What Pocket Should I Keep My Wallet In? (2024)


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Is there really a best place to hold your wallet? You want someplace easy to access but where your wallet won’t fall out and hopefully hidden enough to deter pickpockets. Most people carry wallets in their back pocket, coat pocket or bag, but the best place to store your wallet is actually the front pocket, and there are a couple reasons why.

Front Pocket Wallets

Before we get into why a front pocket is the best place to carry your wallet, let’s get one thing out of the way. Size. Everyone’s first objection is that wallets don’t fit comfortably in the front pocket of most pants, and if you’re talking about a traditional bifold then you’d be right. Luckily, slim smart wallets are quickly making that leather trifold obsolete. These minimalist wallets organize everything you need into a vertical stack with a pop-up function so you can access the contents of your wallet at the click of a button. These wallets take up less than half the space of a normal wallet and fit easily into any pocket.

Now more about the benefits of front pocket wallets.

Where to Carry a Wallet to Avoid Pickpockets

Whether you’re on your way to work or traveling a foreign country pickpockets are common and usually good at their craft. Carrying a wallet in your back pocket makes you an easier target for pickpockets. Not only is your wallet literally behind your back, you’re also less likely to be alarmed by someone brushing past your back as you would someone brushing very close to your upper thigh. Carrying a slim wallet in a front pocket means you can keep an eye on it.

Back Pocket Wallets Can Cause Back Pain

There’s a reason why one shoulder bags and bad posture end up giving you back pain. Because if anything is happening to one side of your back and not the other, your spine can easily become misaligned and cause chronic pain. And sitting on something unevenly can be just as bad as carrying something unevenly. If you sit everyday with a wallet in your back pocket, even a couple inches difference between your left and right side can slowly cause misalignment that results in discomfort or even chronic pain. By switching to a slim wallet and carrying it in your front pocket, you not only ditch unneeded weight but also prevent possible damage to your spine.

Depending on your style and occupation, your everyday essentials are going to look a little different. Some people need lots of cards and cash at all times, while others might just need one or two cards for everything in their day. No matter where you’re going, carrying your wallet in your front pocket is the best way to help deter pickpockets and prevent back pain while still keeping your wallet close by and easily accessible. Discover slim front pocket wallets in different materials and colors suited to your day here.

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Based on 34780 reviews


Easy to use I love it!

Jonathan B.R.



Best wallet I've used.

I love my wallet, I would recommend anyone to buy one of these products any of them are good and well made. Easy access to card and plenty of room to hold Money and plenty of cards.




Not my fathers wallet

I finally made the jump to this type of wallet. I am very glad I did. The only drawback is if you have a lot of cash, however, that is very rare anymore. I love this wallet and will most likely but more in the future.




Super thin and slim very nice wallets

Wupr thin and nice wallets




Excellent wallets

Fantastic quality and design




Carbon wallet

I purchased one for my husband and had it personalized. He absolutely loves the sleek style, he hated carring around the bulky wallet in his back pocket. Now he can carry it in his front pocket and not have the weight of the bulky wallet. I will forever purchase ekster wallets for my husband and sons.




Love my wallet

Comfort second to none.




Leather Cardholder

Started with the Parliament wallet. Liked the look and feel a lot, but being a minimalist I eventually found it too bulky. Switched to the leather cardholder and liked it a whole lot better. When I realized I could remove the external cardholder (wondered why it came with the extra band!!) it became the perfect wallet for me! RFID protection and super-slim. Love it.




Everything I wanted in a card holder

Have used the wallet for about two weeks know and I can confidently say that I got what I payed for. I love showing it off all its features to my friends and family and they share my enthusiasm for the quality of the product. I've wanted some sleek and compact yet tough and this wallet is all that and more.

David C.


Aluminum Cardholder

iOS, wallet card

Received my card tracker and so far it is doing great glad they made one wonderful find my iPhone. I truly recommend it.




Parliament Card Holder

Parliament, love it. I also really like the Apple tracker, fits like a credit card




Parliament Wallet

A great high quality wallet. I really like the card holder and strap for cash. I am defining buying another one.




Napa Black Parliament Wallet with new Tracker Card

Very satisfied with my purchase of a black Parliament with the new Tracker Card. Quality and detail work is great as is the overall design. This wallet really does have the best of an old school storage wallet and a modern thin design.




Modern, Minimalist and Stylish

The best modern wallet by far! Great looking and the best functionality out of any wallet I’ve ever used!

Andrew S.



Modern and Stylish

Very good looking and has that modern minimalist look. Better than Rigid and the other wallet manufacturers in this space by far!

Andrew S.




What Pocket Should I Keep My Wallet In? (2024)


What Pocket Should I Keep My Wallet In? ›

No matter where you're going, carrying your wallet in your front pocket is the best way to help deter pickpockets and prevent back pain while still keeping your wallet close by and easily accessible.

What is the best way to keep your wallet? ›

“It's better to keep your wallet safe in a coat pocket or inside a secure bag or briefcase, but if you really can't get out of the pants pocket habit, it's better to keep it in your front pocket.”

Is it better to carry wallet in front or back pocket? ›

Carrying your wallet in your front pocket prevents sciatica and back pain that can arise from sitting on your wallet, makes you less attractive as a victim of pick-pocketing, and gets rid of the unattractive “wallet bulge” that a big back pocket wallet can cause.

What pocket do men put their wallet in? ›

It's not uncommon to see a man place his wallet in his back pocket. After all, considering how tight men's trousers are getting, there's no other place to put it. Additionally, bi-fold wallets for men tend to be big and bulky that you can't even force them into the front pocket.

Where should I hold my wallet? ›

The front pocket is a popular option because it can protect you from pickpocketing.

Should you keep your wallet in your pocket? ›

By opting for a different storage location, such as a front pocket or a bag with added security measures, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to such theft. Storing your wallet in your back pocket can lead to discomfort in the short term and potential health issues in the long term.

Should I carry 2 wallets? ›

If your money is divided between two wallets, losing one wallet to theft, accident, or absentmindedness won't mean “game over.” Keep your high-limit credit cards safer in your second wallet. This will eliminate the risk of them being misused in case you don't immediately realize you've lost your wallet.

Why a small wallet is better? ›

It's better for your health.

Carrying a regular sized wallet can actually damage your posture since you most likely carry it in your back pocket. Sitting unevenly, such as on a bulky wallet on one side, can lead to nerve pain, such as Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome.

How much money should you keep in your wallet? ›

In addition to keeping funds in a bank account, you should also keep between $100 and $300 cash in your wallet and about $1,000 in a safe at home for unexpected expenses. Everything starts with your budget. If you don't budget correctly, you don't know how much you need to keep in your bank account.

Why shouldn't you put your phone in your front pocket? ›

Avoid carrying your phone in your pocket, on your belt, or anywhere close to your body since cell phones emit radiation even when they are not in use. Limit your cell phone use in rural areas or in any place where reception is poor. More radiation is emitted when you are farther from a cell phone tower.

Is it OK to carry a cell phone in your shirt pocket? ›

Is it bad for health to have a cellphone in my pocket in a long term? You're Fine. There is no harmful radiation, other than heat (at high levels), emitted from a cellphone. The “cellphones emitting radiation” theory has been disproved many times, in many studies.

What is in a millionaires wallet? ›

A millionaire's wallet is different from the average person. It contains fewer cards and less cash, but some important emergency supplies and smart amounts of money.

What color wallet do men prefer? ›

The most popular colors for men's wallets are black and brown.

How to keep wallet and phone safe? ›

To help keep your phone safe from pickpockets, carry it in your front pocket, not your back one – or even better, use something to attach it to you physically, like a lanyard or a crossbody phone strap.

What is the safest way to carry your wallet? ›

You want someplace easy to access but where your wallet won't fall out and hopefully hidden enough to deter pickpockets. Most people carry wallets in their back pocket, coat pocket or bag, but the best place to store your wallet is actually the front pocket, and there are a couple reasons why.

What's the best way to not lose your wallet? ›

Here are nine great tips to keep better track of your wallet and recover it quickly if lost.
  1. Take Organization More Seriously. ...
  2. Scale Back The Size Of Your Everyday Carry. ...
  3. Plan Ahead And Set Reminders. ...
  4. Keep A Hidden Emergency Stash. ...
  5. Try A Phone Case Wallet Attachment. ...
  6. Own A Wallet You Truly Love. ...
  7. Rely On Ringing.

How to prevent your wallet from being stolen? ›

Here's some advice given to me by a thief who won the lotto.
  1. Be prepared. ...
  2. Wear a money belt. ...
  3. Leave valuables in your hotel room. ...
  4. Secure your bag, gadgets, and other valuables when you're out and about. ...
  5. Stay vigilant in crowds and steer clear of commotions. ...
  6. Establish a "don't lose it" discipline.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Last Updated:

Views: 5804

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.