Why do you need so much information at sign up? | Bitcoin (BTC) Exchange| bitFlyer USA (2024)

In order to protect our customers, prevent fraudulent activity, and be fully compliant with regulations for the trading of digital assets, we require the submission of personally identifiable information. This includes the submission of selfies, SSN, bank statements, etc. For this, bitFlyer US uses the identity verification company, AU10TIX, one of the most advanced solutions for Customer Onboarding and Fraud Prevention in the World.

For more info on bitFlyers terms of service visit here.

Most frequently asked questions

  • How can I access my referral link?
    1. The referral program is now available on the bitFlyer app, and Desktop.
    2. Through the app: Go to the menu tab on and click on “Invite Friends, Get Free Bitcoin”.
    3. Click on the "Send Invite" button at the bottom of the page. If your account hasn't been verified yet, this button will be grayed out.
    4. Copy your unique link or send it directly to your friends!
    5. Through a Desktop, log into your bitFlyer account, on the left hand side on the menu below click on "Referral Program"
    6. Then select which ever option of your choosing under "Share with friends". If your account hasn't been verified yet, this button will be grayed out.
    7. Copy your unique link or send it directly to your friends!
  • Why do you need so much information at sign up?
    In order to protect our customers, prevent fraudulent activity, and be fully compliant with regulations for the trading of digital assets, we require the submission of personally identifiable information. This includes the submission of selfies, SSN, bank statements, etc. For this, bitFlyer US uses the identity verification company, AU10TIX, one of the most advanced solutions for Customer Onboarding and Fraud Prevention in the World.

    For more info on bitFlyers terms of service visit here.

  • How is the price determined?
    When you purchase cryptocurrency through the Buy / Sell service, the amount you buy or sell for is not the same. The buy and sell prices are based off of the current spread.

    We offer cryptocurrency to you at a mid-market rate, which includes a margin, or spread. To explain what this means:

    Mid-market rate is determined by looking at the current price of cryptocurrency across multiple exchanges, while considering market volatility and other factors.
    Spread is the difference between the current bid price and ask price of the cryptocurrency. The volatility of the cryptocurrency's price in the market is another factor to consider.
    Transaction Fees: You are not charged a transaction fee, or any other fees when using the Buy / Sell service.

If your issue is not resolved, please contact us by using this inquiry form. We will respond as soon as possible.

As an expert in cryptocurrency and digital asset trading, I can attest to the crucial importance of robust security measures and regulatory compliance in the industry. The article you've presented sheds light on the meticulous account management procedures employed by bitFlyer US to ensure customer protection, prevent fraudulent activities, and comply with regulatory standards for digital asset trading. Allow me to delve into the key concepts covered in this article:

  1. Identity Verification and Compliance:

    • The article emphasizes the need for collecting extensive personally identifiable information (PII) during the sign-up process. This includes sensitive data such as selfies, Social Security Numbers (SSN), and bank statements.
    • The purpose of this rigorous information collection is to protect customers, prevent fraudulent activities, and maintain full compliance with regulations governing the trading of digital assets.
  2. Identity Verification Company - AU10TIX:

    • bitFlyer US employs the services of AU10TIX, an identity verification company. AU10TIX is recognized as one of the most advanced solutions for Customer Onboarding and Fraud Prevention globally.
    • Utilizing advanced identity verification technologies is crucial in maintaining the security and integrity of customer accounts, especially in the volatile and high-risk environment of cryptocurrency trading.
  3. Referral Program:

    • The article provides information on bitFlyer's referral program, allowing users to earn rewards by inviting friends to join the platform.
    • Referral links can be accessed through both the bitFlyer app and desktop. The process involves navigating to the appropriate section, selecting sharing options, and obtaining a unique referral link.
  4. Cryptocurrency Price Determination:

    • The article explains how the price of cryptocurrency is determined when using the Buy / Sell service on bitFlyer.
    • The buy and sell prices are based on the current spread, which is the difference between the current bid and ask prices of the cryptocurrency. The mid-market rate, reflecting prices across multiple exchanges, is used as a basis, including considerations for market volatility.
  5. Transaction Fees:

    • Users are informed that there are no transaction fees or additional charges associated with using the Buy / Sell service on bitFlyer.
    • The mid-market rate provided to users includes a margin or spread, but users are not directly charged a transaction fee.
  6. Customer Support:

    • The article provides a resolution pathway for users with unresolved issues, directing them to use an inquiry form for contacting bitFlyer. Assurance is given that responses will be provided as soon as possible.

In conclusion, bitFlyer US not only prioritizes user experience through features like a referral program but also ensures a secure and compliant trading environment. The integration of advanced identity verification technologies and transparent communication about pricing mechanisms contribute to building trust in the platform.

Why do you need so much information at sign up? | Bitcoin (BTC) Exchange| bitFlyer USA (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.