Why Do Children Get So Stressed With School? (2024)

It's common for kids of all ages to experience school-related stress. This is often most apparent at the end of summer when school is about to start again, but it can occur year-round. Where do the stress and anxiety come from? Social, academic, and scheduling factors play a major role, as do hidden environmental stressors.

Social Stressors

Many kids experience some level of stress or anxiety in social situations they encounter in school. While some of these issues provide important opportunities for growth, they must be handled with care and can cause anxiety that must be dealt with.


A good experience with a caring teacher can cause a lasting impression on a child's life—so can a bad experience. While most teachers do their best to provide students with a positive educational experience, some students are better suited for certain teaching styles and classroom types than others. If there's a mismatch between student and teacher, a child can form lasting negative feelings about school or his own abilities.


While most students would say that friends are one of their favorite aspects of school, they can also be a source of stress. Concerns about not having enough friends, not being in the same class as friends, not being able to keep up with friends in one particular area or another, interpersonal conflicts, and peer pressure are a few of the very common ways kids can be stressed by their social lives at school. Dealing with these issues alone can cause anxiety in even the most secure kids.


Things have changed in the world of bullies. The good news is that the days of teachers looking the other way and parents leaving kids to deal with bullying on their own are mostly over. Many schools now have anti-bullying programs and policies. Though bullying does still happen at many schools, even those with these policies, help is generally more easily accessible than it was years ago.

The bad news is that bullying has gone high-tech. Many students use the Internet, cell phones, and other media devices to bully other students, and this type of bullying often gets very aggressive. One reason is that bullies can be anonymous and enlist other bullies to make their target miserable; another reason is that they don't have to face their targets, so it's easier to shed any empathy that they may otherwise feel. There are ways to combat "cyber-bullying,"but many parents aren't aware of them—and many bullied kids feel too overwhelmed to deal with the situation.

6 Types of Bullying Your Child Might Encounter


Much has been said in the media lately about the over-scheduling of our kids, but the problem still continues. In an effort to give their kids an edge, or to provide the best possible developmental experiences, many parents are enrolling their kids in too many extra-curricular activities. As kids become teens, school extracurricular activities become much more demanding. College admissions standards are also becoming increasingly competitive, making it difficult for college-bound high school students to avoid overscheduling themselves.

Lack of Family Time

Due in part to the busyness of kids’ lives and the hectic schedules of most parents, the sit-down family dinner has become the exception rather than the rule in many households. While there are other ways to connect as a family, many families find that they’re too busy to spend time together and have both the important discussions and the casual day recaps that can be so helpful for kids in dealing with the issues they face. Due to a lack of available family time, many parents aren't as connected to their kids, or knowledgeable about the issues they face, as they would like.

Not Enough Sleep

Unfortunately, this isn't just a problem that adults face. As schedules pack up with homework, extracurriculars, family time and (hopefully) some downtime each day, kids often get less sleep than they need. Operating under a sleep deficit doesn’t just mean sleepiness, it can also lead to poor cognitive functioning, lack of coordination, moodiness, and other negative effects. Consider helping your family adopt somehabits for better sleep.

WorkThat's Too Hard

There's a lot of pressure for kids to learn more and more and at younger ages than in past generations. For example, while a few decades ago kindergarten was a time for learning letters, numbers, and basics, most kindergarteners today are expected to read. With test scores being heavily weighted and publicly known, schools and teachers are under great pressure to produce high test scores; that pressure can be passed on to kids.

Work That's Too Easy

Just as it can be stressful to handle a heavy and challenging workload, some children can experience stress from work that isn't difficult enough. They can respond by acting out or tuning out in class, which leads to poor performance, masks the root of the problem, and perpetuates the difficulties.

Learning Styles Mismatch

You may already know that there aredifferent styles of learning—some learn better by listening, others retain information more efficiently if they see the information written out, and still, others prefer learning by doing. If there's a mismatch in learning style and classroom, or if your child has a learning disability (especially an undiscovered one), this can obviously lead to a stressful academic experience.

Homework Problems

Kids are being assigned a heavier homework load than in past years, and that extra work can add to a busy schedule and take a toll.

Test Anxiety

Many of us experience test anxiety, regardless of whether or not we're prepared for exams. Unfortunately, some studies show that greater levels oftest anxietycan actually hinder performance on exams.Reducingtest anxietycan actually improve scores.

Poor Diet

With the overabundance of convenience food available these days and the time constraints many experiences, the average child's diet has more sugar and less nutritious content that is recommended. This can lead to mood swings, lack of energy, and other negative effects that impact stress levels. Learn more aboutstress and nutritionand how to ensure your family getsproper nutrition even when you're busy.

Food and Nutrition

Noise Pollution

Believe it or not,noise pollutionfrom airports, heavy traffic, and other sources have been shown to cause stress that impacts kids' performance in school.

Lack of Preparation

Not having necessary supplies can be a very stressful experience for a child, especially one who's very young. If a child doesn't have an adequate lunch, didn't bring her signed permission slip, or doesn't have a red shirt to wear on "Red Shirt Day," for example, she may experience significant stress. Younger kids may need help with these things.

Why Do Children Get So Stressed With School? (2024)


Why Do Children Get So Stressed With School? ›

"Students are put in a position of feeling they just must not stop. They are not given a sense of support. They are put in an environment where they are not accepted for themselves but only for what they are going to achieve. All this builds stress."

What is the main cause of stress in school? ›

The main cause for stressed out students is the heavy coursework they are taking on. Teens who want to get a jump on college may also sign up for extra classes, only adding to the burden. Too often, the teen takes on subjects that exceed their academic ability, causing added stress.

How to get rid of school stress? ›

Coping strategies for students
  1. Practice deep belly breathing. You can practice deep breathing between classes, at lunch, or before and after school.
  2. Try progressive muscle relaxation. ...
  3. Participate in regular physical activities. ...
  4. Recognize and accept all emotions. ...
  5. Learn to communicate struggles. ...
  6. Find a few trusted listeners.
Jul 23, 2021

What percent of students are stressed by school? ›

According to a study by NYU, 49% of students experience stress caused by school on a daily basis. Below are some of the most common stressors in school: Navigating social lives.

Why is school overwhelming? ›

The pursuit of high grades and the fear of failure can create a formidable burden on young minds, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. 2. The workload imposed on students can be overwhelming, leaving them juggling multiple assignments, projects, and extracurricular activities.

Are kids overworked in school? ›

Does your child feel overworked in school? School-related stress is nothing new, but it is now happening to even younger students. With the increased importance of testing on students, teachers, and schools- children are facing more stress in school than parents may have experienced when they were younger.

Is school stressful for kids? ›

School stress can be a significant challenge for teens. Academic performance and relationship issues are just two of the many factors that can take a mental, emotional, and physical toll on teenagers' minds and bodies.

How do you cure school anxiety? ›

12 Ways to Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety During the School Year
  1. Talk to a therapist. Seeking advice and talking to someone can help keep your mind healthy and give you the tools you need in stressful situations. ...
  2. Take deep breaths. ...
  3. Get outside. ...
  4. Get moving. ...
  5. Make a list. ...
  6. Get creative. ...
  7. Call a friend. ...
  8. Grab a snack.
Jan 13, 2023

How do grades cause stress? ›

A new study finds that when students experience an academic setback such as a bad grade, the amount of cortisol—the so-called stress hormone—in their bodies typically spikes. For most students it drops back down to normal levels a day later, but for some it stays high.

Is it worth stressing over school? ›

That's right: when you're stressed out, you may think that you're more focused, but in reality, you're giving your brain permission for no learning to happen. As scientists have unlocked the secrets of the brain, a picture has begun to emerge of why so few students get great grades.

Who suffers from stress the most? ›

A survey conducted in 2022 found that young adults aged between 18 and 24 were more likely to suffer from moderate to severe stress, depression, and anxiety symptoms.

Who are the most stressed students? ›

Female Students More Likely to Experience Negative Emotions

Approximately three-quarters of female students (72%) report experiencing stress a lot of the prior day, compared with 56% of male students. Likewise, 56% of female students report experiencing worry the prior day, compared with 40% of their male peers.

What country has the most stressed students? ›

The United States ranks first as the country with the most stressed students.

Why is school so pressuring? ›

Academic pressure may come from family expectations, the ambitious goals students set for themselves, or the demands placed on them by society at large. Coaches and school administrators may also push students to succeed.

Why does school exist? ›

Rather than every family being individually responsible for education, people soon figured out that it would be easier and more efficient to have a small group of adults teach a larger group of children. In this way, the concept of the school was born.

Why is school such a struggle? ›

Kids can struggle in school for different reasons, such as: a learning or focus issue. trouble getting organized. not feeling well (for example, if they have asthma that isn't controlled)

What is the main stress for students? ›

You may feel stressed about starting university, exams, coursework deadlines, living with people you do not know, or thinking about the future. Stress is a natural feeling, designed to help you cope in challenging situations.

What is the most stressful thing in school? ›

There are many causes to school stress:
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Too much work or homework.
  • Different routine.
  • No support.
  • No time to relax.
  • Having learning disabilities.

What are the major causes of stress? ›

You may experience stress if you:
  • Feel under lots of pressure.
  • Face big changes in your life.
  • Are worried about something.
  • Don't have much or any control over the outcome of a situation.
  • Have responsibilities that you find overwhelming.
  • Don't have enough work, activities or change in your life.

What causes school anxiety? ›

Young people can feel anxious about school for lots of different reasons. They might be worried about making friends or fitting in, find schoolwork or lessons confusing, feel pressured to learn in a certain way or find their relationships with teachers difficult.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.