XRP: Top Analyst INSISTS 3 DIGIT XRP PRICE Is Reasonable In Mid-Term (2024)

HomeMoon Lambo XRP: Top Analyst INSISTS 3 DIGIT XRP PRICE Is Reasonable In Mid-Term

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel one of the most popular xrp Chart analysts out there published a new Xrp price chart calling for thre digigit Xrp prices in the midterm yes that's Right over $100 xrp in the midterm now At the time I'm recording this video it Is let's see 4:04 a.m. Central Time Saturday uh January 13th 2024 and this post from this particular Popular chart analyst uh was posted on Social media platform X less than 24 Hours ago and when I checked a little Bit earlier it had over 234,000 Views very clearly there are a lot of People U that that hold xrp uh who are Optimistic that such a price can be Achieved but but not just that I I Wouldn't dispute that if you're talking Over an unspecified period of time There's way more than enough money on The planet to make that happen if xrp is Going to get adopted But in the midterm there's a lot of People that think in the midterm even This could happen so I'm just going to Go ahead and put it out there uh because Again if if you're if you have a large Following and you're attracting this Type of attention including from crypto Media 234,000 views in less than 24 Hours um even if I'm let's say skeptical Of this happening in a shorter time

Period even the midterm uh I think it's Worthy of talking about but I will be Upfront um I just respectfully will State at the outset I'm not convinced That this is going to occur in the Midterm but if if a time period isn't Specified it's certainly within the Realm of possibility to see three-digit Xrp I don't think that's crazy in the Least but uh before going further I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoy Is making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun now before getting into That specifically I would like to Highlight that I have noticed there's Been quite a change uh in social media In terms of sentiment and true enough The crypto and greed index shows that uh The market broadly speaking is in greed But after we didn't see a huge pop in The price of Bitcoin uh upon the launch Of spot Bitcoin ETFs uh people some of Them kind of disappointed and you can See from one day to the next it went From a fear and GRE index of 71 out of 100 to 64 out of 100 so going to the Downside so it's not that everybody is Feeling like everything is completely

Ruined and their dreams are shattered But it didn't take much just a day to Have a big drop and yes the the price of Bitcoin ultimately came down a little Bit but as it turns out uh it wasn't a Buy the news event but it really wasn't A sell the news event either it was just It just yeah there was a little bit of a Drop and there there was a little bit of Pop even before that but it's mostly Just been moving sideways that's the Truth of the matter which isn't what People were really expecting here but it The this in and of itself is not the end Of the world but I have noticed that This in and of itself has got it's got People losing their ever loving minds And so I thought if I could gather the Children down the campfire and maybe let Uncle Moon Lambo talk some sson to you Maybe that might help a little bit Because you're always going to have this Type of crap look at this headline this Is from crypto slate this is hilarious Jim Kramer calls major for Bitcoin a Week after praising its growth and I Just it's like this guy will switch his Opinions on a dime based on actually Nothing it's crazy and I'll just say This because inverse Kramer as far as I'm concerned it's a real damn thing Because I don't know of any Financial Quote unquote professional uh that is More wrong than Jim Kramer has been

Wrong in his career it is impressive the Degree to which he is wrong and not only Wrong but wrong at critical times so I Guess every now and then he can get one But my Gosh if Jim Kramer says something I just It makes me just I have this impulse to Just want to do whatever the opposite of That thing is and then you also have IL Cppo you guys familiar with il cppo here This guy is famous in the world of Crypto uh he's got what now 793 th000 Followers uh but he might be famous for Some of the wrong reasons so here's the Deal um I've followed him for years on End nothing against him in any sort of Personal way and in terms of the quality Of what he had to put out there not one Of the people I was enticed to file the Most closely but he was already welln in Crypto even you know back a couple years Ago and so when we had uh that market Collapse with uh with with with taluna I Can't remember exactly how far down the Price of Bitcoin and crypto went down um That was it it put the price price level Right at where he had been predicting it Would go to and he took credit for it And I was just like okay but this this Happened based on a news event that you Didn't know was going to happen and if This hadn't been the case then your ta Would have been nonsense and so I was Like uh I I I don't know I'm not really

Severely convinced but he got a lot of Attention for that uh but I wasn't Really convinced of him so I was a Little keep and I remember mentioning it On my Channel at the time some of you Might recall me even mentioning that and Then you get around to the beginning of 2023 one years ago one year ago this Guy's calling for $112,000 Bitcoin when We got to roughly $166,000 you know he he was after the FTX collapse yeah he he was calling for That and for all of 2023 no matter how High the market went he kept saying well This is the time and it's going to pull Back and he's still saying that so the The price of Bitcoin getting up to Almost $50,000 and he's still insisting That what is likely to happen is what's On your screen right now he's still Saying the same damn thing this is What's going to send it to the Lows and perhaps he you know the support Level now he's saying 30 to $31,000 but Man it's Just it's it's interesting because I'm Telling you like he's getting a ton of Attention he has gotten 1.3 million Views on this Post and and I can see like sentiment Has shifted and it's got people making All sorts of silly decisions too um Because even leading up to this you know It's interesting right before this

Happened you know what people did a lot Of people they sold their uh sold their Altcoins to fomo into Bitcoin this this The people are notorious for doing this Stuff this is why I have a rule for Myself I buy stuff and then it just Stays there that's it I don't go chasing Stuff okay especially not after Something runs up but I sure as hell Even if I want to chase something uh Which I don't do but even if I did I Would not take money out of something Else to go do that thing and so uh xrp Community member Frey who's been in Crypto since 201 11 had some Sage wisdom Here he wrote yoloing your altcoins into Bitcoin is a big mistake careful kids Eth and alts coming and I I still firmly Believe that is the case you know Whether uh whether Bitcoin goes on to a New all-time high or not alts follow Like it just it is what it is and fine Last Market cycle fewer alts popped to Impressive degrees than in 2017 but that Opportunity is still real it is still There and with xrp actually being useful To have a developer activity I don't Know why it wouldn't be one of the coins That gets some notable attention here But again there's the fear so I put out This poll uh little less than 24 hours Ago will this crypto bull market end up Being the worst one ever or will It Ultimately leave us impressed 49.1%

Responded worst ever 50.9% of you Responded will end up impressed so eing Out a slight win would be the people who Are optimistic at this point but again It's only been like a day since the Sentiment started to shift in the Negative direction to a notable degree Uh I'm still on the optimistic end I Know a lot of people are fearful out There um the easiest way for that I can Advise for people to not have fear and This is not me telling you to buy or Sell or hold anything never going to Advise on that but it's it it is it is This simple it's to have a long-term View it's the same investing in in in Equities it's the same thing because Even if our net worth goes down Substantially you know as long as long As we're right about crypto maybe you Don't have confidence and maybe that's Where like did I just did should not Even be in crypto well oh okay well then Do more research and you figure that out For yourself for me the answer clearly Is yes this is this asset class is going To be way bigger if you fast forward 10 Years so the the reason it's easy for me To sleep at night is I have broad Exposure to the asset class and even if The market goes down I still have new Income coming in it's not like I need to Pull my money out of my crypto Investments right now so what the hell

Do I care what it happens in the short Term over X number of years even you Have to have a long-term mindset when it Comes to investing Period so that's why I'd say even if You're the type that's starting to feel Negative and even if it is the case that You're right and everything's going to Be on fire it's going to be big raging Dumpster fire okay well it won't stay That forever either you have to know That these things go back and forth so I Would say even if the people we having Negative sentiments uh we we come to Find that they were right to feel that My I would say for how long though for Like so what the market never comes back That's silly like that's it's going to Be way bigger in the future and it's Interesting because xrp chart analyst Egreg Krypto uh he noticed this Sentiment too but he's optimistic so He's not phased he believes that in the Short term we're going to be seeing xrp Over a dollar which again I don't make Price predictions it doesn't sound crazy To me not in the least he wrote xrp $120 Minimum move and check out this next Line though surprising my direct Messages my DMs is full of people Panicking see this is what I was talking I I picked up on this too so I'm not the Only one that noticed this and uh he Posted that at 12:32 a.m. so just uh

Just several hours ago roughly and uh he He noticed that as well I mean it's it's Very clear like just if you have social Media just scroll through your feed You're going to see the responses and There was a notable shift in like a day Very I'm like folks flying by the SE Your pants here like this is this is no Way to live life like this is no way to Live life Son anyway he continues though for me Still confident in the move to $11.20 I'm not waiting around or taking Unnecessary leverage risks my Approach Is to buy hold and wait most of trading Is about being patient and just sitting On your ass as Ral Paul says quote don't F this up end quote and I had to sensor That but I do love that quote and he's He's right it's like be in have the Exposure don't make stupid decisions Don't go chasing stuff it's that type of Thing and he is Ral Paul is absolutely Correct he's a former gold man Sachs Executive he holds xrp he's long xrp he Believes it will be over $10 in the Future he he has noted that publicly in The past uh yes he's he's long and then Egg crypto says here let me make this Chart full screen here too egg crypto Says the yellow channel is still holding Xrp like a boss and keeping the price on An upward Trend with higher highs and Higher lows xrp Army stay steady because

I am convinced that grown men will whine Well that's that part's certainly true As well that's that's that's also sure Sure as all True um he also had this to say about Bitcoin so he's one of the analysts that Does believe that uh we're we're going To be seeing a new all-time high for Bitcoin and by the way he's one of the Few analysts that said that we are going To see Bitcoin at close to $50,000 before the Having he he called like the upper 40,000 to 50,000 that's already happened I don't have that that post pulled up Here was like from summer of last year He was right about that he does believe That we're going to be seeing a new Alltime high here uh now almost every Analyst that I follow believes that's The case so I hope that the majority is Correct I really hope because it's not Always the case that they are but I sure As I'll hope so and so here he wrote We're still it's talkinging about Bitcoin here I make the chart full Screen it's just bitcoin price chart We're still early in the 12 to 18 months Upward Trend back when it was at $117,000 only a few predicted it would Reach $48,000 and now only a handful are Expected to write it up to $80,000 to $100,000 there might be a dip to $30,000

Before repeating a cycle B similar to What took Bitcoin to $20,000 this time though it's projected To hit 20 $200,000 uh making it 10 times higher Enjoy the ride and so look I don't make Price predictions if we're going to have A new alltime high for Bitcoin the idea Of it going to 200k doesn't sound nuts I Don't know if it's going to happen Um but crazy things happen in crypto and Sometimes you have enough money flowing That stuff like that I mean stuff like That has certainly happened many times In the Past um there was also this from the Blockchain backer Because as as I was noting erra crypto Just a second ago just said hey Confident that we're going to see this This move to a buck 20 for for xrp and It looks like in the short term right And I just wanted to note he's not the Only one that believes something like That could happen in fact there is this Post from the blockchain back backer on Social media platform X on December 9th And he at the time and I haven't seen Him say anything differently believed That uh xrp could have a massive burst At that time and he wrote The Following In 2020 is right uh was right about Where we are now are right now in this Setup where xrp shot up 180% Bitcoin up

Altcoin market up this is where it Happened let's see how this week unfolds From here and so on the top you can see That's a Bitcoin price chart um and same On the bottom but what he has is xrp Overlaid in this nice what would you Call this like a teal color is what it Looks like on my Monitor um and so you can see what what Has happened here so you look at the Bottom chart you can see how things Actually Unfolded um it's just the case that xrp Lagged behind and so if you look at the Bottom chart it does look CU you're so Zoomed out it looks like it all happened Exactly at the same moment but if you Zoom in and get a little bit more Granular uh you know maybe weeks that Pass before xrp actually started to move Uh so the my point in mentioning that is The fact that it's been a month since The blockchain backer posted this uh I See no reason to think that this Invalidates his suspicion that this Might occur in fact and seeing some Stuff from him recently it seems to me That he still firmly believes what's What's going to happen in almost certain Probability is you're going to see the Altcoin market firing up and he he I Don't I haven't heard him say anything That would lead me to believe that xrp Is not going to be a part of that it's

His individual largest holding happens To be my largest individual holding as Well and then we get into this now um This is the analyst that I was talking About the outside of the video expecting Three-digit xrp and he's not the only One that's that's calling for that and Again I don't think three-digit xrp is Wacky if you're talking way out in the Future um I respectfully will state here Uh with no in no intent whatsoever uh to Insult here I'm just going to he's Sharing his opinion publicly I'm going To share mine and you guys can think Whatever you think and the only reason I'm highlighting this frankly is because He's got here let's see how many views Now uh now 24,300 views in uh in less than 24 hours So um I just find this a bit too hard to Believe for this type of time frame but He made it he's bold enough to put this Out here he's got over a 100,000 Followers on X and I would love for him To be correct I would absolutely love For him to be correct um I just for me It's a bit too out there but not a Personal tack on them because I know There are other people that disagree With me and that's okay they're probably Some people listening right now that Think in the midterm uh you could have Three-digit Xrp i' I've seen arguments I just I'm

Not I haven't been convinced by any of Them but let's have it's on the record It's out here it's widely discussed like A ton of you have already seen this Undoubtedly so I was like okay let's Talk about have he's on the record and If he's right I will love it I will Absolut I would love to be wrong on this Here but uh here here's what uh chart Analyst dark Defender had to Say uh he said High all our midterm Target did not change and stays at $333 for Xrp today I am updating you on six-month Time frame which means one bar Represents 6 months on the chart I Shared this elot wave structure many Times in 2021 and told it as it uh a Long-term Target and revised it to Midterm many copied the structure on Some other exchanges and found the Targets nowadays however I am happy to See people learn Elliot waves apply the Same structure and find similar and Close targets but this was here since we Set 2021 as the long-term Target so if The structure bases uh $382 as an Alltime High the precise Grand Wave 3 Target becomes $333 If we apply the structure on binance Figures $355 is alltime high the target Is precisely $256 so folks the top figure applying

The same methodology depending on what The all-time high price is changes Things a lot and different platforms are Reporting different all-time high prices Because they collect data in different Ways uh that's that's it in a nutshell You can go to live coin watch you can go To uh coin market cap they have Different alltime high prices For xrp and then you can look at Individual exchanges here he said he Looked at binance $3.55 uh but but look at how much that Changes the the output instead of 333 Bucks it's now at $256 um which is just interesting but That's what his methodology shows okay And then he says so the midterm Target Can vary from exchange to exchange when You calculate and considering the Biggest exchanges it is between $256 to $333 I am manifesting it clearly on a six Monthly time frame again as always I am Not sharing any figure here as trading Advice and emphasize that these are my Own targets when the financial system Settles xrp is expected to set plus $256 as a new dip and build further on This level we are so close to Breaking The six monthly time frame resistance as Can be seen on the chart is this a dream For me no it is pure math based on Elliot waves and unless otherwise proven

It will stand still as a solid fact and Here's the xrp price chart with his Projections uh and so again I know there Are people in the community that believe This he clearly believes it or he Wouldn't be putting this out here uh I Just just understanding what I know About how much money has to flow in to Get a multiplier effect for various Assets Um I find it very difficult and I Understand it's easier to get a Multiplier effect that's insane and Attractive if there's less money in Something so the fact that there's way Less money in xrp than there is in Bitcoin I get it that makes xrp more Appealing like that that is a reason That I'm here no you're not going to Find me disputing that but in that short Of a time Frame I I I would put the probability of That at very close to 0% I do not say That at all uh to to to be offensive I I Will be happy to be wrong and I know That there are people listening right Now that think you never know and it Could happen okay and I say fair enough I I you know I've been I've been you Know having civil discourse with people That disagree in such a way for six Years you know and that's fine that's Perfectly fine here I just thought since You got almost a quarter million views

In less than 24 hours my gosh uh yeah Let's just go ahead and highlight let's Share it and then also if he is right All the credit in the world absolutely All the credit in the world now I will Come back I'll highlight that I was Wrong and that uh I I it did happen and I'll I'll happily uh acknowledge that I I'll make a full video on that if this Happens even if it just gets to three Even if it gets to $100 because even that I don't think is Reasonable in the shortterm you know or He well he said midterm here but still So depends on what your classifying that Is but you know if you're talking over a Super long period of time yeah that's Why there are people you know I'm sure There are people that um you know let's Say that you know I have the amount of Xrp that I have which to me subjectively Is a lot let's say that I sell at my Targets which you know I plan to scale Out between five to eight bucks I I Bought enough where that that level's Appear appealing to me you know there Are people that um that hold way less That wouldn't be enticed to sell at Those levels that can make more money Than me ultimately in xrp by holding Longer assuming xrp continues to be Adopted and has a higher price and I say Good for those people because when it Comes to investing like you're basically

Getting paid to do nothing you're Getting paid to wait that's what it is So we'll see what happens here you guys Just let me know what you think I think It's an interesting conversation always For the community here so do do you Think it's plausible do you not think It's plausible that's where we're at but Either way like I just I don't see the Reason for the fear in the short term Here I'm very optimistic and and again I Don't pretend to know where price is Going to go but that's the beautiful Thing about my price strategy I don't Have to I just have to have the belief That over time things get better and More adoption uh takes place in the World of crypto more money flows into Crypto and the rising tide you know Lifts all boats the entire asset class So I I just I I just I can't get in that Mentality of negativity because it just Doesn't make logical sense to me and Even in the short term this happened After a day because Bitcoin didn't Moon From one day to the my Gosh people losing hope already that's Going to have a tough time in crypto Then man those volatile acid on the damn Planet I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy yourself anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon


XRP: Top Analyst INSISTS 3 DIGIT XRP PRICE Is Reasonable In Mid-Term (2024)
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