Why React JS is Hard to Learn? (2024)

Why React JS is Hard to Learn? (1)

3 min read


Mar 18, 2022


React is difficult to learn for beginners. This is due to its modular nature. Most React modules are interrelated and require you to use other software to build a complex application. You’ll also need knowledge of functional programming. You need to know the concepts of curried, immutable, and higher-order functions, which are useful for React. These are the most common features of React, and they will help you create a better app.

Why React JS is Hard to Learn? (2)

If you’re looking for a new web development framework, you may be wondering “Why React JS is Hard to Learn?” The answer is simple: it’s very complex. It’s a complex language, with higher-order components and advanced design patterns. It takes a long time to learn. Beginners should plan on spending six to twelve months studying the language. More experienced developers can complete the process in a single month.

Build Websites

The best way to learn React is to build several websites. You can build a personal website, a portfolio, a photo gallery, or a basic information site. Don’t jump right into React, as it will confuse you. Instead, build a website in HTML, CSS, and JS, and then add the React component. By doing so, you’ll be able to see the framework’s context and pain points.


Regardless of which method you choose, it’s a good idea to start by studying the React library’s documentation. It will help you learn how to use it. A well-written doc will guide you from the basics to advanced techniques. While reading the docs and trying examples is essential, it’s best to get started with an intermediate course. It won’t take you more than a week to complete.

Why React JS is Hard to Learn? (3)

You shouldn’t be discouraged if you find that React isn’t easy to learn. The best React courses will give you a solid foundation and help you develop skills. If you’re not interested in building social websites, it’s probably not the right fit for you. If you’re looking for a faster path, take a paid course. You’ll have access to an instructor and teaching assistant and you can share your progress with other students. It’s possible to spend a lot of money on a video course on Udemy, but the…

Why React JS is Hard to Learn? (2024)
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