Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (2024)

I’ve been on a massive retro gaming kick since we moved into our new house. Modern games simply haven’t had as much appeal for me recently! I’m finding so much to love about older titles. And I keep being delighted that classic games I play for the first time (like Rocket Knight Adventures on the Genesis) hold up astonishingly well. Which got me thinking: why is retro gaming so popular to this day?

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (1)

Of course, “childhood nostalgia” is a huge factor-recapturing the memories and sentiments of games we loved when we were younger. But I think the appeal of retro gaming goes beyond just nostalgia. As a gamer of more than 30 years, these are my thoughts and opinions on why I believe retro gaming will forever be popular. Please keep in mind that I’m *mostly* referring to cartridge-based retro games in this post!

The ritual of starting a game

I understand that digital games are easier to access and play, and in general a far more practical option. There’s certainly a case to be made for playing and preserving games that way! But with physical retro games, there’s so much “ritual” involved that’s really enjoyable. Opening the box (either the original or a repro from Custom Game Cases) and taking out the cart. Hearing the satisfying “pop” when you place the cartridge in the console. Clicking that power button on to immediately be taken to the game without a lot of fanfare or load screens. And playing it with an authentic (and often superior) controller!

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (2)

Just seeing the logo screen and chime come up (such as the “Capcom” logo when I boot up Mega Man X) gives me an instant rush of endorphins. So much joy over so small a thing!

I also like to display the box close by when playing a game (a ritual I stole from my good friend Kamal). I’m a huge fan of box art (especially from classic consoles like the N64) and it really adds to the experience. If it’s a game I haven’t played in some time (or at all!) I’ll flip through the manual as well. Manuals are often brilliant works of art, full of extra sketches and witty references relevant to their time. I really miss their inclusion in game boxes.

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (4)
Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (5)

As a bonus, the random inserts that often came with older games are a lot of fun to rediscover too!

Short and sweet

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that being an adult can be pretty rough. So many additional stresses, so little precious free time, and only a fraction of that to spend on gaming. So why is retro gaming especially popular with older gamers who have families? Because we can get a high quality gaming experience in a short period of time! I can pop in a game like Streets of Rage 2 or Super Mario World and tear through most of it in less than an hour, enjoying every second of it. All while experiencing those sweet old school graphics and soundtrack!

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (6)

Of course, not all retro games are short. But on the whole they feel more “streamlined” and concise, even when it comes to classic RPGs like Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI.

Those graphics!

There’s a hard-to-fully-describe charm to retro game graphics. Maybe it’s the simplicity. The colors. The care that went into them. They’re just lovely! I mean, the 16-bit era might be the most graphically beautiful era of gaming. Yeah, I said it! Just try playing the Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis using high quality component cables (such as HD Retrovision-use coupon code “THECHOZOPROJECT” and save 10%!) and tell me it’s not a religious experience.

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (7)

Sometimes I think older sprite graphics are only appealing to “grown up gamers”. But then I see the massive success of games like Stardew Valley and Hollow Knight across all age groups and think about how universal they really are!

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (8)

Even early 3D games have their charm, crude and pointy as they are. I recently played through Parasite Eve on the PS1 for the first time and was blown away by the (concisely told) storyline, characters, and innovative battle system. The CGI cutscenes were still genuinely impressive-and horrifying.

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (9)

No updates or downloads

Getting a modern game on launch day is much more tedious experience. You’ll often need to set aside several extra hours to allow day one patches to download to fix the multitude of bugs. I understand that’s often necessary with the insane complexity of big AAA titles, but it dampens the experience of first playing a bit. Games are sometimes even released in a fairly broken state with the promise of “fixes” to come. What the hell is this? With retro games, you bring a game home from the store, pop it in, turn on the power, and start your epic, well-crafted adventure!

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (10)

The simplicity of play with retro games is both very nostalgic and very soothing in the complexity of today’s world. I miss it.

Right to the action

One could argue that some old school games were punishingly difficult and didn’t bother to teach you mechanics. I completely understand that, and it holds true for many titles. But now a lot of game design has overcorrected. Too many games have bloated and tedious tutorials that often take hours (and hours!) to complete before getting to “the good stuff”. Not the case with the best retro games! Stellar game design teaches you the mechanics using the gameplay itself, like the early parts of Mega Man X and Link to the Past.

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (11)

Some of the best indie titles today take the same approach, and it’s a big reason they have such acclaim. Hopefully we’ll see the scene continue to thrive and keep the retro vibe alive!

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (12)

It’s not all retro

It might sound like I loathe all modern games. I truly don’t. I love my Nintendo Switch and quite a few series on both Playstation and XBox. But modern games just aren’t quite the same, and probably never will be. Why is retro gaming so popular? Because it offers a unique, nostalgic, comforting, simple, and most importantly, joyous experience that’s tough to replicate.

In your opinion, why is retro gaming so popular? Or do you disagree and think it’s just a matter of time before this bubble “bursts”? Let me know in the comments below!

Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? (2024)


Why Is Retro Gaming So Popular? ›

Upgraded Features Breathing New Life Into Old Games

Why are retro video games so popular? ›

Many retro games feature simple, yet charming graphics that are instantly recognisable, which provide a unique and nostalgic visual experience. These graphics often have a certain level of character that modern games cannot replicate, and they evoke feelings of nostalgia in players who grew up playing these games.

When did retro gaming become popular? ›

The Birth of Retro Gaming

In the late 1970s, home consoles such as the Atari 2600 and the Magnavox Odyssey brought gaming into households for the first time. These consoles offered a range of simple yet addictive games that captivated players, setting the stage for what was to come.

Why do people still play retro games? ›

So, when it comes to the popularity of retro games, nostalgia is probably the main reason for their popularity. Many older players grew up playing these games, and it is interesting to note that younger generations (Gen Z) are also enjoying games from the '80s and '90s, even though most of them were not even born yet.

Why do I love retro games so much? ›

“I do think there's a nostalgia to playing. The look, the music, and the feel of the game.” Playing older games—or games made to look retro—transport the gamer. “It takes me back to a simpler time when games were two-dimensional, the music was simple, and yet it was still a lot of fun to play,” says Fraser.

Does Gen Z like retro games? ›

In a world of relentless technological advances and increasing AI anxiety, Rivera wonders whether gen Z's affinity for retro gaming is connected to its stability. “It provides a constant – it's not going to morph into something else tomorrow,” she says.

Why are retro games so appealing? ›

It's not because any of these eras were actually better or worse, it's just that we all have an attachment to the familiar. Therefore, many people love the games that they enjoyed earlier in their gaming careers as they were exploring the medium and finding which genres they liked best.

Why is retro gaming making a comeback? ›

Retro gaming is experiencing a resurgence, driven by simplicity, nostalgia, and cultural influence. Classic games from the 80s and 90s are being embraced by both older gamers revisiting their past and younger players discovering these games for the first time.

Why are retro games so expensive? ›

As more platforms emerged and the online marketplace matured, the accessibility to rare and sought-after titles became easier, further inflating the cost of vintage games. There were even auction sites, such as Game Gavel, dedicated strictly to video games.

Are retro games worth anything? ›

Best Way to Find the Value of Vintage Video Games

a well-played game is thousands of dollars. While a cartridge on its own may sell for $5, the same sealed title might be worth $10,000. The best way to value vintage video games is to research actual auction prices of titles with similar grades.

Is it illegal to emulate retro games? ›

On its own, the possibility of playing older games in whichever environment you please sounds like a nice option to have. But while emulators are free and legal, ROMs are not.

Why old games looked better? ›

Retro games have way fewer pixels than a modern screen can fill. Playing an 8-bit game that's 256 pixels x 240 on a 4K TV that has a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 is asking a modern TV to display simple blocky images on a screen designed for much finer detail, and a lot of it.

Why are old video games so nostalgic? ›

Video games serve as "time machines" capable of returning players to a nearly untouched digital past. Nostalgic video game memories are often connected to family and friends, improving short-term well-being.

What age is retro gaming? ›

Some people say 20 years is what makes a video game retro, but the majority seem to say 15 years. So for the sake of this article let's consider 15 years as the classification of retro.

Why is retro making a comeback? ›

One of the main reasons why retro style is making a comeback is nostalgia. People are drawn to the styles and designs of the past because they remind them of a simpler time. Whether it's the fashion of the 1950s or the music of the 1980s, retro style brings back memories of a bygone era.

Why are retro games so fun? ›

Another reason that retro games are more enjoyable is their nostalgia factor. For many people, playing retro games brings back memories of childhood or younger years, when life was less complicated and video games were a source of pure entertainment.

Why are the old style arcade games still so popular? ›

Familiarity of Classic Games

Another reason retro gaming is still popular is that people are familiar with the games. They may have played them as a child or seen them in movies or on television. This familiarity makes them more comfortable to play, and they don't have to spend as much time learning how to play them.

Why do people like retro? ›

One reason is the nostalgia factor. Retro art takes us back to a simpler time, evoking memories of vintage advertisem*nts, movie posters, and album covers. It's a way to pay homage to the past while adding a touch of personality to our modern living spaces. Another reason is the unique aesthetic appeal of retro art.

Why did video games become so popular in the 90s? ›

The advent of 16-bit home consoles in the early 1990s marked an evolutionary step for the genre. By the time the Mega Drive and Super Nintendo Entertainment System launched, platform games were the most popular genre in home console gaming and were seen as vital for winning the console war.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.