What's the Difference Between Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin? (2024)

Cryptocurrency is the term used for all forms of electronic currency including Bitcoin.

Cryptocurrency may make sense as an investment and as a form of currency for your business. But, it is Not Regulated and Not Under the Supervision of any Central Bank.

Many large banks have already adopted blockchain technology because of the added security it offers. A Deloitte survey[2] found that blockchain technology is being adopted “across industries, including consumer products, manufacturing, technology, media, and telecommunications.

If you are not familiar with blockchain technology, you are not alone. Most small businesses are not acquainted with the concept and are unprepared for this new technology.

What is Blockchain Technology?

While many people associate or even confuse blockchain technology with Bitcoin, blockchain is not a form of digital currency. Blockchain technology is a method for storing and authenticating data using a distributed ledger system. In effect, data is stored in a digital chain in blocks (fixed structures) or in hashes (algorithm functions).

A “block” contains the time of its creation and a reference number and is added to the database once a consensus is reached confirming the validity of the transaction. Users can review prior blocks in the chain allowing them to verify assets and data in all of the blocks which are recorded in chronological order using cryptographic methods.

Blockchain Working for Business

By using a decentralized system maintained by network users to transfer money and data, blockchain technology eliminates the need for an intermediary such as a banking institution. A Chicago business lawyer understands how blockchain technology may be able to take your Chicago small business to the next level with significant financial savings. Just for the top nine Wall Street investment banks estimates project there will be 8 billion in annual cost savings[3] and 4 billion of released capital through the use of blockchain technology. With the possibility of these extraordinary savings, it is no wonder that worldwide industries including healthcare, financial services energy and more are already exploring and expanding blockchain technology services:

  • Overstock.com: Overstock.com[4] is a true innovator when it comes to the use of blockchain technology, accepting Bitcoin digital on their website in addition to the issuance of stock through blockchain technology.
  • Blockchain and Financial Institutions: In November of 2016, Forbes[5] reported that financial institutions were expressing an interest in a universal banking system and were prepared to invest fifty nine million dollars in blockchain technology.
  • U.S. Postal Service: Governmental services including the United States Postal Service[6] are examining usages for blockchain technology to reduce costs and improve services.

Small Business Advantages to Blockchain Technology

The list of benefits to small business from accessing blockchain technology is continually growing as more companies become better education regarding this revolutionary technology. A Chicago business lawyer can review your business model and suggest ways that blockchain can bring advantages to your company and increase your bottom line including:

  • Lower Costs: Blockchain reduces operating costs.
  • Speed: Both money and data are transferred faster with blockchain technology.
  • Digital Contracts: Blockchain allows for the automatic execution of smart or digital contracts, which are embedded in computer code and used by many Chicago area businesses on their websites.
  • Verification: Technology based on blockchain allows for the verification of payments between businesses and between your small business and your customers.
  • Security: It is difficult, although not impossible, for users to alter the data in a block creating a secure system for storing, tracking and trading both assets and information.
  • Innovation: Because there are few regulations regarding blockchain technology, a small business owner can innovate new business models without the restrictions that regulations impose.

Blockchain Concerns

There are security concerns with any digital or online system and blockchain technology is no exception. One well published example of a security breach involving blockchain includes the theft of 72 million in bitcoins[7] in August of 2016. Other blockchain concerns include:

  • Jurisdictional Issues: One of the benefits of blockchain technology is the global application that allows for fast and accurate transactions. Unfortunately, when more than one state or country is involved in a transaction, issues concerning jurisdiction arise when claims are made based on a breach of contract or fraud. This is further complicated when international laws come into play.
  • Lack of Transparency: Another concern involves the apparent lack of transparency or accountability when using blockchain technology. Network users can elect not to provide any identifying information and to use a pseudonym to remain completely anonymous. It is unclear in these early stages if the lack of transparency will create insurmountable obstacles.

Illinois Blockchain Initiative

The State of Illinois is proving to be a leader in the area of blockchain technology, launching the first ever governmental collaboration known as the Illinois Blockchain Initiative which seeks to propose policy regulations and governmental uses for the technology. The Illinois Blockchain Initiative[8], is formed by companies as well as the Cook County Recorder of Deeds, Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Department of Insurance, Illinois Department of Finance and Professional Regulation and the Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology. On December 1, 2016, the Illinois Department of Finance and Professional Regulation announced the release of their proposed Digital Currency Regulatory Guidance while the Department of Innovation and Technology released a Blockchain and Distributed Ledge Request for Information.

These steps confirm the state’s willingness to embrace blockchain technology and to welcome blockchain companies. The Land of Lincoln has also announced the creation of a blockchain business liaison[9] role within the Illinois Department of Commerce.

Types of Cryptocurrencies

There are many forms of cryptocurrencies as discussed in Geo’s Biz Blog with Bitcoin amongst the most popular.

If you are interested in trading in Bitcoin you can get a trading guide at Commodity.com, which may be useful. It includes a fully up-to-date list where readers can see where bitcoin is legal and regulated. The guide is continually updated, comprehensive and looks great on mobile devices. You can learn more here.

Contact a Chicago Business Lawyer

If you are a Chicagoland Business Owner the surrounding areas and you are not familiar with blockchain technology, it is important to contact a Chicago business lawyer to discuss the advantages that blockchain technology can bring to your company. With the state taking a leadership role in using and welcoming blockchain technology, you need the skilled Chicago business lawyers at Bellas & Wachowski Attorneys at Law to keep track of this cutting-edge technology and the ways that it can benefit your Chicago small business. Call our Chicago lawyers today for a consultation. Contact Chicago Business Lawyer George Bellas directly at 847.823.9032, george@bellas-wachowski.com or use our online contact form.


[2] Deloitte survey

[3] Business Insider

[4] Bitcoin on Overstock.com

[5] Blockchain and financial institutions

[6] United States Postal Service

[7] Theft of 72 million in bitcoins

[8] Illinois Blockchain Initiative

[9] Blockchain business liaison

What's the Difference Between Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin? (2024)


What's the Difference Between Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin? ›

Let's start with some quick definitions. Blockchain is the technology that enables the existence of cryptocurrency (among other things). Bitcoin is the name of the most recognized cryptocurrency, the one for which blockchain technology, as we currently know it, was created.

What is the difference between blockchain and cryptocurrency and Bitcoin? ›

A cryptocurrency is a form of digital money. Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Tether, and Cardano are examples. Units of cryptocurrency are called coins or tokens. A blockchain is a distributed peer-to-peer database that has strict rules for adding data.

What is the main difference between the Ethereum blockchain and Bitcoin blockchain? ›

The main difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum is that Bitcoin was designed as a way to carry out relatively simple digital payments, whereas Ethereum is a network that supports a complex financial ecosystem. Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) do have plenty in common, though.

What are the differences between cryptocurrencies? ›

While bitcoin, bitcoin cash, and litecoin are standalone cryptocurrencies, ether and ripple exist as part of wider networks with expanded applications. If the popularity of these networks increases or they are adopted by mainstream businesses, demand for their underlying cryptocurrencies could surge.

What is blockchain in simple words? ›

What is blockchain technology? Blockchain technology is an advanced database mechanism that allows transparent information sharing within a business network. A blockchain database stores data in blocks that are linked together in a chain.

Is blockchain just crypto? ›

A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger shared among a computer network's nodes. They are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions, but they are not limited to cryptocurrency uses.

Is every cryptocurrency a blockchain? ›

Almost all cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin, are secured via blockchain networks. Which means their accuracy is constantly being verified by a huge amount of computing power.

Why is Bitcoin different from other cryptocurrencies? ›

Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, meaning it is not controlled by any government or financial institution. Instead, transactions are recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain.

How many blockchains are there? ›

This article will explore the expansive and diverse world of blockchain technology, delving into the over 1,000 distinct blockchains that exist as of 2024, each offering unique functionalities for various industries.

Is Ethereum a blockchain or a coin? ›

Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform that establishes a peer-to-peer network that securely executes and verifies application code, called smart contracts. Smart contracts allow participants to transact with each other without a trusted central authority.

Which coin will reach $1 in 2024? ›

Exploring the potential cryptocurrencies like Pikamoon, Dogecoin, Book of Meme, Rosewifhat, and Zilliqa as contenders to hit the $1 milestone. Key factors like utility, viral potential, and clear roadmaps suggest their potential amidst market sentiment and unique tokenomics.

How does money move in the blockchain? ›

Blockchain tracks the movement of money between wallets through a decentralized ledger system. Each transaction is recorded on a block, which is then added to a chain of blocks in a chronological order. This chain of blocks is maintained by a network of computers (nodes) that validate and verify each transaction.

What type of blockchain is Bitcoin? ›

The first type of blockchain technology is public blockchain. This is where cryptocurrency like Bitcoin originated and helped to popularize distributed ledger technology (DLT). It removes the problems that come with centralization, including less security and transparency.

Can a blockchain be hacked? ›

Each newly created block makes it more secure. An existing blockchain, therefore, cannot be hacked in the traditional sense of "being hacked," where malicious code is introduced into the chain or someone "hacks" into the network with brute force and begins making changes or asserting control.

How do you explain blockchain to dummies? ›

'Blockchain' is a compound word– here the 'blocks' are the records of data, and the 'chains' are the links each record has with each other. It's a democratizing technology, in that it makes everyone equally accountable and equally in control (at least in the case of public blockchains– but more on that later).

What is blockchain in layman's language? ›

A blockchain is a distributed, immutable, and decentralized ledger at its core that consists of a chain of blocks and each block contains a set of data. The blocks are linked together using cryptographic techniques and form a chronological chain of information.

What is an example of a blockchain? ›

Blockchains store information on monetary transactions using cryptocurrencies, but they also store other types of information, such as product tracking and other data. For example, food products can be tracked from the moment they are shipped out, all throughout their journey, and up until final delivery.

Is Bitcoin equal to blockchain? ›

Blockchain is the technology that underpins the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but Bitcoin is not the only version of a blockchain distributed ledger system in the market.

Does Bitcoin have its own blockchain? ›

Bitcoin is a digital currency that can be used instead of fiat currencies or physical cash. It uses a blockchain to secure transaction information out of the reach of centralized third parties who traditionally facilitate and regulate transactions.

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