What to Do About Your Shambolic Finances: These 7 Tools Are Here to Help (2024)

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So, your finances are kind of a mess. OK, fine. They’re in shambles.

Your spending is out of control. Checking your bank account is downright panic-inducing. Your emergency savings?About that…

We’ve rounded up some personal finance advisers — and some money management apps — that’ll help you get your money in order.

1. Get a Loan up to $100K

What to Do About Your Shambolic Finances: These 7 Tools Are Here to Help (1)

A lot of us are being crushed by credit card interest rates north of 20%. If you’re in that boat, consolidation and refinancing might be worth a look. Here’s a scam-free way to get some help paying off your credit card debt.

Fiona isa search engine for financial services, which can help match you with the right personal loan to meet your needs.

Fiona searches the top online lenders to match you with a personalized loan offer in less than 60 seconds. If your credit score is at least 620, its platform can help you borrow up to $100,000 (no collateral needed) with fixed rates starting at 3.84% and terms from 24 to 84 months.

50 Effortless Methods to Boost Your Income This Week

If you needed extra money, like, yesterday, you’ve come to the right spot.

Our team has compiled a list of creative ways you can fatten your bank account this week.

This is a long list, so don't get overwhelmed. Go ahead and start now, but be sure to bookmark this post so you can easily return later. We'll keep it updated as offers changes or expire.

Check it out!

2. Take a Deep Breath, and Check Your Credit Score

What to Do About Your Shambolic Finances: These 7 Tools Are Here to Help (2)

Your credit score is important. The better your score, the better deal you’ll get on a mortgage, car loan or credit card. We’re talking big money here.

Even if you’re not buying a house anytime soon, a lousy credit score means you’ll get hit with a high security deposit whenever you rent a car or move into a new apartment.

But did you know your credit score could be inaccurate? One out of five credit reports have an error, according to a study by the Federal Trade Commission.

To keep a closer eye on your credit, get your credit score and a “credit report card” for free from Credit Sesame. It breaks down exactly what’s on your credit report in layman’s terms, how it affects your score and how to address it.

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Because it simplifies everything, you should be able to spot any errors. For instance, if you find an “unpaid” credit card that you know you paid, or a bill in collections you know never existed, you can dispute the incorrect information and raise your credit score.

James Cooper, a motivational speaker, raised his credit score 277 points using Credit Sesame. Now he talks to high school students about the importance of having good credit and uses what he’s learned through Credit Sesame as a blueprint for his lessons.

“We want to touch the Z Generation,” Cooper says “We’re not in the business of fixing credit. We want to get to you before you have to fix your credit.”

Like Cooper, 60% of Credit Sesame members see an increase in their credit score; 50% see at least a 10-point increase, and 20% see at least a 50-point increase after 180 days.*

3. Withdraw Cash From the ATM on Mondays

What to Do About Your Shambolic Finances: These 7 Tools Are Here to Help (3)

There are alwaysthoseweeks — the ones where you promise you’ll pack a lunch for work then end up eating out each day.

Now, we’re not saying only eat soggy leftovers all week. But if you have trouble staying on track — whether it’s coffee, lunch, dinner or all the snacks — set yourself a spending limit and take exactly that amount from the ATM on Monday. Then, only spend that throughout the week. Once the cash is gone, it’s back to leftovers.

4. Find out if You’re Paying Too Much for Car Insurance

What to Do About Your Shambolic Finances: These 7 Tools Are Here to Help (4)

There’s no getting around car insurance, unfortunately. But one way you could save money is by shopping around and comparing rates at least once a year. Most of us don’t do that, according to The Zebra’s 2019 State of Insurance report, though who wouldn’t want lower rates?

So, just like you compare the prices of flights, shoes and laptops before purchasing, why not compare car insurance?

And if you look through a digital marketplace called SmartFinancial, you could be getting rates as low as $22 a month — and saving yourself more than $700 a year.

It takes one minute to get quotes from multiple insurers, so you can see all the best rates side-by-side. Yep — in just one minute you could save yourself $715 this year. That’s some major cash back in your pocket.

So if you haven’t checked car insurance rates in a while, see how much you can save with a new policy.

5.Simplify Your Budget

What to Do About Your Shambolic Finances: These 7 Tools Are Here to Help (5)

An integral part of managing your money is creating a budget. Ew, gross. We know. But it’s important to take a good look at what you’re spending and where.

If you’re not sure where to even start, we favor the50/20/30 budgeting method for its simplicity. Here’s how it works:

  • 50% of your income goes toward essentials.
  • 20% goes toward financial goals.
  • 30% goes toward personal spending.

The key is to accept you can’t create the perfect budget in an hour. You’ll have to experiment to find what works best for you.

6.Get $50 to Invest in Causes You Care About

What to Do About Your Shambolic Finances: These 7 Tools Are Here to Help (6)

Investing can seem out of reach when your financial situation is… less than perfect.

But if you’ve got $50, look into Swell Investing*, an SEC-registered investment adviser committed to supporting sustainable companies. Plus, you’ll get a $50 bonus with the code PENNY after making your initial investment.

Swell doesn’t have any trading fees, price tiers or expense ratios. It charges a 0.75% annual fee — that’s about the cost of one coffee ($3.75) per year, if you invest $500.

Disclosure: We have a financial relationship with Swell Investing LLC and will be compensated if consumers apply for an account and/or fund an account with Swell through links in our content. However, the analysis and opinions expressed here are our own.

7.Simplify Other Parts of Your Life to Save Money

What to Do About Your Shambolic Finances: These 7 Tools Are Here to Help (7)

Ever heard of a capsule wardrobe? It’s not really a new concept, but it’s caught on among fashion bloggers and Pinterest users these past few years.

The premise is to limit your wardrobe to only staple pieces. You can mix and match these pieces to create an exponential number of new outfits.

Pro Tip

Your wardrobe, if truly “encapsulated,” should contain 25 to 50 pieces —including shoes and accessories.

The Penny Hoarder’s Grace Schweizer started her capsule wardrobe back in college. She offers a few tips to help you get started, including the fact that your wardrobe, if truly “encapsulated,” should contain 25 to 50 pieces. This includes shoes and accessories.

The idea is you’ll build up (which ironically will require a lot of donating excess pieces) a capsule for each season. Follow Schweizer’s capsule wardrobe tips.

*Credit Sesame does not guarantee any of these results, and some may even see a decrease in their credit score. Any score improvement is the result of many factors, including paying bills on time, keeping credit balances low, avoiding unnecessary inquiries, appropriate financial planning and developing better credit habits.

Carson Kohler ([emailprotected]) is a staff writer at The Penny Hoarder.

The 5 Dumbest Things We Keep Spending Too Much Money On

You've done what you can to cut back your spending.You brew coffee at home, you don’t walk into Target and you refuse to order avocado toast. (Can you sense my millennial sarcasm there?)

You brew coffee at home, you don’t walk into Target and you refuse to order avocado toast. But no matter how cognizant you are of your spending habits, you’re still stuck with those inescapable monthly bills.

You know which ones we’re talking about: rent, utilities, cell phone bill, insurance, groceries…

Ready to stop paying them? Follow these moves…

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What to Do About Your Shambolic Finances: These 7 Tools Are Here to Help (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.