Which phone does Bill Gates use? Hint: it isn't an iPhone (2024)

Contrary to popular opinion, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ preferred phone isn't the Surface Duo, neither is it any iPhone. The billionaire, in a ask-me-anything session on Reddit revealed that he is a Samsung loyalist.

Gates currently uses Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 and before this he used Galaxy Z Fold 3 as his primary phone.

Gates seemed quite impressed with the Fold 4’s “screen size” which –according to him, allows him the freedom to not use “a tablet but just the phone and my portable PC.”

For his PC, Gates still uses a Microsoft-based machine.

Gates also shared about the kind of apps he uses on his Galaxy Z Fold 4. He explained that the apps are mostly Microsoft-made, like Outlook. Usually, Samsung devices, particularly the high-end ones come with many Microsoft apps built right in, under a partnership that the South Korean giant has made with Redmond.

Meanwhile, Microsoft has been under regulatory lens around the world for its Activision deal. The company is also reportedly planning to launch a "true foldable" smartphone and ditch the next-gen Surface Duo 3 -- the successor of the existing Surface Duo 2.

The rumoured Microsoft folding smartphone will likely run on Android and feature a 180-degree hinge, which brands like Samsung use on the Galaxy Z Fold series. However, the launch timeline remains unknown.

This comes almost a year after a couple of Microsoft patents surfaced online, which hinted at the development of a folding phone, but with a 360-degree hinge.

However, the report notes that the design has been scrapped. With a change in the design of its foldable, Microsoft may also consider changing the moniker. Interestingly, the company is internally referring to the device as a third-gen Duo.

Which phone does Bill Gates use? Hint: it isn't an iPhone (2024)
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