Why The Yubikey Is Better Than Authenticator Apps (2024)

Just as your home security has various layers to warn you against (and to fend off) intruders, your cybersecurity should have multiple layers to create a secure shield against cybercriminals. But piling all your layers onto only one or two devices is a recipe for disaster. After all, your phone is just another computer that is startlingly easy to compromise.

Companies that require staff to download, install, and use verification applications on their personal phones, need to also think carefully about the impact of this because (depending on where in the world you live and what an employee’s contract states) there are labour laws that can make it challenging to take action if something goes wrong.

So what can you do to add a secure, effective layer that helps to authenticate the user without making life even more complicated? Use a physical security key like a YubiKey. Because with a security key, nobody can gain access to their accounts (set up for that key) unless they have both their password and their physical key.

In short: A security key is more secure than an authenticator app

Whilst authenticator apps are quite secure, they can still be compromised by highly-skilled hackers. Therefore, a physical security key has the benefit of being a tangible object, and it can protect against specific types of phishing that try to steal two-factor authentication (2FA) codes. Furthermore, you can’t type in the wrong code or have it stolen by someone looking at your screen.

Another major benefit is its convenience: You can use it to replace password logins on Windows, Linux or Mac operating systems, or even to parallel time-based authentication applications. More and more apps, password managers, and services are also accepting hardware security keys as a form of authentication.

Yep, that’s right: A security key can prevent possible phishing attacks

Why The Yubikey Is Better Than Authenticator Apps (1)

The YubiKey can be seen as a form of phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication (MFA) because it uses a combination of verifier impersonation-resistant authentication protocols to keep the user protected against phishing attacks.

So, whether you need a verification solution for your modern application or something to bridge your legacy system - a YubiKey can assist. It supports Fast Identity Online (FIDO) protocols, WebAuthn/FIDO2, Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) authentication, one-time passwords (OTP), OpenPGP 3, and smart card authentication.

Visit Yubico’s website to find out more about how a YubiKey works.

Secure, easy-to-use, and highly compatible

There are YubiKeys for USB-C and USB-A ports, and some YubiKeys also support the near-field communication (NFC) protocol. The New York Times reports that after years of testing, they’ve found YubiKey security keys to be durable and reliable.

You can even register multiple keys so that you have a backup in case you lose your main YubiKey. Just remember to register all your keys in advance and keep the backup key in a secure location like a safe.

The setup of a YubiKey is straightforward, won’t take you long at all, and it really isn’t that expensive if you consider that the entry-level YubiKey is only R550 - plus, they are available on Takealot.

South Africans simply cannot afford to ignore the risks posed by cyberthreats

  • Interpol found that cybercrime cost the South African economy $573 million in 2016.
  • In 2021, South Africa had the third-highest number of cybercrime victims around the world.
  • The African Cyberthreat Assessment Report 2021 found that South Africa had the most incidents of targeted ransomware and business email compromise attacks of any African country.
  • And Mimecast’s 2022 email security report uncovered that more than three out of every four South African organisations are receiving a growing number of email-based threats.

Security is everyone’s job - but it seems different generations have different approaches

Why The Yubikey Is Better Than Authenticator Apps (2)

Comparitech compiled a list of fascinating insights about people’s password habits which revealed that there might be somewhat of a generational divide when it comes to account security. It appears that 16 - 24 year-olds are more likely to use 2FA and update their applications frequently, but they are less likely to change their passwords regularly. Whereas those older than 50 are more inclined to utilise a variety of passwords for their online accounts but are not as quick to use 2FA or to install application updates.

Prevention is better than cure

With ongoing digital transformation, increasing adoption of a hybrid work model, and a vast variety of constantly evolving cyberthreats, it is important to take a forward-thinking, dynamic approach to keep your data safe. And a YubiKey is a great (proactive) way to take action and add layered vigilance - one of the basic elements of risk management.

YubiKeys can definitely bolster your fight against phishing attacks because it uses several encryption protocols and digital signature technologies that bind the verification output to a specific protected channel.

Find out more about how YubiKeys compare to other MFA methodologies

Why The Yubikey Is Better Than Authenticator Apps (2024)


Why The Yubikey Is Better Than Authenticator Apps? ›

Authenticator apps provide a layer of security and are a convenient option for use by many, but they are still vulnerable to phishing due to the 30-second window. Security keys, like the YubiKey, are considered to be both more convenient and more secure. Yubico also provides a use in conjunction with the YubiKey.

Why is YubiKey better than 2FA? ›

Another key advantage is its resistance to phishing attacks. Because the YubiKey communicates directly with the service it's securing, it's immune to counterfeit websites or other phishing schemes designed to capture 2FA codes.

Is a security key better than an authenticator app? ›

Why should I use a Hardware Security Key instead of an authenticator app? Simplicity: All you need to do with a Hardware Security Key is plug it into, or hold it against your device and touch or tap a button. No need to copy a passcode from an authenticator app or worry about your device's battery running out.

What is the advantage of YubiKey? ›

Robust Security: YubiKey not only prevents unauthorized access to your accounts but also provides an extra layer of strong security, even if your login information is compromised.

Is it better to use an authenticator app? ›

You should use an authenticator app over SMS authentication because it is more secure and less likely to be intercepted by cybercriminals. Authenticator apps generate 2FA codes locally on a device, rather than sending them unencrypted over text message.

Is YubiKey better than Microsoft authenticator? ›

In short: A security key is more secure than an authenticator app. Whilst authenticator apps are quite secure, they can still be compromised by highly-skilled hackers.

Is YubiKey safer than the app? ›

The YubiKey advantage

Storing your credentials on a hardware key is safer than storing them on a mobile phone. Your credential stays safe in the secure element of the YubiKey and cannot be extracted.

Why is YubiKey more secure? ›

Other 2FA methods typically only send you a six-digit code to confirm your identity, mostly because it would be unreasonable to expect humans to type much more than that. YubiKeys don't require you to manually enter a code, so they're free to use much longer codes. That's more secure.

Why is YubiKey so expensive? ›

It is costly to design, mould, manufacture, sell and support a hardware product, even something as small as this. Since you don't want your 2FA company to go out of business there is good value in knowing they have a stable business model that can actually support a company rather than just burning capital.

What is the strongest security authentication? ›

Most Secure: Hardware Keys

External hardware keys, like Yubikeys, are among the strongest authentication factors available. Also called FIDO keys, they generate a cryptographically secure MFA authentication code at the push of a button.

What is the lifespan of a YubiKey? ›

However, considering a YubiKey being used five times a day, 365 days per year, it will take 18 years for the counter to get stuck. Furthermore, as this counter only increment the first time after power up / reset, the practical lifetime is even longer.

Does YubiKey prevent hackers? ›

Remember that YubiKeys are hardware security keys that provide an additional layer of security to your online accounts. However, they are not immune to hacking attempts.

Should I leave my YubiKey plugged in all the time? ›

If it's your first time using a YubiKey and you're used to Touch ID, we suggest using the Nano key and leaving it plugged in. If you're working from home, you can leave it plugged in.

What is the disadvantage of the authenticator app? ›

Drawbacks of authenticator apps

Device dependency: If a user loses their device, or it malfunctions, they lose access to their authenticator app. They may need to go through a lengthy account recovery process as some auth apps do not offer backup codes.

What authenticator is the safest? ›

The Best Two-Factor Authentication App

After a new round of testing, Duo Mobile remains our top pick, and Google Authenticator is an also-great option. Along with using a password manager, the most important thing you can do to secure your online accounts is to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) everywhere you can.

Why do companies use authenticator app? ›

The primary reason for using an authenticator app is to keep your accounts secure. With so much malware created, phishing scams perpetrated, and hackers getting even smarter, using strong passwords may not be enough.

Why is a YubiKey more secure? ›

Other 2FA methods typically only send you a six-digit code to confirm your identity, mostly because it would be unreasonable to expect humans to type much more than that. YubiKeys don't require you to manually enter a code, so they're free to use much longer codes. That's more secure.

Are passkeys better than 2FA? ›

Gibson, a renowned security expert, emphatically stated that in a properly implemented system, passkeys alone provide far more security than even the strongest password combined with any second authentication factor.

Is there anything better than 2FA? ›

Multi-Factor Authentication: A Step Beyond

First: All other things being equal, MFA is always more secure than 2FA. 2FA is MFA, but not all MFA is 2FA.

Why is Passwordless better than 2FA? ›

A tale of two differences

Passwordless authentication is passwordless by definition – it's designed to replace your passwords. Two-factor authentication is an entirely different concept. Rather than replacing something, 2FA adds a step (factor) to help strengthen the security of a password-protected account.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.