Where's My Shipping Money??? (2024)


If a Buyer is paying for Shipping shouldn't I the Seller receive their $$$? For example I'm selling an item for $10 and charging $5 for shipping due to the Shipping Cost, which of course costs me $5 for the eBay shipping label. And they pay $15 for the item I sold them, then shouldn't I get my $5 back since they're paying for the $5 for the eBay shipping label I had to pay for?

I know I'm not making a profit there but my last few Items I've been losing $$$ because I thought we were suppose to get the $$$ the buyer pays for our item?

@bluedemon21892 The buyer pays you for the item price and shipping. You then use the buyer's money to pay for the shipping label.

I think that what is happening is that you are not used to Managed Payments yet. The fees are taken out before the money is sent to your checking account.

You can see the fees on the transaction details page.

Payments> all transactions

https://www.ebay.com/sh/fin/transactions Select transaction details to the left of the item.

Managed Payments fees are charged on the item price + shipping + sales tax that ebay is required to collect and remit.

I am a USA eBay community volunteer Mentor

Where's My Shipping Money??? (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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