Where Blockchain Is Stored: Fundamentals Explained (2024)

Anyone new to blockchain has one simple question, “where blockchain is stored?” Infact, many people who use blockchain through dApps or digital currencies are still not clear how the blockchain data is stored and accessed.

Blockchain is gaining more momentum with time as it is evolving at a rapid pace. Right now, there are tons of digital currencies that you can purchase, store, and use them in the real world. For example, Hyperledger is one of the open-source projects trying to solve businesses’ problems by providing a suite of tools, libraries, and frameworks that are enterprise-grade ready.

However, there are few questions that still need to be answered including where blockchain is stored.

In this article, we will learn how blockchain stores and transfers the data among its peers. So, where is blockchain data stored?

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Decentralized – The Key To Change

The first thing that we will discuss include decentralization. It is the core concept of blockchain. With it, there is no need for a centralized authority to manage the network. The peers are more than capable of managing and validating the transactions using a consensus method.

In short, blockchain is a network of peers where a consensus method is used to validate transactions among peers.

This leads us to another interesting question.

Where does blockchain store data? Do the peers take care of it? Or it is equally managed by everyone in the network. The fact that this cannot be answered in just one line means that there are a lot of things that go into storing transactional data in the blockchain.

So, let’s get started to learn it.

But, before we go into detail, let’s first learn how Blockchain works.

How Blockchain Works?

You can think of blockchain as a ledger system where peers communicate and collaborate with each other for accessing and storing information.

To get a better understanding, let’s take two parties, Jim and Carry. Jim wants to send some money to Carry. To do so, he will initiate the transaction using his private key and Carry’s public address. The transaction is then allocated to the block. The block is then validated with the help of a consensus algorithm used by the network. The network verifies the transaction(s) using it. On

Once the transaction is verified completely, it is added to the blockchain, and Carry receives the amount. This information once written is immutable and hence cannot be changed once written.

This same process can be carried between two entities. It can be a bank, a company or a buyer who is looking to do transactions on the blockchain network.

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Where Blockchain is Stored?

Where Blockchain Is Stored: Fundamentals Explained (1)

Please include attribution to 101blockchains.com with this graphic. <a href='https://101blockchains.com/blockchain-infographics/'> <img src='https://101blockchains.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/where-blockchain-is-stored-1.png' alt='where blockchain is stored='0' /> </a>

So now that we have a proper understanding of blockchain, we are now ready to learn where blockchain is stored. The question can also be termed as “where blockchain data is stored?” The answers to both questions are the same.

Let’s get started.

When a transaction is made in a blockchain, the following data is transmitted.

  • Transaction date and time
  • The amount sent from the sender to receiver
  • The sender address
  • The receiver address

The transaction can contain other vital information that can be required to make the transaction successful.

Let’s try to understand it with the perspective of bitcoin. In a bitcoin transaction, the following information is stored and transmitted.

  • Transaction date
  • Amount sent
  • Bitcoin address of the sender
  • Bitcoin address of the receiver

A bitcoin block has a header which collects the transactions. These headers are back-linked to the main blockchain creating a chain of blocks and hence it is known as “block-chain.”

Technically the transaction structure can help us explain a lot of stuff.

class Transaction {public:const int32_t Version;const uint32_t NumberOfInputs;const vector<TransactionInput> CollectionOfInputs;const uint32_t NumberOfOutputs;const vector<TransactionOutput> CollectionOfOutputs;const uint32_t LockTimestamp;};

Here each field has its own purpose where the CollectionOfInputs is a vector of objects and contains transactions where BTC needs to be redeemed. On the other hand, CollectionofOutputs refers to the BTCs to spend and is also a vector of objects.

With all this information available, blockchain can quickly learn about the address balance without the need to query the address. This is really useful as it helps to not overburden the network.

As you can see things are not as simple as you see. There are a lot of things that go under the hood for the transactions to be generated, validated, and then stored in the block.

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So, where does blockchain is stored?

The answer is not straightforward.

Blockchain is decentralized and hence there is no central place for it to be stored. That’s why it is stored in computers or systems all across the network. These systems or computers are known as nodes. Each of the nodes has one copy of the blockchain or in other words, the transactions that are done on the network.

So, you can think about the blockchain system similar to a spreadsheet where the values stored in each entry is the value of an address. Also, the spreadsheet is updated whenever a change happens.

Also, do you remember the Jim and Carry transaction example? If you do, then it is how the transaction is carried out, the data is generated, verified, and stored in the blockchain. Here, Jim and Carry both are termed as nodes. Jim uses his digital wallet to send the digital currency.

Also, the digital wallet is capable of connecting to the network and also has the list of other nodes and users. So, once Jim sends the transaction, it is transparent to the whole network.

It is broadcasted to the whole network that Jim has sent a certain amount to Carry. The broadcast is made until every other node knows about the transaction. Few nodes known as miners validate the transaction and once validation is done, the transaction becomes immutable and irreversible.

The whole process can take anywhere between a few minutes to a few hours depending on the network congestion.

Why would you want to store data on Blockchain?

Now that we have learned where blockchain is stored, it is now time to learn weather data can be stored in blockchain? The question is best aimed at developers who may want to use blockchain to store data. After all, blockchain offers extensive features including better security, immutability, and transparency.

However, the blockchain is ideal for storing massive amounts of data. Yes, it cannot be a database if you want to build a video streaming platform similar to Twitch for Youtube.

However, it is ideal for storing small amounts of data, but in large numbers of transactions. Blockchain networks are highly scalable and there are many variants of blockchain that are highly efficient in accessibility as well.

Types of Blockchain and How They Store Data

Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency that utilized blockchain technology. It was the first generation of technology and left a lot of things for improvement.

Clearly, there were other blockchain solutions out there and the first blockchain platform to solve the majority of bitcoin blockchain technology problems as Ethereum. It was developed by Vitalik Buterin.

Data storage in Ethereum works differently compared to bitcoin. They use the tire data structure to ensure better accessibility, scalability and usability of the data.

It also separates the temporary data and mined transaction data. The data structure is also very efficient when it comes to managing permanent and temporary data. The data is recorded to the transaction trie only when the transaction is confirmed.

A state trie is used to store temporary data including account address and so on. This also enables data change in some cases.

In short, there are three types of trie in Ethereum blockchain:

  • State Trie
  • Storage Trie
  • Transaction Trie

Another example that we want to go through is the Corda blockchain.

Corda is an open-source blockchain platform that is made for businesses. We covered Corda in detail where we discussed how it works. It is a distributed ledger technology which works differently compared to Ethereum or Blockchain.

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The difference is mainly on how it stores and manages data. First of all, it doesn’t have global broadcasts. The communication between peers is made in such a way that it can be verified without the need to download the whole data.

All of these are possible because it uses graphs and persistent queues. Each node is discoverable through the network map service, just like a phone address book.


This led us to the end of our article where we discussed how blockchain data is stored and maintained. There is no doubt that there are different ways to use different blockchain platforms or solutions. We also tried to look at two different solutions Corda and Ethereum and how they manage data on their network.

Where Blockchain Is Stored: Fundamentals Explained (2024)


Where is blockchain data actually stored? ›

The data stored in a blockchain is decentralized, meaning that it is not stored in a single location or controlled by a single entity. Instead, the data is stored on multiple devices, or “nodes,” which are connected to the blockchain network.

What are the fundamentals of blockchain? ›

Blockchain is a digital ledger that keeps a record of all transactions taking place in a peer-to-peer network. All information transferred via Blockchain is encrypted and every occurrence is recorded, meaning that the information cannot be altered.

What is the storage structure of blockchain? ›

How blockchain storage works. Blockchain relies on distributed ledger technology (DLT). The DLT acts as a decentralized database of information about transactions between various parties. Operations fill the DLT in chronological order and are stored in the ledger as a series of blocks.

Where is the database of blockchain? ›

A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed database or ledger that is replicated and synchronized across computers on a network. Since each computer holds a current copy of the ledger, the data isn't vulnerable to a single point of failure. The copies are updated and validated in parallel by every participant.

Does blockchain have storage? ›

Blockchain requires both on-chain storage of the core ledger data and off-chain storage of data required by smart contracts for verification and documentation. This is demonstrated in the IBM® Blockchain architecture example leveraging IBM Cloud Private as shown in Figure 3.

How is data retrieved from blockchain? ›

You can read blockchain data with the help of block explorers. Blockchain explorers or block explorers are the gateways for users to read all transactions registered on the blockchain network. It can help you find the balance on each address registered on the blockchain alongside the details of every transaction.

What is the simplest explanation of blockchain? ›

A blockchain is “a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records, called blocks.” These blocks “are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.

What are the 3 most important components for a blockchain? ›

In summary, the three key components of blockchain networks are cryptography, consensus algorithms, and peer-to-peer network hash codes.

Can a blockchain be hacked? ›

Each newly created block makes it more secure. An existing blockchain, therefore, cannot be hacked in the traditional sense of "being hacked," where malicious code is introduced into the chain or someone "hacks" into the network with brute force and begins making changes or asserting control.

How big is blockchain storage? ›

For example, the bitcoin blockchain size was 614 MB in size in 2012. But now, the bitcoin blockchain size GB has grown tremendously to 250K MB. That's approximately 250 GB of data that each peer/node carries with them.

What does blockchain data look like? ›

The blockchain is often visualized as a vertical stack, with blocks layered on top of each other and the first block serving as the foundation of the stack.

Where is private blockchain stored? ›

A blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent way. Instead of being stored in a centralized database, the information is stored across a network of computers, making it more difficult to hack or alter.

Does blockchain need a database? ›

The ultimate goal of a blockchain is to store information, which makes it a database. Blockchains only differ from other database types by the way they store data. While blockchains can be considered a database, a database is typically not a blockchain. Databases generally don't use signed blocks to store the data.

How do I trace a blockchain? ›

To track a blockchain transaction, you need to find the transaction ID (hash), input it into a blockchain explorer compatible with the blockchain on which the transaction occurred, and interpret the resulting data.

Where does Ethereum store data? ›

Ethereum uses a blockchain, which is a distributed ledger (like a database). Information is stored in blocks, each containing encoded data from the block before it and the new information. This creates an encoded chain of information that cannot be changed.

What is the problem with blockchain data storage? ›

The data deluge in blockchain can result in increased network congestion and higher latency. With larger amounts of data being transmitted and stored, network bandwidth can become a bottleneck, affecting the overall performance of the blockchain network.

Can data on blockchain be deleted? ›

One of the key features of blockchain technology is that it is immutable. Once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This ensures that the data stored on the blockchain is secure and tamper-proof.

How can I see the blockchain ledger? ›

There are many 'block explorer' services which allow you to look at what's in the blockchain. One example is https://blockchain.info/.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.