Why does money have so much power? - HR Future (2024)

As the extent of the theft of public money becomes clearer, more and more people are being exposed for what they are prepared to do, or not do, for money.

Why does money have so much power? - HR Future (1)

As the extent of the theft of public money becomes clearer, more and more people are being exposed for what they are prepared to do, or not do, for money.

Why does money have such a grip on some human beings?

Since the concept of exchange of value via a form of currency was invented, money has occupied a very powerful spot in the hearts, minds and lives of human beings. Some have lived and died never having had much of it, some have literally given their lives in the legal or illegal pursuit of it, while others have lived and died with more than they could ever have spent in their lifetime and have still felt they never had enough.

The reason that money holds such a power over people is that it provides them with power – to do what they want to do, whatever that may be.

Some people feel money gives them a sense of personal worth. They feel if they don’t have much money, they are not worth much as a person and if they have a lot of it, they are indeed of great worth as a person.

That’s why many people associate the accumulation of wealth with the accumulation of power – the more money you have, the more powerful you are. And when people have a low sense of their personal power, they have an overwhelming urge to amass large sums of money quite out of proportion to their needs. No matter how much they acquire, it’s never enough. This approach also aligns with greed. A greedy person never has enough, no matter how much he or she gets.

The term “corruption” has sadly become a regular in our daily news reports. Briefly, it refers to the fact that someone has agreed to commit some or other illegal or unethical act in the interests of securing a financial benefit or reward.

It seems to imply that the person was once of good character and has subsequently been “corrupted”, experiencing a failure of character as a result of the possibility of receiving a large sum of money.

My view is that money doesn’t corrupt people. There are many honest and responsible people who have vast sums of money. There are also many honest, ethical people who have no money to speak of. Neither of these two groups is “corrupt”.

That’s because money doesn’t corrupt people. It merely reveals their character. Honest, ethical people will acquire money through honest and ethical means, and they will do honest and ethical things with that money. Dishonest, unethical people will, when given the opportunity, attempt to acquire money in dishonest or unethical ways and will use it for dishonest purposes.

The big question you and I have to ask ourselves is: What does money reveal about you and me? Does it show us up to be honest, ethical people, or does it show us up to be like the many who have sold their souls for many handfuls of cash?

Only you know what money reveals about you. I urge you to take a stand against corruption and expose it wherever you find it raising its ugly head.

Alan Hosking is the publisher of HR Future magazine, @HRFuturemag, and assists executives to prevent, reverse and delay ageing, and achieve self-mastery.

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Why does money have so much power? - HR Future (2024)


Why does money have so much power? - HR Future? ›

The reason that money holds such a power over people is that it provides them with power – to do what they want to do, whatever that may be. Some people feel money gives them a sense of personal worth.

Why does money have so much power? ›

The Power of Money. Money is obviously a vital part of an economy because it allows trade to occur more efficiently. Governments have a great power that no one else in the economy has—the ability to print money. Thus, the government can acquire more goods by printing more money, a process known as seigniorage.

Why do you think money is power? ›

It is a power capable of providing us the freedom to make our own choices instead of being pushed when we don't like it. Having money provides you peace of mind, you don't have to worry about what happens in the future to a great extent, worries like job loss, etc would vanish and you can focus on your work.

How can money be a source of power? ›

Money can also be a source of power in the business world. Those with significant financial resources can invest in companies, acquire competitors, and control market share. This can give them a significant advantage over their rivals, allowing them to dictate prices, control supply chains, and monopolize industries.

Why is money and power important? ›

Financial stability and freedom allow for more opportunity and comfortability in life. Having money and influence leads to power which gives you an opportunity to impact people, organizations, and communities around you.

What is the power of money? ›

Money, as a social power, has the capacity to accomplish work in any field. But, the power of money is secondary in nature. Money is only a symbol. So, it cannot produce results on its own.

What is the power of money in life? ›

The existence of money allows you to trade your labor for things that you value. There are many major benefits of money including the following: Money gives you freedom. When you have enough money, you can live where you want, take care of your needs, and indulge in your hobbies.

What is the high power of money? ›

High-powered money is the sum of commercial bank reserves and currency (notes and coins) held by the Public. High-powered money is the base for the expansion of Bank deposits and creation of money supply. A commercial bank's reserves depend upon its deposits.

Is money a form of power? ›

In economic terms, money is the ultimate power, because, as Clower (2) forcefully stated, 'money buys goods'. In a market economy you can get everything if you pay the price – and have the money. If you do not have the ultimate liquidity, in other words, the amount of money (means of payment), you must ask for credit.

Is money a power or not? ›

“Money is Power” goes the saying. Those who have a lot of money tend to have commensurate power.

Is money the ultimate form of power? ›

Power or money? Which is dominant? Power! of course but ironically money also gives you power, though it's not the only thing that can make you powerful there are others as well but it is up to you how you use or rather invest your money because it has enormous powers to give.

Is money power or knowledge? ›

While money can provide temporary comfort and luxury, knowledge is the key to lasting success, fulfillment, and impact. Let us not undervalue the power of knowledge and recognize that it is the catalyst for growth, both personally and globally.

Who said that money is power? ›

Andrew Jackson Quotes

Money is power, and in that government which pays all the public officers of the states will all political power be substantially concentrated.

What are the five advantages of money? ›

The role of cash
  • It ensures your freedom and autonomy. Banknotes and coins are the only form of money that people can keep without involving a third party. ...
  • It's legal tender. ...
  • It ensures your privacy. ...
  • It's inclusive. ...
  • It helps you keep track of your expenses. ...
  • It's fast. ...
  • It's secure. ...
  • It's a store of value.

Is money important in the human life? ›

1. Basic Necessities and Comfort: At its most fundamental level, money provides us access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, and healthcare. It's the foundation upon which we build our lives and secure a certain level of comfort and safety.

What is the best quote of money? ›

Money won't create success, the freedom to make it will. A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money. Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.

What is bigger, power or money? ›

Power is greater than money, power will control money. money comes first, but power is power it cant even be compared.

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This matters both directly — politicians who propose big tax increases on the rich can't expect to see much of their money — and indirectly: Wealthy donors have access to politicians in a way ordinary Americans don't and play a disproportionate role in shaping policymakers' worldview.

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