Can you buy gadgets during Mercury retrograde? (2024)

Can you buy gadgets during Mercury retrograde?

Don't buy any electronics or big ticket purchases. Try your best to steer clear of the Apple Store. If you're in need of repair, know that due to Mercury Retrograde you'll be spending more than necessary with little to no fix. And not a wise time to do any technical / software upgrades to any devices.

(Video) An Astrologer Explains Why Mercury Retrograde Messes With Your Life
(BuzzFeed Multiplayer)
Does Mercury retrograde affect gadgets?

When Mercury is in retrograde, flights and travels are usually delayed, people from the past pop back into our lives, communication systems break down, and our gadgets get into accidents or start malfunctioning. More importantly, this season makes everything fluid. Nothing will be set in stone.

(Video) what to do & what not to do during MERCURY RETROGRADE!
(Summer Monae)
Is it okay to buy a phone on Mercury retrograde?

Mercury is in retrograde between October 4 and 25 — and that period of cosmic slowing, when the planet appears to be traveling backwards, is notorious for misunderstandings and technological failings. “It's not a good time to buy an electronic item,” Miller says.

(Video) Mercury Retrograde Protection Group Ritual
(Magdalenes Craft)
Is it OK to buy things during Mercury retrograde?

Buying and selling during retrograde is fine,” Wright says, “so long as contracts have been drawn up before.” If any major last-minute changes take place, consider waiting until after retrograde to sign the paperwork. Don't be swayed by your own change of heart.

(Video) Mercury Retrograde #mercury #retrograde #planet #communication
(Tattvam Mystic_Sheetal Soni)
What should you avoid during Mercury retrograde?

An exhaustive list of what not to do during Mercury retrograde
  • Hold off on signing any contracts. Making a big purchase? ...
  • Be prepared for traffic and other travel mishaps. ...
  • Avoid situations primed for misunderstandings. ...
  • Don't rely on technology. ...
  • Delete that "U Up?" text from a toxic ex. ...
  • Refrain from starting anything new.
Sep 28, 2021

(Video) Pick a Card: What Gifts Will Mercury Retrograde Bring?
(The Womb Bookstore)
Does retrograde affect electronics?

Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion which means it looks as if the planet is moving backwards from our view here on earth. Astrologers believe that during this perceived backwards motion, technology and communication could get disrupted, putting a damper on anyone's summer mood.

(Video) 5 Things Not to do During Mercury Retrograde (and what you can do instead)
(Mystick Physick Astrology)
Does Mercury retrograde mess with electronics?

So, if you've been wondering whether Mercury Retrograde affects electronics or not, the answer is a resounding "yes." Mercury rules over communication, technology, and transportation in astrology, which are all aspects of our lives that electronics have a major thing to do with.

(Video) Mercury Retrogrades - What causes them and what to expect
(Astro Babble)
Which planet is responsible for mobile phone?

Venus nature

The most advanced mobile and most expensive phones in the mobile world will be of Venus's nature.

(Video) Mercury Retrograde and its Spiritual Influence
(Heartstrings Connection)
Which planet is responsible for electronics?

Your electronic devices may crash for no reason

Mercury is the planet that oversees technology, and when it's retrograde, we're all in for some gadget-induced headaches.

(Video) 5 Things Not to do During Mercury Retrograde (and what you can do instead)
(Mystick Physick Astrology)
What should you not do during Mercury retrograde 2022?

You must prepare yourself for disturbances in travel, communication, news and related areas of life. The retrograde may even invite false gossip, meltdowns, miscommunications during work, technology fails and missed flights and delays when it comes to travel.

(Video) Mercury Retrograde Cell Phone Electronic experience
(239 Spiritual Awakening)

What signs will be affected by Mercury retrograde 2022?

If you're one of the zodiac signs who will be affected by Mercury retrograde spring 2022 the most — Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, and Sagittarius — then you *might* want to prepare for some technical difficulties in the near future.

(Video) Suzi Quatro If You Can't Give Me Love 1978 HQ, Ein Kessel Buntes
What happens when Mercury retrograde ends?

The post-retrograde occurs right when the retrograde ends and happens for two weeks from that date onward. That's the third pass in which we have to handle and manage the same situations that happened during the pre-retrograde times.

Can you buy gadgets during Mercury retrograde? (2024)
What time does Mercury retrograde end?

On December 29, we'll encounter the final Mercury Retrograde period of 2022, but it will carry over into 2023 and end on January 18. So, prepare for a turbulent end to this year and a potentially rocky start to 2023. Thankfully, next year we'll encounter just three retrograde periods in comparison to four this year.

Do things break during Mercury retrograde?

"During Mercury retrograde, you might find you want to be more honest with others, more authentic. Sometimes, this means breaking unhealthy patterns in relationships."

What is Mercury retrograde good for?

While Mercury is the planet of communication, it is also the planet of ideas and curiosity, which can help us find clarity and a deeper understanding. “Retrogrades are regular invitations to slow down and reassess where you are in particular areas of life,” says Tabourn.

Can I manifest during Mercury retrograde?

While Mercury retrograde can be a chaotic period, it's a great time to practice strengthening your manifestations. Take time to rewind and confront your past so you move forward with clarity and a deeper understanding of your desires.

How do people in Mercury retrograde communicate?

COLLECT YOUR WORDS. Through the period of Mercury Retrograde, pause before you speak. Take a few deep breaths and collect your thoughts, especially if you feel at a lose for words. If you are communicating with a partner, take pauses throughout the conversation to give both of you time to regroup.

What is in retrograde right now 2022?

Jupiter Retrograde:

July 28 to November 23, 2022. This retrograde begins in Aries and ends in Pisces.

How can you make Mercury stronger?

How to Increase the Power of Mercury in Astrology
  1. Put on green clothes.
  2. Wear an emerald stone.
  3. Donate to charities.
  4. Chant a Mercury Mantra.
  5. Save important business for Wednesdays.
  6. Fast on Wednesdays.
  7. Add vegetables to your diet.
  8. Feed green foods to animals.
Jan 13, 2022

What signs are affected by Mercury retrograde?

Luckily, if you're one of the zodiac signs who will be affected by Mercury retrograde spring 2022 the least — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — you don't need to plan for total destruction. This next Mercury retrograde begins on May 10, when Mercury is moving through Gemini at 4 degrees.

How does Mercury retrograde affect relationships?

Mercury retrograde tends to bring up issues from the past, so you may find you and your partner arguing or rehashing old problems. That's not to say that retrograde will cause an imminent breakup, but it's certainly a cause for concern, as couples do break up suddenly during this time.

What retrograde are we in right now?

First retrograde: January 14 - February 3, 2022. Second retrograde: May 10 - June 3, 2022. Third retrograde: September 9 - October 2, 2022. Fourth retrograde: December 29 - January 18, 2023.

How does Mercury retrograde affect phones?

Mercury retrograde and malfunctions

Astrology therefore equates the planet with messages and communications technology. So, no, your gadgets are not going to malfunction, and there will be no communications problems because a planet appears to go backwards against a background of stars.

Which planet is responsible for laziness?

Rahu is known to confer malefic effects in general and is considered as a planet which induces laziness, delays, and hurdles in work. Rahu is known to reflect its shadow for 18 months in a zodiac.

Which planet is responsible for weight gain?

Afflicted Venus, moon, Jupiter, Rahu in angles or with or aspecting the lagna or its lord makes a person obese. These persons have afflicted 9nth house or its lord. They tend to inherit these traits from their parents. Those born on dates 3, 6 and 4 are likely to gain wait.

Which planet is responsible for electronics?

Your electronic devices may crash for no reason

Mercury is the planet that oversees technology, and when it's retrograde, we're all in for some gadget-induced headaches.

Can I buy electronics during Venus retrograde?

Research Your Purchases

There's no harm in using the Venus Retrograde to you advantage when it comes to shopping, the secret is to know the true value of what you're buying and make an informed choice.

What happens if you buy a car during retrograde?

Even astrologers will say that there is nothing wrong with buying a car when Mercury is in retrograde. It just might be a good idea to pay closer attention to what you're getting. Mercury in retrograde may be most closely associated with things going wrong, but it is also known as a time of unexpected happenings.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

Last Updated: 03/06/2024

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.