Who Pays Students Loans After a Divorce in California? (2024)

Who Pays Students Loans After a Divorce in California? (1)

As of 2023, 43.5 million Americans owe more than $1.6 trillion in student loan debt. If you are going through a divorce in California, there is a good chance you are still paying off your student loans. But how is this debt handled in a divorce? Could you be required to help pay off your ex’s student loans – even after the marriage is over? Could your ex be liable to pay off your student loans? These questions are becoming increasingly common as student debt gets higher and higher in California.

The Basics of Property Division in California

California is a community property state, which means that all marital property is typically divided in a 50/50 manner. However, this only applies to marital property and not to “separate” property. Assets and debts acquired before or after the marriage are considered separate and are not eligible for division. This means that if you got a student loan before the marriage, it is your responsibility to pay off the debt – and yours alone.

Student Debt is Handled Differently in California

You might assume that if you got a student loan during your marriage, this debt would be divided in a 50/50 manner according to the community property system. But this is not the case. According to California Family Code Section 2641, the state recognizes that student loans only benefit the person who obtained this debt. As a result, only the spouse who obtained the loan will be required to pay it – even if the loan was taken out during the marriage. In other words, student loans represent a notable exception in the usual classification of separate and marital property.

Spouses May Still Be Required to Pay Each Other’s Student Loans

That being said, spouses may be liable for their exes’ student loans under certain circ*mstances:

  • Both spouses benefitted from a single loan
  • One spouse contributed to the other’s education or training in a way that offsets the loan
  • The education provided by the loan reduces a spouse’s need for spousal support

In the end, it is best to speak with an attorney if you are wondering how your student loans will be handled during your divorce. Each situation is slightly different, and only a face-to-face consultation will provide you with personalized information. On the other hand, internet research can only provide you with so much information and guidance.

Where Can I Find an Experienced Family Law Attorney in California?

If you have been searching for an experienced family law attorney in California, look no further than Knez Law Group, LLP. Over the years, we have helped numerous divorcing spouses in the Golden State, including those with student loan debt. We know that debts can be just as difficult to divide as assets when ending a marriage, and we will help you approach this situation with confidence. Book your consultation as soon as possible to get started with an effective action plan.

Who Pays Students Loans After a Divorce in California? (2)

Matthew J. Knez graduated from the University of Redlands in California where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing. He went on to pursue his Law Degree at the University of LaVerne, College of Law in Ontario, California. While pursuing his law degree he earned various awards, including CALI Award in Torts and he was on the Dean’s List. Mr. Knez was also a member of the Justice and Immigration Clinic where he worked with people seeking asylum into the United States from countries where they had experienced persecution or threat of persecution. Additionally, Mr. Knez was a member of Law Review where he was an Associate Editor and published a Law Review article on California family custody move-away cases.

Who Pays Students Loans After a Divorce in California? (2024)


Who Pays Students Loans After a Divorce in California? ›

According to California Family Code Section 2641, the state recognizes that student loans only benefit the person who obtained this debt. As a result, only the spouse who obtained the loan will be required to pay it – even if the loan was taken out during the marriage.

How are student loans handled in a divorce in California? ›

The law assigns loans taken out before or during a marriage to the spouse who received the education or training. That means if you took out your student loan before you were married or during your marriage, the state considers that debt your sole responsibility during a divorce.

Who is responsible for student loans after divorce? ›

How Student Loan Debt Gets Split When You Divorce. Each spouse is responsible for paying back student loan debt they took out before the marriage. However, debt incurred during the marriage may be divided up based on factors like your marriage length, income and who benefited from the loans.

Are student loans considered community property in California? ›

Property you didn't earn, like a gift or inheritance one of you received while married, is not community property. Generally, a loan to pay for one spouse's education or training (student debt) is treated like that spouse's separate property. After you divorce, that spouse will be responsible for their student debt.

Can my spouse be forced to pay my student loans? ›

Even if student loans are in one spouse's name, debts accrued during marriage are often deemed marital debt and divided equitably. Courts, however, may find that if only one spouse benefited from the loans, it is fair and equitable to require that spouse to solely cover payments.

How do student loans work in divorce? ›

When you divorce, any student loan that's you took on before you got married will remain yours — the same goes for your former spouse's debt. Debt after marriage is considered marital debt.

How is student debt divided in divorce? ›

Typically, student loan debt incurred before the marriage is the responsibility of the person who took on the debt, while a student loan taken during the marriage may be the responsibility of both spouses, even after divorce.

Can a parent be held responsible for student loans? ›

Parents are not obligated to repay their child's federal student loans, even though their information is required for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Parents may be held responsible for student loan debt if they co-signed a private loan or took out a parent PLUS loan.

Do I inherit my wife's student loan debt? ›

Key Points. Federal student debt is discharged upon the death of the borrower. Many private lenders will also cancel debt when the borrower dies, but policies vary by lender. Loved ones or spouses can't inherit student loan debt.

Who is responsible for student loans? ›

You repay your Direct Loan(s) to the U.S. Department of Education via a Servicer they assign to you. Before you take out a loan, it's important to understand that a loan is a legal obligation that you will be responsible for repaying with interest.

Am I responsible for my spouse's student loan debt after divorce? ›

According to California Family Code Section 2641, the state recognizes that student loans only benefit the person who obtained this debt. As a result, only the spouse who obtained the loan will be required to pay it – even if the loan was taken out during the marriage.

Am I responsible for my spouse's debt in California? ›

Since California is a community property state, the law applies that the community estate shared between both individuals is liable for a debt incurred by either spouse during the marriage. All community property shared equally between husband and wife can be held liable for repaying the debts of one spouse.

What is the 10 year rule for divorce in California? ›

For marriages that have lasted over 10 years, the court may have jurisdiction permanently. This doesn't mean that the alimony payments themselves will be permanent, but they could be. Rather than having a specified termination date, the court has the ability to modify or terminate the payments indefinitely.

Are student loans shared in divorce? ›

You each take responsibility for your own student loans and make the payments. However, if one spouse has more student loan debt than the other, the couple and their legal counsel will have to come to an agreement for dividing up the debts and assets in an attempt to balance.

Am I responsible for my spouse's debt? ›

You are generally not responsible for someone else's debt. When someone dies with an unpaid debt, if the debt needs to be paid, it should be paid from any money or property they left behind according to state law. This is called their estate.

What happens if someone can't pay their student loans? ›

If you don't make your student loan payment or you make your payment late, your loan may eventually go into default. If you default on your student loan, that status will be reported to national credit reporting agencies. This reporting may damage your credit rating and future borrowing ability.

Am I liable for my husbands student loans? ›

Neither you nor your spouse is liable for any student loan debt the other accrued before you got married unless you happened to co-sign for it; however, if one of you takes out a new loan after being married, both spouses could be.

Am I responsible for my husband's student loans? ›

Marriage can affect your student loans in a number of ways, but thankfully, you won't be liable for your spouse's loans as long as they took them out before marriage. Further, any student debt that you bring into a marriage remains solely your debt.

What happens to debt in a divorce California? ›

Like assets, debt is generally divided equally between spouses in a divorce. Of course, the debt you acquired prior to marriage and your acquired debt after separation is yours alone. And any debt incurred during the marriage will be divided equally between you and your spouse.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce in California? ›

A wife in California can be entitled to up to half of the assets in the marriage along with up to 40% of their partner's income for child support, spousal support, and primary child custody.

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