Will artificial intelligence replace doctors? - Harvard Health (2024)

Living Better, Living Longer

With this Special Health Report, Living Better, Living Longer, you will learn the protective steps doctors recommend for keeping your mind and body fit for an active and rewarding life. You’ll get tips for diet and exercise, preventive screenings, reducing the risk of coronary disease, strengthening bones, lessening joint aches, and assuring that your sight, hearing, and memory all stay sharp. Plus, you’ll get authoritative guidance to help you stretch your health care dollar, select a health plan that meets your needs, prepare a health care proxy, and more.

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Will artificial intelligence replace doctors? - Harvard Health (2024)


Will artificial intelligence replace doctors? - Harvard Health? ›

Ask the doctor

Will medical doctors be replaced by AI? ›

The “future” of medicine is not an either-or between humans and machines. It's a collaborative future where doctors, data and AI work in tandem, bringing out the best in each other. As we move forward, it's crucial for the medical community to recognize that machines won't replace them.

Can AI outperform doctors? ›

The AI system matched or surpassed the physicians' diagnostic accuracy in all six medical specialties considered.

Is AI better at diagnosing than doctors? ›

A new AI tool that uses an online finger-tapping test outperformed primary care physicians when assessing the severity of Parkinson's disease. JAMA Ophthalmology reported in 2024 that a chatbot outperformed glaucoma specialists and matched retina specialists in diagnostic and treatment accuracy.

Can AI solve medical problems? ›

Doctors and scientists see AI's promise as a key diagnostic tool that can catch cancer and other deadly diseases sooner, giving people more time for treatment and potentially saving lives. The US Food and Drug Administration has cleared AI for many medical uses.

Why won't doctors be replaced by AI? ›

Some Tasks Are Impossible for Robots and Algorithms

Computers are incapable of the intuitive reasoning physicians employ when evaluating information from multiple sources to make a diagnosis and create a treatment plan.

How long before AI replaces doctors? ›

One consensus estimates 25 years. Maybe less. I believe that AI will perform all three main functions of physicians, the first of which is determining a diagnosis and medical treatment; collecting and analyzing data; and then making recommendations on further testing and treatment. Most of this can be done now.

Will doctors become obsolete? ›

Brand-new technology will continue to impact the healthcare industry. And so far, none of these developments indicate that doctors will soon be obsolete. However, constant innovation and technological inventions will introduce more automation, high-tech machinery, and robotics to the industry.

Can we trust AI in healthcare? ›

Artificial intelligence (AI) affects 100% of physicians and other health care providers, but three out of four patients do not trust AI in a health care setting. AI has become ubiquitous in health care, but a new survey found nearly 80% of patients don't know if their doctor is using it or not.

Which medical specialty will be replaced by AI? ›

Image-intensive specialties like radiology, pathology, and dermatology may be taken over by AI computer vision and convoluted neural networks.

Will AI eventually replace doctors or nurses? ›

AI is not intended to replace healthcare professionals. Instead, AI serves as a valuable tool in supporting and augmenting their abilities. The future of healthcare lies in a delicate balance between innovation and human interaction.

Why are people against AI in healthcare? ›

Patients will lose empathy, kindness, and appropriate behavior when dealing with robotic physicians and nurses because these robots do not possess human attributes such as compassion. This is one of the most significant negative aspects of artificial intelligence in medical science.

What is the success rate of AI diagnosis? ›

Model re-training improved the AI's performance, increasing diagnostic accuracy from 96.6 to 98.0 percent.

What are the downsides of AI in healthcare? ›

Data privacy and security risks through the generation of vast amounts of sensitive patient data. Bias and fairness concerns in training data that may lead to unequal treatment, misdiagnosis, or underdiagnosis of certain demographic groups.

Can AI diagnose illnesses? ›

The artificial intelligence (AI) system1, trained on millions of audio clips of human sounds, might one day be used by physicians to diagnose diseases including COVID-19 and tuberculosis and to assess how well a person's lungs are functioning.

What medical specialties are being replaced by AI? ›

Image-intensive specialties like radiology, pathology, and dermatology may be taken over by AI computer vision and convoluted neural networks.

What jobs can't AI replace? ›

Here are such jobs that AI can't replace:
  • Therapists and Counselors. Source: Technology Review. ...
  • Social Work and Community Outreach Roles. ...
  • Musicians. ...
  • High-Level Strategists and Analysts. ...
  • Research Scientists and Engineers. ...
  • Judges. ...
  • Leadership and Management Roles. ...
  • Human Resources and Talent Acquisition Positions.

Will AI replace dermatologists? ›

AI Does Not Replace Dermatologists

Human Touch and Empathy: Artificial intelligence lacks the human touch and empathy crucial in patient care. Dermatologists provide comfort, understanding, and personalized care that AI cannot replicate.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.