Can I use a US Steam gift card from another country? (2024)

Can I use a US Steam gift card from another country?

You can no longer use Steam cards from other countries/currencies than the one your account is set to as of 2020. If you live in the US you can only use US Steam wallet gift cards for instance.

(Video) Steam regional account Gift card Tips
Can I redeem a US Steam gift card from another country?

Conversation. will no longer allow activating Steam Wallet codes issued in a different currency than the one of your Steam User Account. "If the currency of the code you are attempting to redeem is different than the region in which you are located, you may not be able to redeem this gift card to your account.

(Video) How to Change Steam Region Complete Tutorial
Can I use a gift card from another country?

In short, yes. There are gift cards that can be used internationally. Many of them are issued by retail merchants, credit card companies and financial institutions. These are typically brands that are recognized globally – like Visa and Mastercard – and can be accepted in overseas locations.

(Video) How to change Steam region | Bulletproof way - in this video!
Can you use USD Steam gift cards in Europe?

Yes they will. They auto convert to the other users currency. What happens if my friend lives in another country? The digital gift card you purchased will automatically be converted into your friend's currency.

(Video) How to Accept Steam Gifts from a Different Region
Can I use a USA Steam gift card in Canada?

Should work anywhere, no matter what country it is.

(Video) Steam Regional Account Redeeming Problem (Solved)
What Prepaid cards work internationally?

International prepaid cards - a list
  • Wise multi-currency Mastercard. ...
  • Revolut. ...
  • Travelex Money Card. ...
  • N26. ...
  • Western Union Netspend. ...
  • PayPal Prepaid. ...
  • Netspend. ...
  • Card Prepaid.
Mar 25, 2020

(Video) Buff questions: Can I redeem gift cards outside of US?
(Champion Panda 43)
How do I use a US Google Play gift card in India?

Use your gift card, gift code, or promo code
  1. Open the Google Play app .
  2. At the top right, tap the profile icon.
  3. Tap Payments & subscriptions. Redeem gift code.
  4. Enter the code.

(Video) How to Redeem Region-Locked Xbox One Digital Game Codes
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Are Steam cards region locked?

"If the currency of the code you are attempting to redeem is different than the region in which you are located, you may not be able to redeem this gift card to your account. If this is the case please return this code to the retailer where it was purchased."

(Video) Why Do Scammers Want Gift Cards?
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Do American Steam cards work in UK?

An American card cannot be used on a European account, and vice versa."

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Can I use US Steam cards in India?

No. You should ask your retailer if they supply Steam Wallet cards with the currency that your country uses.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

Last Updated: 05/31/2024

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