When Should You Refinance your Car Loan? (2024)

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If you’re asking yourself, "Should I refinance my car loan?", consider these factors to help you decide if refinancing is the right option for you:

If you’re thinking about refinancing your car loan, you’re probably hoping to lower your monthly payment. But a lower monthly payment can sometimes mean more money out of your pocket over the life of your loan. Here are 6 tips to think about when deciding whether or not to refinance your auto loan.

1. Refinancing requirements

Each bank or lender has specific refinancing requirements, so be sure to ask about the details. For example, if you have $7,500 or more remaining on your car loan ($8,000 if the loan was made in Minnesota) and the car is less than 10 years old with fewer than 125,000 miles on it, you may be eligible to refinance with Bank of America. Our auto loan refinance calculator will show you whether refinancing can save you money.

2. Prepayment penalties

Does your current lender subject you to a prepayment penalty for paying off your loan early? Bank of America car loans don’t have such penalties, but if you're subject to one, do the math: If the amount you save by refinancing is significantly greater than the penalty, refinancing may still be a good idea.

3. Interest rates

If the interest rate you qualify for today is significantly lower than your current loan rate, it may be a good time to refinance a car.
If it’s the same or higher, it’s probably not the right time to refinance. Remember, though: If you’re a Bank of America Preferred Rewards member,
you may qualify for an interest rate discount of up to 0.50% adatext .

4. Your credit score

Has your credit score changed since your original car loan? If it’s improved, your better score may help you qualify for a lower interest rate. Learn how to improve your credit score

5. Your income

Refinancing your auto loan so you have a lower monthly payment can make sense if your income has dipped. The lower payment can help ease the strain on your monthly budget — and if you don’t have one, think about creating a budget so you can better control all your finances.

6. Time remaining on your loan

Refinancing and extending your loan term can lower your payments and keep more money in your pocket each month — but you may pay more in interest in the long run. On the other hand, refinancing to a lower interest rate at the same or shorter term as you have now will help you pay less overall.

If your answer to “When should I refinance my car loan?” is “Soon,” review our current refinance rates and take a look at our auto loan refinance calculator to get a better understanding of whether refinancing makes sense for you.

When Should You Refinance your Car Loan? (2024)


How long should I wait to refinance my car? ›

After you buy a car, you have to wait at least 60 to 90 days before you can refinance, since it takes about this long to transfer the title to your name. Generally, it's best practice to wait to refinance a car loan for at least six to 12 months.

Is it a good idea to refinance a car? ›

Refinancing and extending your loan term can lower your payments and keep more money in your pocket each month — but you may pay more in interest in the long run. On the other hand, refinancing to a lower interest rate at the same or shorter term as you have now will help you pay less overall.

How do you determine if you should refinance your car? ›

If you're in one of these situations, refinancing could be a good move.
  1. You need to change your monthly payment. ...
  2. Your credit score increased. ...
  3. You financed through a dealership. ...
  4. You have positive equity in your car. ...
  5. You have issues with your current lender. ...
  6. Interest rates dropped.
6 days ago

Does refinancing a car hurt your credit? ›

Yes, refinancing your auto loan will usually hurt your credit a little. But if you make your new loan payments on time, any damage to your score will likely be both temporary and small. Your credit could bounce back to its current score in as little as a few months.

At what point should you refinance? ›

Refinancing your mortgage could make sense for many reasons, including lowering your interest rate, taking cash out or switching to a fixed-rate mortgage. For most borrowers, the ideal time to refinance is when market rates have fallen below the rate on their current loan.

What is a good interest rate for a car for 72 months? ›

An interest rate under 5% is a great rate for a 72-month auto loan. However, the best loan offers are only available to borrowers who have the best credit scores and payment histories.

What to avoid when refinancing a car? ›

If it seems right for you, make sure you avoid these common mistakes when it comes to refinancing so you can maximize your savings.
  1. Drawing It Out. While it may seem tempting to switch to a longer loan term, it usually isn't worth it in the long run. ...
  2. Going Upside-Down. ...
  3. Catching Penalties. ...
  4. Missing Payments. ...
  5. Waiting Too Long.

Will I owe more if I refinance my car? ›

The downsides to auto loan refinancing can include paying lender fees and additional interest if you extend the loan term or cash out auto equity. You could also end up owing more than your car is worth.

What is a good interest rate on a car? ›

Car Loan APRs by Credit Score

Excellent (750 - 850): 2.96 percent for new, 3.68 percent for used. Good (700 - 749): 4.03 percent for new, 5.53 percent for used. Fair (650 - 699): 6.75 percent for new, 10.33 percent for used. Poor (450 - 649): 12.84 percent for new, 20.43 percent for used.

Does refinancing a car start your loan over? ›

What happens when you refinance a car? When your new, refinanced loan is approved, your new lender will pay off your old loan, and you'll start making loan payments to your new lender. If the lender is the same, they'll retire your old loan and issue a new loan that you'll start making payments on instead.

When you refinance a vehicle, do you have to pay taxes again? ›

You Typically Don't Have to Pay Taxes on a Refinanced Car

This is because the vehicle isn't being sold as part of the refinancing process. You are still the owner of the vehicle, even though a lender holds a lien on it. All that is changing is the financial institution holding the lien on your vehicle.

Can you trade in your car after you refinance? ›

Refinancing a car doesn't get you a new vehicle. Refinancing a car loan means reducing your payments while keeping your existing car. A trade-in may be a better option if you want a new vehicle. However, if you have recently refinanced your current vehicle, it shouldn't stop you from trading in your car for a new one.

Can you pay off a 72 month car loan early? ›

Can you pay off a 72-month car loan early? Yes, you can pay off a 72- or 84-month auto loan early. Since these are long repayment terms, you could save considerable money by covering the interest related to a shorter period of time.

Will car loan rates go down in 2024? ›

Auto loan rates for new and used vehicle purchases fell in the first quarter of 2024 to 6.73% and 11.91%, respectively, down slightly from the 15-year highs we saw at the end of 2023, according to Experian.

Can I refinance my car with the same lender? ›

Can I refinance my car with the same lender? Yes, many lenders will allow you to refinance your existing car loan. Keep in mind that lenders may not offer refinancing as an option. Especially if your vehicle is in poor condition, has low value, or you have few payments remaining on your existing loan.

Can you refinance a car loan if you are behind? ›

Even if the lender doesn't offer a lower rate, you may get a longer loan term with more affordable monthly payments. Can You Refinance if You're behind on Payments? If you're late on your payments, you won't be able to refinance your car until you bring the loan back to current.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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