Why the Demand for Software Developers Will Be Even Bigger in 2024 | BairesDev (2024)

Whether they are within the technology industry or not, all modern organizations must take steps to use digital tools effectively. A recent McKinsey Digital article stated, “More and more traditional companies are realizing that to compete and grow in a digital world, they must look, think, and act like software companies themselves.” Software developers, are already critical for furthering companies’ digital agendas.

The software developer role will become even more so in 2024 and the years that follow. One of the leading reasons is that its scope has expanded with the emergence of new technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain. Further, as the digital world expands, so does the need for cybersecurity solutions.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are other areas in which developers are needed more than ever. As the market for AR and VR software used to power innovative solutions is still new, the industry requires developers to use their expertise and creativity to customize them. Watch an expert’s take on key software development trends in 2024.

This expansion of the developer role comes at a time when many have thought it would be diminished with the appearance of AI-generated code. Yet, developing code with AI-powered support paves the way for developers to take on additional responsibilities, such as overseeing the use of non-human-generated code. Other new tools, such as low-code and no-code (LCNC) development, also require human oversight.

The Scope of the Profession Has Expanded

The scope of the software development profession has expanded since around the year 2000. During that time, technologies like cloud computing, AI, blockchain, and many other advancements have emerged. Because innovation is increasing, businesses will require more experts in these fields. In addition to the many new technologies, there are also many new hardware systems that use them.

Now, phones, tablets, cars, and TVs include software components. To get the most focused knowledge, manufacturers of these items require software developers who specialize in them and know the appropriate software languages, such as Dart, TypeScript, Pony, Python 3, Rust, and Swift. A consensus among tech voices reports that these are the most in-demand programming languages for 2024:

Why the Demand for Software Developers Will Be Even Bigger in 2024 | BairesDev (1)

In addition to being knowledgeable about specific hardware and software languages, software developers must be adept at particular processes. They must also know how to work in tandem with business operations roles to ensure software products are developed and delivered quickly and efficiently.

Therefore, software developers with skills in continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), and other methodologies will be in higher demand. According to coding educator freeCodeCamp, “[The CI/CD] approach involves frequent code integration, automated testing, and continuous deployment of software changes to production.”

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AI-Generated Code Is Not Foolproof

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT have made a mark, especially in software code creation. However, it’s crucial for companies to responsibly use AI-generated code by verifying its integrity and ensuring compliance with established rules and protocols.

While generative AI aids in software development, it can’t replace developers entirely. According to a recent KnowledgeHut blog post, even if AI could write all company code, software engineering experts would still be essential for development, maintenance, and improvement. So, software developers won’t be replaced, but they may take on more managerial roles.

Using generative AI tools this way offers substantial benefits. Developers can enhance productivity by reducing code generation time, allowing more focus on improving testing processes, resulting in higher-quality code and better software overall.

The Use of the Cloud Is Increasing

Just as downloads have replaced physical discs as the standard way to use software, cloud computing is replacing on-prem hardware installations as the standard way to host applications and create development environments. This transition has many reasons, whether they relate to security, scalability, agility, or collaboration. Cloud computing is essential in many companies today, and its use will continue to grow, although perhaps with a twist. A recent Forbes Tech Council article suggests that companies will look into private cloud infrastructures and focus on equipment deployment at the edge, due to the cloud’s cost, complexities, and associated loss of control.

Regardless of the chosen infrastructure, software developers will be tasked with ensuring the smooth functioning of cloud computing. Developers who work with cloud solutions can take on roles such as cloud architect, security expert, engineer, or administrator. All these positions provide ample opportunities for advancement and flexible working conditions.

Why the Demand for Software Developers Will Be Even Bigger in 2024 | BairesDev (2)

Low-code and No-code Development Require Supervision

A recent article from The Customer Data Platform Resource notes that, in the business world, “one of the most significant changes that will come shortly is a move away from hard coding, and toward a no-code workplace.” As just one example, according to the article, 455 million websites currently use WordPress, which provides LCNC methods for website development.

LCNC development platforms enable professionals who don’t know coding languages (known as citizen developers) to create software. These processes offer many advantages to companies, including reduced costs and the opportunity for teams to create applications that are highly customized to their procedures and needs.

However, expert developers are still needed to oversee the results and provide guidance to LCNC developers. Because applications developed with LCNC platforms are typically less sophisticated, software developers may be asked to step in to take them to the next level. Additionally, software developers are needed to create the code that underlies the LCNC platforms themselves.

IoT Devices Are Vulnerable to Threats

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a ubiquitous technology. Just about everything imaginable is becoming “connected,” including manufacturing equipment, inventory items, power grid structures, medical devices, vehicles, city infrastructure elements, home appliances, personal devices, and even clothing.

As disparate as they are, all these things can send and receive data. To do so, they require software, which in turn requires code to be developed. According to an article appearing in Robotics & Automation News, “Developing software for IoT applications requires careful consideration of specific challenges and requirements.” Such consideration requires the involvement of software developers experienced in this area.

Skills required for IoT software development in 2024 include C/C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python languages, as well as tools such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, IoTivity, and Eclipse Kura. Because of the possibility of lost or stolen data, much of which is highly sensitive, developers must also be proficient in ensuring maximum security.

IoT systems must be effectively tested. Functional testing on all IoT devices is critical to ensure proper operation and communication. Such testing checks for reliability and vulnerabilities under various conditions and is essential for protecting against cyberthreats.

Blockchain Is Not Just for Crypto

Since its introduction, blockchain technology has been largely associated with cryptocurrency development. There is good reason for that, given that it was the technology that enabled the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and it provides high levels of security, trust, and decentralization, as well as other qualities essential to the operation of cryptocurrency.

Blockchain technology has the potential to be useful for a wide range of uses, the number of which continues to expand. In 2024 and beyond, it will likely be used for data storage, identity verification, and supply chain management, as well as within other technologies to increase security.

Software developers are a critical component in the creation of those implementations. Their roles include the design, development, and maintenance of blockchain system software. Specifically, they may perform the following tasks.

Why the Demand for Software Developers Will Be Even Bigger in 2024 | BairesDev (3)

Software developers working with blockchain technology must have a variety of skills, including a deep understanding of blockchain concepts, knowledge of programming languages—such as Solidity, Rust, C++, Python, Go, JavaScript, and TypeScript—ability to develop smart contracts and decentralized apps, awareness of security concerns, understanding of distributed systems, and the ability to test and debug software.

The Evolution of Software Development

A recent Forbes Technology Council article points out that, while tech companies have made news recently for laying off technology workers, they are far from being the only ones that hire professionals with these skills. It states that “the top industries currently hiring software developers include finance and insurance, healthcare, automotive and manufacturing.”

New technologies are constantly appearing that might require the need for senior software developers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a growth rate of 25% in the need for this profession between now and 2032, a rate it considers “much faster than the average for all occupations.” It further states, “About 153,900 openings for software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers are projected each year, on average, over the decade.”

U.S. News & World Report listed Software Developer as the #1 best job for 2023. Given the breadth of opportunities explored here, and the chance to constantly create, software development is poised to continue going strong in 2024 and beyond.

Why the Demand for Software Developers Will Be Even Bigger in 2024 | BairesDev (2024)


Why the Demand for Software Developers Will Be Even Bigger in 2024 | BairesDev? ›

The software developer role will become even more so in 2024 and the years that follow. One of the leading reasons is that its scope has expanded with the emergence of new technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain.

What is the dev trend in 2024? ›

For developers, it's important to stay updated with the latest trends to make top-notch and competitive apps. In 2024, we'll see more people using serverless architectures, which means developers can spend more time coding and less time worrying about servers.

Is the demand for software developers increasing? ›

Overall employment of software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers is projected to grow 25 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Will AI replace programmers in 2024? ›

While AI has the potential to automate some tasks, it is unlikely to replace human engineers entirely. Instead, AI is likely to become an invaluable tool for software engineers, helping to increase productivity and efficiency and changing the nature of the role.

Will software developers be in demand in 2030? ›

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that employment of software developers will grow 22% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.

What is the future of software developers? ›

The future of software engineering is surely bright, keeping in mind the increasing technological demands of the world. In 2024, the demand for software engineers rose by nearly 17% across all industries, as per Opportunity Desk.

What is the future of DevOps in 2024? ›

Rethinking DevOps in 2024 is about embracing change, integrating new technologies, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration. As we adapt to this dynamic landscape, the core principles of efficiency, automation, and customer-centricity remain pivotal.

Is coding still in demand in 2024? ›

You heard it here first: In 2024, coding skills will break free from confinement to traditional tech roles and prove their mettle as essential, strategic assets across all industries.

Is it worth becoming a software engineer in 2024? ›

The software engineer job outlook for 2024 and beyond is promising, with increasing demand for mobile app development and the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies in various industries. Software engineering continues to experience tremendous growth and high demand across industries.

Is coding in demand in 2024? ›

Learning to program opens up job opportunities in a constantly growing market where organizations are continuously creating new technologies and applications. Depending on the programming language you specialize in, you can pursue a high-demand career.

Will AI take over coders? ›

Despite these advancements in AI, the role of a software engineer remains secure in the foreseeable future. Currently, AI cannot replicate the human element of software engineering: The ability to understand, innovate and adapt.

Why AI will not replace developers? ›

AI might struggle with creative problem-solving or thinking outside predefined patterns. Creativity and innovation can be constrained by the limitations of AI algorithms. Over-reliance on AI for coding tasks might lead to a decline in developers' core skills, i.e., erode critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Will AI overtake programmers? ›

While there's concern about AI replacing software engineers, it's unlikely to replace high-value developers who work on complex and innovative software. To avoid being replaced by AI, focus on building sophisticated and creative solutions.

Will coding still be relevant in 2025? ›

Is Coding Still Relevant in 2025? Yes, coding is still relevant; this will be no different in the next three years. However, programming assignment help and language syntax will continue to get more superficial. Initially, it consisted of simply punching holes in the cardboard.

Do coders have a future? ›

The demand for innovative software solutions will only continue to grow. While low-level developer tasks will be increasingly automated, there will still be a demand for developers who understand coding to guide the AI systems and ensuring that they do what we want them to do.

Is coding still in demand? ›

With the proper support and training, you can launch a career in coding, and coding-related jobs are increasingly in demand. BLS projects that the IT field will grow by around 25 percent between 2021 and 2031, much faster than average for other occupations [8].

How many developers will there be in 2030? ›

Owing to this, we might see the number of software developers nearly double in the next decade, reaching around 45 million by 2030. The need for software developers is surging. It is expected that by 2024, the number of jobs for software and app developers will grow exponentially by 12.5% as compared to 2014.

What will technology be like in 2026? ›

In 2026, a number of technology breakthroughs and trends will become available to the public, for example: Between 2022 to 2026, the worldwide shift from smartphones to wearable augmented reality (AR) glasses will begin and will accelerate as the 5G rollout is completed.

What will be the trend in 2050? ›

In 2050, the world will be vastly different from what we know today, as a result of the integration of whole range of technologies, including: quantum computing, metaverse, augmented reality, nanotechnology, human brain-computer interfaces, driverless technology, artificial intelligence, workplace automation, robotics ...

What are the IT trends for 2030? ›

By 2030, expect lightning-fast internet, essential for AI demands. Wireless low-power networks, 6G cellular, Wi-Fi 6 and 7, low-Earth orbit satellites, and more. While it won't technically be “zero latency”, it will be as close as it can get.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.