The xPollinate bridge supports USDC, USDT and DAI. Enter the receiver address and click Swap, then sign the transaction.

How do you convert Fantom to Usdt?

To exchange Tether USD to Fantom, go to the exchange widget on the website's homepage. Indicate the coin you wish to sell and enter the amount. Choose the cryptocurrency to buy. Our platform will automatically find the most profitable USDT to FTM exchange rate available across the world's top exchange platforms.

Does Phantom wallet accept Binance smart chain?

Which cryptocurrencies can I send from Phantom Wallet to Binance? You are able to send any cryptocurrencies to Binance from your Phantom Wallet, so long as Binance has a SOL deposit address for that particular cryptocurrency. For example, you are able to have ETH on your Phantom Wallet.

How do I move Fantom from Metamask to Binance?

Here we will need to transfer the Coins from the Ethereum Blockchain or the Binance Smart Chain to the Fantom Network. Connect the page with your Metamask Ethereum Wallet, choose FTM, and set the amount you want to transfer, click transfer and confirm the transaction fee.

What is BSC swap?

What is BSCswap? Launched on 9 September 2020, BSCswap is a decentralized exchange and an Automated Market Making protocol for Binance Smart Chain. It supports multiple BEP20 tokens over BSC ecosystem to create liquidity and fetch price oracles via on-chain smart contracts.

Can I use Fantom on MetaMask?

You can use your Ledger with MetaMask to interact with dApps on Fantom. In MetaMask, click on connect hardware wallet. Your Ledger account will appear on the MetaMask list of accounts. Currently, for every EVM-compatible chain such as Fantom, you must use the Ethereum Ledger app.

How do you bridge FTM to harmony?

Bridging AVAX and FTM to Harmony
  1. STEP 1: Go to the Multichain Site. You can access the Multichain site by clicking the World Map > Docks and then interact with Dockmaster. ...
  2. STEP 2: Go to Multichain Router. Router feature will be used to bridge your AVAX and FTM.
  3. STEP 3: Route the Tokens to Harmony.
Dec 11, 2021

How do I transfer FTM from crypto to MetaMask?

Table Of Contents
  1. Step 1: Setup MetaMask Wallet.
  2. Step 2: Tap on “Ethereum Mainnet”
  3. Step 3: Select “Add Network”
  4. Step 4: Complete the Fantom Network Details.
  5. Step 5: Transfer FTM Tokens to Your Wallet!

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Last Updated: 22/03/2024

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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