When Silence Is the Best Response – Forsyth Woman Magazine (2024)

When Silence Is the Best Response

  • Denise Heidel
  • November 1, 2018

When Silence Is the Best Response – Forsyth Woman Magazine (1)

Sometimes, not saying anything is the best answer. You see, silence can never be misquoted.~Unknown

So many people are uncomfortable with silence. It feels awkward, and in our argumentative, combative world, the concept of answering with silence is practically unheard of. To some, it may appear weak. But silence is a valid form of response, and frankly, sometimes, it’s the very best way to communicate.

Consider the following situations.

  1. Talking with a friend who is grieving, going through a divorce, or dealing with sickness. These are the friends who need to be heard. They don’t need to hear, “I understand,” or worst of all, “I know exactly how you feel.” Because even if you have gone through loss, divorce, or sickness – every situation is unique. These are the conversations where quiet, empathetic listening is the best conversation you can offer.
  2. When a conversation about a problem makes you move into “fix it” mode. Not every problem that’s discussed is looking for a solution. Sometimes, a friend just needs to state the problem, then figure it out for themselves. It’s not up to us to find solutions for every problem that crosses our path.
  3. When you wonder if a joke or statement would be considered offensive. If you’re uncertain, it doesn’t need to be said. Just be quiet.
  4. When you aren’t sure what you’re talking about.It’s hard to fake expertise when it’s a subject you’re not familiar with… and a quick scan of Wikipedia or watching a handful of YouTube videos doesn’t qualify someone as an expert. If you’re not sure what you’re talking about, silence is your friend.
  5. When you ask someone a question. Then give them the courtesy of silently waiting for them to finish their response, without interrupting, or interjecting additional thoughts or statements.
  6. When a social media post goes up that you disagree with. There’s this amazing thing we can do on our computers and smartphones — we can keep scrolling. It’s really not necessary to participate in online disagreements. In almost every situation, silence is your better response.
  7. When you’re angry. Ah, words spoken in anger. They feel good at the moment, but most often they leave a bitter aftertaste of regret. Take a few moments, a couple of hours, even a day or two before responding. And maybe, even after cooling down, you’ll still find silence to be the better option.

We’re not obligated to participate in every argument we’re invited to, or have answers for word that comes our way. Silence is golden. And as previously mentioned, though some may view it as weakness, the self-restraint involved in staying silent is actually indicative of great strength.

So next time you’re in a position to speak up, ask yourself if it’s better to stay silent.


When Silence Is the Best Response – Forsyth Woman Magazine (2)

“Silence at the proper season is wisdom, and better than any speech.” – Plutarch

“Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.” – Josh Billings

“He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.” – Elbert Hubbard

“Work hard in silence, let your success make the noise.” – Frank Ocean

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When Silence Is the Best Response – Forsyth Woman Magazine (3)

Denise Heidel

Forsyth Magazines writer since 2008. Denise hails from Gastonia, but grew up in Kernersville. With two brief stints living in other states (Texas and Ohio), Forsyth County kept calling her home, where she plans to stay. Denise has a grown son, Charlie, and shares her home with husband, Wayne, a local drummer. Denise loves her coffee and also loves animals, especially cats. In her spare time, Denise is an active volunteer for Proverbs 31 Ministries and serves in several capacities. Denise also writes a faith-based blog, MyGraceFullLife.com. On writing for Forsyth Magazines, Denise said, “I am so blessed to be a part of this incredible team, to meet these wonderful local business owners and to interact with our super-supportive readers!”

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When Silence Is the Best Response – Forsyth Woman Magazine (2024)


When Silence Is the Best Response – Forsyth Woman Magazine? ›

In almost every situation, silence is your better response. When you're angry. Ah, words spoken in anger. They feel good at the moment, but most often they leave a bitter aftertaste of regret.

Is silence a good reply? ›

Silence is not an answer. Silence is the absence of information — nothing more or less. Silence does not indicate a person's motives, intent, state of being, feelings, or thoughts. Filling in the blanks in the absence of those things is a disservice both to the recipient and giver of the silence.

Why is silence a powerful response? ›

Firstly, silence promotes active listening. Refraining from speaking allows the person to absorb and process what others say more effectively. The focus shifts from thinking about the following response to genuinely understanding the speaker's perspective.

Is silence the best response to disrespect? ›

Silence is always in your toolbox.

When the other person is being intentionally hurtful, without regard for your feelings, you always have the choice to stay silent and walk away from the conversation. There is a point where no words will calm them down, and they simply want you to join in their anger.

Why is silent the best answer? ›

Silence is the symbol of maturity. When you speak less, you listen more, and as you listen more, you develop more understanding.

Is it better to argue or stay silent? ›

In short, it's often better to stay silent rather than blurting out something which may make things worse or create misunderstandings. 4. When in group conversations, especially if you're not conversant with those you're talking with, it is often an honest idea to be silent to watch and study those you're talking with.

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Studies show that silence can actually stimulate new cell growth in the brain, improve memory, and release tension in the brain and body. In fact, a study in the journal Heart concluded that two minutes of silence is more effective in relieving physical tension than listening to relaxing music.

What does silence do to someone who hurts you? ›

Silence is used as a weapon to cut off meaningful conversations, stop the flow of information, and ultimately hurt the other person. In fact, research shows that ignoring or excluding someone activates the same area of the brain that is activated by physical pain.

When a woman goes quiet on you? ›

When a woman goes silent on you, it may be because she needs you but is uncomfortable expressing her feelings through words. It is important to remember that there are many ways to express oneself and that silence does not always indicate a lack of interest or need.

What does silence say about a person? ›

Silence can mean many things in interpersonal relationships. It's ambiguous. It can express lots of different emotions ranging from joy, happiness, grief, embarrassment to anger, denial, fear, withdrawal of acceptance or love. What it means depends on the context.

When silence is the best revenge? ›

That's what we mean by “silence is the best revenge.” When you choose to be silent, you're not giving the person the reaction they want. They might expect you to get angry or upset, but instead, you stay calm and composed. It can make them realize that their actions didn't affect you as much as they thought.

Do men really respond to silence? ›

Men respond to silence and distance emotionally. When they don't hear from you for a while, their male instinct pushes them to find you and know how you feel. They want to see if you are fine, if you miss them, or whether you value their existence.

Is silence a form of revenge? ›

At first, silence might not seem very dramatic or satisfying. But silence can speak louder than words ever will. Staying silent is a strong revenge because It makes them feel uneasy and unsure about what they've done. You're not giving them any reaction to work with, and that really frustrates them.

Is silence the best response to a narcissist? ›

Highlights Their Behavior: Silence speaks volumes, especially to a narcissist. When you don't react to their provocations or attempts to bait you into an argument, it becomes evident that their tactics are ineffective. It forces them to confront their behavior.

What is the strength of silence? ›

Silence teaches us the art of listening – not just to the external world but to the whispers of our own hearts. It invites us to slow down, to pause, and to truly be present in the moment. In silence, we discover strength – the quiet resilience that enables us to weather life's storms with grace and poise.

Why you shouldn't stay silent? ›

That's because silencing doesn't resolve anything; rather than erase differences, it merely pushes them beneath the surface. Every time we keep silent about our differences, we swell with negative emotions like anxiety, anger, and resentment.

What does silence mean as a response? ›

It could mean that they don't know the answer to your question or it's a subject that they don't wish to discuss. On the other hand it could be that they don't speak your language and, therefore, cannot answer you. Beth Turnage.

What does it mean when someone responds with silence? ›

Silence can mean many things in interpersonal relationships. It's ambiguous. It can express lots of different emotions ranging from joy, happiness, grief, embarrassment to anger, denial, fear, withdrawal of acceptance or love.

What does silence is an answer mean? ›

for them, silence is the best answer, it doesn' mean you cannot convince them with reason, but they know they are wrong and their ego and little knowledge should be dealt with silence, and smile.

Does silence mean you agree? ›

It is crucial to note that acceptance by silence is not always regarded as a proper form of acceptance; it is dependent on the context and jurisdiction. In certain circ*mstances, it may be argued that a party's silence does not indicate acceptance and that verbal assent is necessary.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.