Why You Should NOT Keep a Wallet or Phone in Your Back Pocket | NSC (2024)

Why You Should NOT Keep a Wallet or Phone in Your Back Pocket | NSC (1)

It’s a habit all of us have done before at one point or another. Some do it more often than others. The important thing is to stop doing it today. What are we walking about? We’re talking about keeping bulky objects, such as phones or wallets in your back pocket. These objects will cause your seating position to shift over time and may end up causing a shift in your lower back and spine. This is not ideal as we’re always looking for the closest point to symmetry when it comes to matters of the neck, back, and spine. While we understand there’s never going to be one-hundred percent symmetry across the human back, the phone or wallet in your back pocket will ultimately only cause matters to become worse over time. Read on to learn more about how a wallet or phone in your back pocket may cause issues and how you can properly address the issue, head on.

A Wallet or Phone Can Shift Your Seated Posture

As mentioned above, a wallet or phone in your back pocket can very well shift your standard seated position over time. This may cause pain directly in your buttocks area, radiating pain down your sciatic nerve, or even pain throughout your back. The reasoning behind this is the fact the lower back, spine, and neck are all connected in one way or another. When something is throwing off the natural positioning your body is accustomed to, you run the risk of developing problems over time. You may notice this occurrence when you’ve been seated for multiple hours at your desk with your wallet or phone in your back pocket. The stiffness and uncomfortable feeling you may develop is not good. If this easy-to-resolve problem is not addressed appropriately, you may end up causing severe symptoms to arise over time.

Over Time, This May Lead to Spine, Neck, and Back Problems

You’ll want to keep your spine, neck, and back in the ebay shape possible. As we age, we’re prone to becoming more vulnerable to injuries in these sensitive areas. If you’re a younger, healthy adult, you’ll want to stop carrying your wallet or phone in your back pocket. It’s a bad habit and it will most likely only make things worse for your lower back health, spine health, and overall physical health in those areas of the body.

How You Sit is Extremely Important to Your Spine Health

Sitting posture is extremely important for our overall well being. Many people have desk jobs nowadays and with this comes prolonged periods of sitting. If you must sit for long periods of time, it’s best to do it the right way. This means removing your phone or wallet from your pocket and placing it on the desk instead. You’ll also want to be sure you have a supportive office chair to help with your seated posture.

Have You Kept a Wallet Or Phone in Your Back Pocket for Years?

If so, it’s never too late to make a change! Be the change you want to see and begin removing your phone or wallet from your pockets when seated for extended periods of time. You’ll notice a difference in how you feel while seated and you may improve problem areas you’ve been noticing for years.

Physical Therapy from Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants

We’ve had many patients request our physical therapy services for aches or pains which have bothered them for multiple years. If you’ve been experiencing ongoing paint or many years now, you’ll want to explore how we can help with our excellent physical therapy services; all completed in-house in our San Antonio location.

Contact Us at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants to Evaluate Your Spine Health, Today!

If you’re seeking relief from any type of back pain, spinal pain, or neck pain; you’ll want to contact us today. We’ll be sure to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon and helping you regain your health once again.

DISCLAIMER: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Why You Should NOT Keep a Wallet or Phone in Your Back Pocket | NSC (2024)
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