You think you have seen it all? I don´t think so! What about a real Amethyst gemstone top? Surprise! | Reverb Deutschland (2024)

The top of this unique specimen is made of 0.2" genuine AMETHYST gemstone - no airbrush, plastic or wood - real stone!

I am a one-man-workshop, and that means:
I don´t have millions of Dollars that I can use to push my guitars in the media.
I can´t afford to spend thousands $$ to hire famous guitar players just to play my guitars.
I don´t have the funds to promote my guitars with gigantic booths at each and every exhibition around the globe or on TV shows.
Most of my guitars sell thru word of mouth recommendations and that requires 100% satisfied and happy customers.
I am very proud of my guitars and for me it is very important to have happy and satisfied customers.
I take personal responsibility for the customer satisfaction and I am your contact for all concerns..

My name is Frank Scheucher.
In my custom shop in Germany I am building unique and individual electric guitars.
On my "gorgonized" series I use precious gemstone for the top of my instruments.
What you see here is a Chronos model with genuine AMETHYST gemstone top.
Because the world has not seen something like this before, the Chronos was displayed at the "Media Preview Day" at the Anaheim/CA NAMM show 2017.

My inspiration isto break new ground by using new materials and designing guitars that are notjust copies of already existing, successful models.
I always wanted my guitars to have their own character to people say: “Hey,this looks like a Zerberus” as soon as they see one of my guitars.
I very much respect the Vintage style guitars but I think that there must beroom for innovation instead of imitation.

There are a lotof really talented and amazing luthiers outbthere whom I very much respect, butI always wanted to get off the beaten tracks.

My motto is 6 simple words: Be a voice –not an echo.
I started building guitars when I was 14 Years old and now after 38 Years I decided to take my guitar-building onto a new level of fine arts, combining beautiful gemstone with excellent lumber and hardware.
So this Chronos AMETHYST serial #002 is not just a beautiful and precious artwork - it also is an amazing guitar with very outstanding properties and character.
If you need versatility - if you love sustain - if you are into guitars that have character - if you love to play a guitar that you won´t find at every corner - you really should take a closer look :)
Looking to good to play them? Sounding to good not to play them!

Under the hood of the Gold plated pickups covers you will find a set of Kammerstein Z2 Humbuckers.
Those Humbuckers are really hot.
But that does not mean that this Chronos only is for heavy notes.
I have installed coil-split on both humbuckers offering wonderful percussive and crisp notes, too.

The body is a chambered light Mahogany body (with a Copper/Gold hologram pinstripe) and the neck is a hard Maple neck with Ebony stripes and Rosewood fretboard with 25.5" scale. I have equipped the Chronos with Ratio Locking tuners and a Black Tusq nut by GraphTech. Amazing precision there at GraphTech :) The pickups are a set of Kammerstein Z2 humbuckers with Gold covers. Each of them separately can be split into single-coil by pulling the potentiometers. That makes the Chronos a very versatile guitar that is perfect for a really wide range of styles. The gemstone top offers a very distinctive character with awesome sustain and makes every Chronos absolutely unique, second to none and unforgeable. The Chronos comes including a very good Zerberus luxury hard case and certificate.
The weight of the Chronos is only around 8lb what means that this guitar is not heavier than most standard solid-body wood guitar.

I have installed a Bisgby B5 tremolo (USA).

That tremolo really works very fine together with the Black TUSQ nut and the Ratio Locking Tuners by Graph Tech.
If you ever had a Bisgy, you will know that this hardwware does a great job.
If you are planning to do extreme dive bombs and bend-ups - go for a Floyd Rose or anything similar. The Bigsby has its shortcomings, but if you understand what it is designed for, you will love that tremolo and what it can do.
People often ask me: what does the stone do for the sound?
Does this guitar sound totally different?
First of all: No, it does not sound totally different.
You don´t want a guitar that sounds like a saxophone, a synthesizer. or a bullfrog, or one that sounds sterile and cold.
And here is the good news: The Chronos has a lot of soul, character and warmth. It does not sound totally different. The stone just ads some extra sustain and harmonic resonances. It surely is different to a standard guitar, but it is different in a very good way.

And a very important point is the fact that every gorgonized guitar withstone top is absolutely unique like a fingerprint.
If you haveany questions, please let me know and I will be at your service.

You think you have seen it all? I don´t think so! What about a real Amethyst gemstone top? Surprise! | Reverb Deutschland (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.